General Discussion

General DiscussionMorphling

Morphling in General Discussion

    what playstyle, items, skill builds do u guys use for this hero and how do u guys secure farm coz everytime i play him its just 0 farm in lane????


      summoning dog


        morph agility to hp around 500 to start with a wraith band and tangos. only go str in emergency situations. as you level up keep it low maybe up to 600-700 depending on who you lane against. that will help with last hits. if they have lots of target spells get linkens first. if you have a stun support you can get early kills with waveform and a few right clicksalternate morph and waveform, no ult until level 9. You shouldn't fight until then anyways. when you do fight ult an ally and send it to fountain then if youre in trouble just click r and you are safe in fountain. Other than that eblade skadi after links and you can pretty much keep str all the way down and still have over 1k hp, 1.5k after skadi. Then bfly if you get that far.


          theres only two ways to morph.
          rush eblade.
          or play so late that youre impossible to kill.

          -getting farm in lane should be easy because or your right click dmg.
          you should also be able to kill alot of heros with waveform.

          - if you are up against burst,
          keep your hp a lil higher than you want,
          and buy cost efficient early game items to boost your stats.

          you have to understand youre effective hp with str morph,
          and accept that fact your hp will get scary low, but youll be okay.

          good items:
          ring of basi/aquila
          power treads
          blink dagger
          sange and yasha

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                You split push and kill people with shotgun, that's how you play him.


                  Start with wraith band xD


                    i have been summoned to give you shitty advice :

                    u start like this : skill morf > and start morphing > in the meantime buy tangoes salve wb recipe circlet branch.
                    morph till 386-408 hp (i htink those are the numbers, no poossy gaming allowed here fucboi).

                    if its solo offlaner > u won dota : farm like killa and deceive him with ur "low hp" and hit him for 1/5 of his life bait/kill him.
                    if theres 2 people and u have at least 1 support > its ok u can farm , but ull probably need bottle to sustain in this lane, but u can still bait them and kill them, depends on how bad your enemy is and on your mate.
                    if theres 3 people trying to hate on your aquaman ass u shud switch lane or lose some dota.

                    the general build recomended by higher rated players is linken rush into ethereal blade > situational (manta/skadi/satanic/bkb)
                    i would recommend gettin linken only if you have freefarm and are confident that u gonna finish it relatively early.
                    if not just go for ethereal blade and rest of the build remains the same.

                    skill build is morf lvl 1 > max wave for obvious reasons > then max morph > i like to have my ulti after maxed 1 and 3 but the stun can be very helpful sometimes.

                    playstyle is > farm & kill if u can , dont die because its hard to die with morphling, push when theres pushing to be done, hunt people with eblade and ur illusion in a safe spot.

                    butterfly is not too good because you already have 50000 armor and it baits people into buulding mkb which gives 100 magical damage on proc i think.
                    mkb is not the best because u want slots for other shit, same with daedalus ( u generally would want stats over damage any day).
                    only get mkb when u need it to win and only get daedalus never.
                    bkbs is like on every hero : means u have a hard game/struggle to win, meaning u should avoid it if u can but you should get it when its the only way to win ( rat bkb morf strat).

                    i tried some other builds like manta rush or drums eblade and worked okish for me, but if u really wanna play this hero good, find whats best for u.

                    lm ao

                      WAO VERI GUD ADVAYS

                      U GOD BRO


                        do you level ult at 11?


                          yes definitely


                            I play morphling alot..i love this hero..its like extraordinary hero to me..the problem is i cant play morphling well ..low winrate


                              Get a lot of stats at first
                              Power treads. full wand. aquilla ring
                              and from there you are able to decide if you need a link or you can rush shotgun its up to you.
                              a good combo on a lane and in general is cm.
                              It can help you get kills on lane sometimes too and it also gives you a mana aura with mana regen which is extremely important for morphling.
                              Check my profile I got lots of games with that hero


                                I always 2tangos 1circlet 4wood..then magic wand - linken - shotgun next item situational.. on every morp i doing right?


                                  Miracle Plays Morph n gets a rampage:


                                  Here are the main things about Morphling:
                                  He's very hard to kill, he has like the 3rd less deaths per match out of every hero
                                  He needs stats to make use of his morphing ability to damage between High Damage and Low Health, Or Low Damage and High Health
                                  Enemy can 5 man and Morphling cannot do TOO MUCH but if he hits enough heroes with his Q and his team is behind him he can actually counter push well.
                                  Morph needs a lot of items. He's like Spectre. Not very useful early, but give him some items and he becomes very difficult to deal with.
                                  He tends to lose a lot because if you go for eblade build enemies can just get BKB...... And he's not the best right clicker compared to Sven and shit like that.. and Spectre is just a better carry in safe lane.
                                  If you get an advantage with Morph you are in a very good position because when he gets items he deals tons of damage and is hard to kill.

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