General Discussion

General DiscussionSniper low skillcap high reward hero

Sniper low skillcap high reward hero in General Discussion

    Anyone who posts below me is an idiot

    Visita Hari Danta

      he's not that hard .-.

      Pale Mannie

        Good thing this is not 6.83


          i hate both heroes, but youre sooo wrong about this


            Invoker? Hard?


            ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

              Compared to Sniper even Drow ranger is a very complicated hero.


                ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                  I don't like playing with Sniper because Sniper usually doesn't contribute much except KS.

                  It's okay if you KS but you should at least do other stuff.

                  Ce commentaire a été édité

                    Phantom you're a noob. Any hero who gets in snipers face makes him 100% uselsss

                    Tusk, spectre, faceless void, phantom assassin, axe with blink, morphling ,Ursa,

                    Please stop posting dude you have no idea what you're saying.

                    You just play against new players who don't understand anything about dota, jus because sniper wrecks them does not mean he is easy or a good hero. It just means noobs like u with 30% win rates just don't know what tp do, u just spam the same hero every match, instead of picking a hero to counter enemies.

                    Please stop posting. This is the last time I ever comment on any of ur threads.

                    Everyone plz follow my lead and stop commenting in this guy's threads.

                    If we don't stop commenting, then more noobs w. 30% win rates will flood dotabuff with nonsensical bull shit

                    lm ao

                      I cant just ignore this guy he's fucking gold bruh


                        Sniper was magical about a year ago

                        Miku Plays

                          invoker hard? u just press the same buttons all game wtf


                            Invoker is very easy to have an impact with in game. Most people can't play sniper because he is very easy to counter and they have no awareness, don't play aggressively enough using his range, and do stupid shit like ulti when they are in auto attack range (when auto attack does more dps than ultimate). Counters to sniper is pretty easy man, blinks, high movement heroes, and blade mail.


                              i can never win with sniper lol

                              ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                                Invoker is very easy to have an impact with in game. Most people can't play sniper because he is very easy to counter and they have no awareness, don't play aggressively enough using his range, and do stupid shit like ulti when they are in auto attack range (when auto attack does more dps than ultimate). Counters to sniper is pretty easy man, blinks, high movement heroes, and blade mail.

                                Except with Sniper you don't even have to be present in a fight to have a good score. You can stay a good 4000 units away and do nothing but press R and still end up with scores like 7/0/3.

                                At least with Invoker you have to be within like 800 range or so.

                                Ce commentaire a été édité

                                  Sunstrike deals tons of pure damage, has global range and can very easily hit the enemy if there's some coordination with your team. Sniper ulti can be discharged by blinks, smokes, euls, spells that makes you hidden/invulnerable on the map like od's w, and bkb, other items or spells that grants partial/total magic immunity completly counters its damage

                                  Ce commentaire a été édité
                                  acc buyers in my team

                                    lol this dude and his threads :D


                                      I'm not sure why you have an issue with sniper. As someone who plays Riki, you should view sniper as a free kill. If he gets shadow blade you just buy dust and keep killing him.

                                      ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                                        Sunstrike deals tons of pure damage, has global range and can very easily hit the enemy if there's some coordination with your team. Sniper ulti can be discharged by blinks, smokes, euls, spells that makes you hidden/invulnerable on the map like od's w, and bkb or spells that grants magic immunity totally counters its damage

                                        Sunstrike has a cast time of 1 second and by that time they can walk out.

                                        For Sniper's ult, you can't walk out of it, you can only see the target on your head, cry and wait for the health bar to go red.


                                          You can walk out of the range, just doesn't happen often because the range is pretty long. If sniper uses ulti and you walk past the max range before it goes off, he will stop the skill.

                                          Ce commentaire a été édité


                                              As I already said with a little of coordination with your team it's very easy to land sunstrikes since, you know, in the game there are stuns and disables and even slows that are very good on keeping people in one place.
                                              For sniper ulti I spent 2 lines of things that counters it (not like there's really the need of counter it, since sniper's main utlity doesn't come from his ulti)

                                              ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                                                Yes but where are you going to find the team coordination?

