General Discussion

General DiscussionSpreading EBOLA:Undying tips and advices

Spreading EBOLA:Undying tips and advices in General Discussion
Teamwork is the key

    I see our Michael Jackon pickers make so many things wrong for Undying.
    I would like to give and receive some advices for him.
    1: BE AGGRESSIVE: Undying has so much killing potential for level 3(even 2 if the enemy isn't playing safe and you have a buddy to slow,stun them) but people I saw playing him just don't know that and wait level 6 to do actually something
    2:RUNESPOT IS YOUR JACKPOT:4 vs 5 at 00:00 can be your jackpot if the enemy heroes are not good at level 1 for fighting (example of people good at fighting is Yarnero for example). Just go to enemy rune and spam some decay starting at 00:20(20 seconds before the rune) they contest it. Well double easy kill for your team
    3 WHEN TO PICK HIM: Dirge can take a tower and kills a lot of people before 10 minutes. You can pick him for this reason but he is kind of draft dependent.
    You can solo but another offlaner with stun or slow(Slardar,Veno,Clock) can release his true killing potential. So you pick him for take time for your carry by eliminating the other carry farm. Or you can him for fast push(never happened to me even in 3.5mmr)
    4 WHEN I PICK HIM: I know my carry want space (purple op ghost for example) so I pick him. The enemy team will lose some towers and dies thanks to your ebola spreading and you will reach surely lategame(try to push against the Tomberino you scrub).
    5 KNOW THAT YOUR AREN'T A INITIATOR: I know most of the people won't agree but for a good positioned tomb you should wait your initiator do the job or the enemy mistake. A wrong tomb is a lot of money and waste the confusing that Undying can create
    6 FOR LATEGAME: Because I usually get first blood with him I tend to go for Mida's hand,it gives a nice gold and exp boost and can give Dirge the oppurtinity of get the not-OP ebola's scepter and ofc supporting items that he needs. My record was 6 minutes mida's so..

    Some questions:
    1Does slight of fist kill your zombies?
    2Not counting NEC which are his counters?
    3Rush Agh is legit if there is a meka carrier and another supp in your team?


      They are dealt the damage, yes.
      Just zone him out and have agi heroes take down tombstone.
      Rushing Agh is not advisable but it's not bad and if you have other support items already, no problem really.

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          the average mmr of this forum's readers is ~4.5k. it makes sense when mekarazium gives some advice since hes 6k, but your attempt, OP, is kind of a waste.


            i'm 2k off the avarage, gud shit