General Discussion

General DiscussionStorm Spirit discussion

Storm Spirit discussion in General Discussion

    I'm not exactly new to Dota. I've watched Dota for over 5 months but have only been playing since valentines day. When watching i really liked the dynamics of Storm Spirit and he was my most favorite character to watch. However, after how badly he got nerfed in 6.86 i can't find any good videos about him on youtube and have been unlucky with finding high mmr games on Dota post nerf of the character. I have a decent winrate right now with him (57-58%) however i only win when i play with other late game characters such as spectre. My usual build by level 10 is 2-3-4-1, and there has been controversy on data fire over whether a 4-1-4-1 would be better or not, however vortex combos into overcharge + remnant + overcharge once you get it to level 3.

    -Basically which do you think would be a better skill build?
    -And if you think it is totally situational, then what are the general situations in which you would use a different build?

    As for items i usually buy bottle -> arcane boots -> soul ring -> soul booster (after dissembling arcane boots, yielding bloodstones), from here i normally get either orchid or scythe -> bkb or linken (keep in mind that damage from storm spirit is almost always from his abilities)

    -What could i buy differently to help late game, as for i usually struggle a whole lot late game?
    -Orchid vs. Scythe, is the 5 second silence and 30% debuff worth more than the 3.5 second hex or not, i can never decide?
    -Should i buy bkb or linken? Should i buy the bkb and or linken before or after the scythe/orchid?

    general questions:
    -How can i change up my game to better fit late game?
    -What general tips are there for playing this character?
    -Does the flat 100 mana cost for remnant make it better to max out before overcharge or not?

    if you where wondering what my general skill build was it is (and by general i mean practically every game):
    1. remnant
    2. overcharge
    3-5. vortex
    6. ult
    7-8. overcharge
    9. remnant
    10. overcharge
    11. ult
    12. remnant
    13. remnant
    14. vortex
    15. general attributes
    16. ult

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      Bottle, Arcane Boots, Soul Ring, Soul Booster, Bloodstone = no damage.


        the most that is viable for damage on storm spirit as an item is power treads, check any build or game online.


          I can't speak as a Storm player. But as a support player who was ganked by Storm a lot (few patches ago) I can tell you that with Bloodstone first item you will not be able to kill anybody (without some help from your team).

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                  Yeah, listen to Kitrak. I bet he never buys Arcane Boots into Bloodstone, but goes for PT+Orchid instead.

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                          Kitrak nice advice dude for real.

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                                I don't know what to say then... If your game plan is to buy Bloodstone and farm jungle for the rest of the match, then pick another hero, please.

                                P.S. Or uninstall...
                                P.P.S. ...better uninstall...

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                                    I think you triggered him, Soul.

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                                        Storm needs items to be very useful.. He's squishy and mana hungry..

                                        So Kitrak makes perfect sense

                                        You just need your team to create space for you on the map. That's all.

                                        Safe lane storm spirit sounds like a great idea.


                                          oh all knowing kitrak, if windranger is one of the worst heroes in dota right now, how am I climbing by spamming her offlane lmfao

                                          Venus, MBA

                                            I'm not much of a Storm player, but Soultrap has a point. Bloodstone and arcanes alone don't offer storm much damage, and his spells only do so much on their own. Orchid and power treads first give you a bit more right click and solo kill potential. You can have all the mana in the world but without proper damage items, you can't solo kill as easily.

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                                                    Storm outfarms whom? When Storm was in meta there was SF as well, and I don't think that idea to outfarm SF is the brightest. Storm is often counterpicked by AM as well. I doubt you can outfarm that guy too.

                                                    Lets not talk about old time, whom you can outfarm now. Sven?... Spectre after she finishes her Radiance, because you decided to outfarm her and went for Bloodstone? Yeah, right...

                                                    Wait, I need to name some mid heroes. Hmmm... Another great idea is to outfarm midas Invoker.

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                                                        something is actually FUCKING HAPPENING ON THE FORUMS

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                                                          Nothing happening, just usual Kitrak's ego.

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                                                                  He cracked. Somebody call the ambulance.

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                                                                      well ik he does this but normally it isn't this actively so it's amusing


                                                                        im not trying to be offensive or anything but i only asked like 5 questions... I'm so confused what you are saying rn kitrak

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                                                                              i mean the most i have seen any competitive player go for damage wise is treads, and kitrak, how exactly would you farm with storm if you aren't mid. the jungle would be awful considering he wouldn't be able to kill hardly any neutral creeps until lvl 13-16


                                                                                I think my 4.5k MMR is enough to give an advice or two, besides I gave my advice from "support perspective on Storm Spirit".

                                                                                Another good question is: how much MMR you need to act like a [untranslatable russian insult] on this forum?

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                                                                                    There's been a few topics where several 6k+ MMR players posted their opinions on skill builds and items before. The result was that no more than 2 of them actually agreed on something at a time and this was even when high 5k was considered very good.

                                                                                    Really, the idea of this forums ever improving is just wishful thinking.


                                                                                      jungle would be awful considering he wouldn't be able to kill hardly any neutral creeps until lvl 13-16


                                                                                        ahhh got it. I understand Kitrak. Would i still want the arcane's or treads early or should i go a different route in that case. and soul trap, you've only played three games with SS they where pre patch and you did awful, your build was awful, everything is awful. You're contribution to this post has been cancer.

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                                                                                            @vohiyo, i was just thinking that in my build mentioned above remnant wouldn't be maxed until 12-16ish levels


                                                                                              Can anybody with Dotabuff plus confirm that every 5k+ MMR player buys Arcane Boots into Bloodstone first item for the last 12 months?


                                                                                                is there any merit to 441 builds btw since the buffs have been pushing towards that direction


                                                                                                  i know zenoth went arc bs build the last few times i palyed with him

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                                                                                                      Alright Kitrak, Thanks for the suggestions, I'm gonna try out all of what you just said tonight and tomorrow and hit you up if thats alright with you afterwards. Thanks!

                                                                                                      Riguma Borusu

                                                                                                        If you think bloodstone gives you no damage, you're literally brain damaged. In fact, a lot of heroes don't build a ton of damage in order to be able to deal damage, some heroes get blink in order to be positioned to deal the most damage they can, some heroes build tanky and either deal damage by the virtue of surviving and/or hitting shit or reflecting, etc. There are actually very few heroes who directly build damage @ default builds, and most of those heroes need mobility items too (TA may get a Daedalus and Deso, but if she's in no position to deal damage, well, fuck).

                                                                                                        I mean, I should probably stop rushing blink on LC because it gives no damage, now, let's disregard the fact it lets me PTA to get up to +120 attack speed in the fog, and then blink and duel without giving the opponents much time to react, I should probably just rush first item divine rapier, run at my enemies and duel, because that's exactly how dota works and that's how I deal damage.

                                                                                                        Storm gets a bloodstone and can more freely spam his spells, is more mobile due to it and effectively deals a lot more damage, the same thing goes for farming.

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