                                                It's like saying "well, with immortality it's easy to not die" but where the fuck you gonna find immortality?


                                                  Sniper actaully takes a lot of positioning and map awareness to play well since if someone jumps in his face he is dead unless it is pretty late in the game . Nerf to shrapnel screwed him , wouldn't mind having mini stun back to make up for the nerf .

                                                  ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                                                    Yeah but as I said Filthy you can lane passively until level 11.

                                                    Then go sit in base.

                                                    Wait for enemies to invade your base.

                                                    Ult the low health ones while staying in fountain.

                                                    Or if you have some gold: option 2:
                                                    buy blink dagger and shadow blade.

                                                    Stay as far away from fights as possible but within ult range. If you see enemies coming to gank you, blink away or go invis.

                                                    Otherwise, just ult low health enemies from 4000 units away.

                                                    Guaranteed 6+ KDA.

                                                    Ce commentaire a été édité

                                                      What damage/impact on the game are you having farming those two items and doing nothing? Sniper ulti sucks btw, I rarely use that shit past 20min mark. And i used to not even level it past 1, which is what im gonna start doing again.

                                                      ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                                                        You don't have an impact on the game, but your stats will still look really good because you're playing easy hero Sniper. Since you're never in the battle area you probably won't die a lot. Shadow blade and Blink dagger are just extra precautions.

                                                        Ce commentaire a été édité

                                                          stats dont fucking matter when you lose in the end lmao

                                                          ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                                                            Lol thats a pretty hypocritical thing to say since you guys always bashing on my stats. Lol)

                                                            ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                                                              Gonna make a new account for playing Sniper.

                                                              Dire Wolf

                                                                Of course you think sniper is op, he has a 70% win rate against you, oh wait that's every hero


                                                                  ^Ahahahah RIP

                                                                  ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                                                                    I know there's a Sniper player with a KDA of 12.5 or something with a 25% winrate.


                                                                      op u need to play some games b4 u start making posts on this forum. like 1000 or so games. and a piece of advice. stop playing riki

                                                                      ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                                                                        This is my Riki-only account. I play other heroes too, you know?


                                                                          Hero with 25% winrate, but what is good about that?

                                                                          I tell you what

                                                                            I tell you what, sniper is damn sure an easy hero to play.. But hard to master.. Uh huh


                                                                              if u played other heroes u'd know why sniper is actually a very high skill cap hero, in actual dota


                                                                                and esp in this meta, wen spectre's suddenly become such a popular sl*t

                                                                                ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                                                                                  I also play Sniper. I have a kda of 7 with him.


                                                                                    i dare you to play him one game and let's see if you do well or not lmao

                                                                                    ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                                                                                      As I said, I have a KDA of 7 with him.

                                                                                      Rushing shadow blade, blink dagger.


                                                                                        why don't u rush rapier on sniper?


                                                                                          lmao sure i can have kda of 100 when playing against bots

                                                                                          MASTUBATION MADE ME RATARDED

                                                                                            "Yeah but as I said Filthy you can lane passively until level 11."
                                                                                            *Enemy picks Earth Spirit*
                                                                                            *Earth Spirit keeps ganking mid*
                                                                                            Sniper is 3/22/0
                                                                                            - Still winning mid boyz

                                                                                            ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                                                                                              No, that's why you stand by your turret. And if you can't, you buy a shadow blade and a blink dagger. If even that doesn't work or you don't have gold, just leech another lane, duh.


                                                                                                alright guys il just make an sb and blink appear from out of nowhere

                                                                                                ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                                                                                                  As I said, leech another lane, KS a few people with your ult. Now you have enough gold.

                                                                                                  Ce commentaire a été édité
                                                                                                  THAT BITCH CAROLE BASKINS

                                                                                                    this guys the same "I tell you what" motherf*cker with the spectre thread
                                                                                                    Most determinded troll I've ever seen


                                                                                                      I highly doubt it, that troll looks like he can actually buy items.