Mostly the standard early items pms -> wand -> bottle -> aquila -> bots and then bf unless I need dispel. Still adapting to playing with treads so I'll have an alternate if the early game starts pretty grim, which is pretty common in the bracket I'm in.
OP ur just bad
if u are a good player you can just go mid and snowball out of controll
thats atleast how i play ember
not on this account atleast on my main account:
dont be scared if enemy stuns are magical, btw if u could practice it, u can dodge projectiles with sof, also never be a pu$$y, this thing is just fucking davai
Just adjust within what you are already doing. You really cant commit with ember in most fights you just have to kite the edge and sleight. You can commit when you gank lanes and that's where your kills are going to come from. It infuriates me that ember just isnt a hero that can close out a game.
Ok that makes sense ember is a great chaser but not really the being in the middle of a fight kind of hero, so I'll work towards the ganking kills or manning up against characters I know I'd run over with flame guard and chains
on ember, at the start of the game, buy courier, wards, tango, healing salve, clarity. on 2mins+ upgrade the courier, buy 2 more wards. dont forget to place the wards on the proper spots. buy sentry wards to deward. buy wards again for map vision of your team. ez win
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Been playing a couple ember games, and I'm finding difficulty striking the balance between fighting early and farming for my items to be relevant. Which timing would you want to be aggressive in fights and how would you pick your fights to hop into? Also how would you place yourself in teamfights?
After spectating other people play I think I'm playing too defensive/passive with a defensive remnant somewhere safe and only sleighting enemies from a range, jumping away when I feel threatened. I think tihs is really limiting my impact even with a couple items as shown with tons of assists but not there to notch the finish kills so I'm trying to fix this (most ember plays are depicted with high k but I'm left with low k high assists). Thoughts suggestions?