General Discussion

General DiscussionDual Laning

Dual Laning in General Discussion

    This is just a simple observation that I see time and time again where teams dual lane with one carry on each lane and the same for supports. I am just wondering if this is actually a good thing especially when the supports on each lane leave the main carry (medusa, spectre , gyro and so on) to lane unfavorably and put themselves in a situation where they can be easily ganked. 0 rotations from either supports to gank mid but the enemy team takes advantage of this situation and pressure mid with their heroes that are free to roam. Youd think two supports will buy wards yh ? well they are both a million miles away from each other and cant hold their hands to do anything useful.
    Well my point is , is this dual lane a thing or is it that I need to learn how to cope with it or adapt to it .
    Let me have your thoughts.


      2-1-2 can be very good depending on the situation. For example, enemy has a meh offlaner and a jungler. You can punish their carry a lot with a 2-1-2 then.

      Or if you have two semi-carries instead of a hard one.


        u dont need to have a carry on ur offlane, rather smthng like qop or undying or sb. u know, borderline pos.2-3.

        Riguma Borusu

          You can get away with dual melee shit or 'dual support' picks on the offlane and have one of the guys farm it, effectively being position 3 even if it's traditionally played as a support.

          I once saw an undying warlock lane, they rekt the trilane so fucking hard I laughed my ass off, and that was a 6.5k average game.

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            ^both undying and warlock are often played as cores


              i mean, i see ur idea, but this example is just not very good //

              Riguma Borusu

                ^Just cause op's in high skill/bordering vhs, where those guys are almost exclusively played as supports (I should know, kek, and they are almost exclusive supports alongside venomancer, ss, omni, skywrath, which are all kinda decent in some lineups, as cores), which is why I said 'dual supports' and not dual supports. But you're right, a better example would be abaddon bane or something, which is not a typical lane (no real synergy) but can be pretty strong against some lineups (and again, both can be cores too, though).

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                Warren Buffneck

                  It really depends on the hero match ups. Dual laning is generally done if you don't require or want roaming supports. If you notice a team is very defensive and doesn't have a lot of early offensive pressure, static 2-1-2 can win the lanes as the supports can put less emphasis on warding, ganking, or getting ganked.

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                    Nah , I get those two can be played as cores and it makes sence with both of them cause they are not very good position 5 supports unlike a lion or maybe a venge and some others, Im in vhs by the way , i appear to be in high skill cause i play with friends in party so it brings me down. Going back to the post , I do hope people get in the habbit of choosing a viable dual lane rather than a dual lane where they choose two core carries in dual lanes to farm. And suport in dual lanes, dont camp said lane, make rotations if you have the advantage . wards to prevent your deaths and dont feed the dual lane cause you are indirectly feeding the carry.

                    Dire Wolf

                      212 is almost always better in pubs so enemy spectre's and medusa's and am's and shit don't get free farm. But sometimes they still do.


                        Dual laning is the only way to go. You are always going to get aggressively dual laned by the enemy so if you don't aggressively dual lane your enemy back they get free farm while you get something like witch doctor/slardar in your lane so if you go up for a CS you eat 2 stuns and a maledict to your face. First time it drains almost all your health, second time it kills you. Meanwhile your enemy AM is just happily farming away and your offlane does nothing to stop him and of course your moron in mid can't win the lane against the enemy mid.


                          I mostly see dual lanes in my low skill pubs. The only time I don't is if we have a jungler. Dual lanes are actually better in lower skill games because its less difficult to pull off correctly then a tri-lane or having roaming supports. In Lows skill if there is a tri-lane it just means 3 people sitting around in lane all sapping xp and they all end up level 2 at 10 minutes and feed horribly. Roaming supports are just as bad in low skill because they wonder around aimlessly, not stacking or pulling or doing anything particularly useful. If they happen to be near a lane they will go for a gank regardless if there is any kill potential and as a result you have a support with no levels who only feeds later.

                          Pale Mannie

                            Mid has the job to gank in a 2-1-2 matchup
                            Supports when fed
                            Carry when fed hardly
                            Offlaner when he has time/fed

                            Riguma Borusu

                              Mid has the job to gank in a 2-1-2 matchup
                              Supports when fed
                              Carry when fed hardly
                              Offlaner when he has time/fed

                              No, supports still do it, you can leave a 1v2 lane for a while, if mid rotates, somebody has to come to be @ mid because the mid hero is going to be away from the lane for more than a minute, and somebody gotta get that gold/exp and try to contest the other mid hero. So if you have to rotate a support mid just to have your mid gank, you're using too many resources for nothing, unless you have a clear idea what you're doing.

                              Hardly means "barely", you want to say "hard".

                              The only cases when a farming hero ganks during the laing stage are when he gets a certain level which has specific utility/lockdown that's superior to the gank prowess of his supports, and a support is already in his lane to soak up some solo exp/etc, or you're really behind and rekt in lane but can still try to help other lanes with some minor utility.


                                2-1-2 is more common in lower skill games because
                                A) It's symmetric and more intuitive than 1-1-3.
                                B) It's easier to execute than 1-1-3 (because of poor stack / pull / rotations on supports and poor survival skills on offlaners)
                                C) It fits the mentality of pubs of mid = ganker. (Remember, low MMR mids are things like Pudge, Blood, and QoP against teams with no wards and poor map awareness). Of course, competent supports in a 2-1-2 sometimes do gank mid but most of the time, both supports usually end up "rotating" to the lane that's losing.

                                Honestly, this setup is fine if mid is a hero farming semi-carry and at least one of the dual lanes has easy kill potential or strong push potential at L6 if they somehow have an empty lane.

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