General Discussion

General DiscussionDogshit teams do hold people back.

Dogshit teams do hold people back. in General Discussion
everything golden

    So how does players get 8K solo mmr? Go back to LoL.

    The Best Girl Gamer(comme...

      by not getting dogshit teammates.


        so uhhm.. do you get commends?

        The Best Girl Gamer(comme...

          Anyways my point is that the game puts me on "high skill game" with really bad teammate and I lose games really bad because they don't know how to lane properly and fuck me over. I am feeding in game because my team take my exp or lane away from me. Its so fucking annoying.... Not even intentional feed my team is just throw so hard I cannot get farm. But in most of my VHS game I am winning and get good score. I just hate having to play on low skill games with people who take all cores and steal all my farm.... And if I play support it turn out like my witchdoctor game. Long ass fucking game and my carry cant carry. The PA miss like 40 last hits in a row and couldnt get lasthit until like 9 minutes into game when he have some damage items.

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          The Best Girl Gamer(comme...
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              dude, u r nowhere near good urself


                u ruin the game for others and make excuses about how its ur teammates fault. if u knew to play, u wouldnt get 1.3k HD in your last match as OD, Mr. Game Ruiner.

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                < blank >

                  op is dogshit

                  The Best Girl Gamer(comme...

                    my fucking team steal every lane i go to for farm. there was nothing i can do

                    The Best Girl Gamer(comme...

                      see i lost my last game with score 8-3, my support steal my farm in lane and doesnt harass.... everyone is feeding all over map. nothing i can do. i always have these dogshits in my fucking lane taking my farm and exp. so i am force to go to dangerous place to try to get farm, or i get 3 man gank.. there is nothing i can do because my team is so shiiiiiiiiiiit. they take my farm so i have to try to find farm other places, and by the time i can get decent item they have already feed 20-30 kills... thats assuming i dont get ganked a million times.. alot of time i cant even farm because game is already over

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                        u see, exactly as i said: you are finding fucking excuses for yourself.
                        dont u think everyone else is doing the same, and they think that you feed and are being useless, while they were forced to play bad by external circumstances, its not their fault, and teammats hold them back? well, its way easier to assume that instead of realizing that u play pretty poorly, and the teammates u got are just as bad as u r on average.

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                          alright so you're telling me your 0/6 od and and 1/4 wk with 1k hero damage isnt the reason you guys lost ? yeah you're delusional mate ayyy lmao

                          The Best Girl Gamer(comme...

                            every one of these game i have someone in my lane fucking me, look my last game i am solo offlane weaver and im still best on team even though i died. it takes a really shit teammate to make me do bad in a game. I just dont understand, I am 11-2 in a very high skill game and it drop me to high skill the next game and put me with a bunch of shit peruvians

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                              cz u lie to urself about being better than others, cz u r clearly worst, and its obvious from ur matches?


                                i guess u r like 2400-3000 on ur man account and u definetely so not deserve more than that

                                The Best Girl Gamer(comme...

                                  i dont have a mmr on any account. im actually really good at this game and am able to comprehend it in a more holistic way than most players. most people just look at someones kd and base their skill off of that. most people think they are better than the game and can play any hero they want and still do good. they dont understand how their decisions impact their teammates. they dont understand why certain hero play well in certain lanes and whatnot. they dont understand how to get maximum value from hero selection. they dont understand how to play in general outside of (im gonna go for early kills so I can snowball). these dipshits dont know how to prioritize objectives, play their position or anything. they just pick a random fucking hero and do random shit all game. they buy bkb just so they dont die,, but have not enough damage output to make anything happen. they take your farm or exp while accomplishing nothing in the lane. they dont know how to zone people out, they dont know how to fucking do anything other than pick random hero and hope to get fed. they look at lanes as just a place you are suppose to go and start fighting, and dont have an actual strategy.

                                  I watch alot of pro matches, and sometimes I feel like the casters copy everything I type in the chat box. I predict alot of things that will happen. I can tell when one team is ahead when other people think they are behind. Quite often I can predict the next hero that will be picked in drafting phase. I can see weakness in drafts before midgame. I just know in general how things are going to play out. Like that WK game where I went 1-4. I could tell withing a minute that my lane was lost because we were 2v1 against a fucking jugger and invoker was just sitting there the whole time not harassing. We could have zoned him out on level one or two, but invoker was too stupid. he just watch jug make damage exchange and not do anything..... its obvious we are going to lose if he just let jug get max value from lane like that.

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                                    u lose 4 games in a row and u might be right that those 4 games were simply unfortunate. chance put u with shit teammates. but u just gotta play more games and get a larger sample. or perhaps ur not good enough to be put in the vhs bracket so ur just gonna lose until u hit ur right mmr.

                                    or, becuz u have low amount of games, ur games are gonna be shit in general. no point raging, just accept it as fact of life. but it is unlikely gonna keep up at this rate.


                                      You don't need to win your lane if you're significantly better than everyone else in the game. Nobody is fucking up except you.
                                      And with your superior game knowledge you should get an edge in every game because you out pick the enemy on average (5 possible bad picks > 4 possible bad picks).

                                      Livin' Real Good

                                        You said " i'm actually good at this game, but my team is shit. " yet barely survive in 3K? You remind me of a guy I met in one of my matches 3.9/4.0K average, he said he's been playing since 2007, and he hasn't hit 4K yet cause of the peruvians ruining his games for years, how many years until he learns that he's not that good, especially if he hasn't gotten 4K by now, just like you, he will never learn.

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                                        The Best Girl Gamer(comme...

                                          bravest tears doesnt understand the word synergy. also doesnt understand that in order to carry bad people, you need massive farm unless you are in like a 2k game... you are limited to your heroes potential, which is circumstantial. like if your team feeds a legion commander 100 dual victory damage and 3 core items in 15 minutes as almost any hero there is nothing you can do other than hope not to get caught out by him. if your team isnt warding then you have to buy the wards and hope they give you enough. at this point you are also behind nomadder what unless you yourself got fed several kills. every hero has a potential to how it scales. if you are playing a hero like spectre, you need good support to get the proper farm to carry your team. if your team throws the lane level 1 what can you fucking do? there is absolutely nothign you can do because there is no jungling potential for him at leevl 1. it doesnt matter how good you are, if you are spectre vs an agressive lane with no support you are just fucked ESP if your team all lost their lanes as well. there is absolutely no way to come back unless you get towerdived and somehow get a really lucky kill. there are so many situations, like the WK game I played that there isnt really anything you can do. Your laning with a dipshit as wk, which fucks up your timing to get your items which means weak early pushing and your hero becomes useless because it doesnt farm well vs the other teams draft and your team is just utter dogshit.


                                            saw your recent games OP. You are indeed an individual with high potential, keep it up.

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                                            Livin' Real Good

                                              We all deal with this shit, what don't you understand, you're not the only one who gets 0-11 jungle pudges ya know, so stop crying, and go play on your main account.