General Discussion

General DiscussionA Balanced Dota Life!

A Balanced Dota Life! in General Discussion

    Managing your time for play and for work. Some say it's easy, but for me it's hard. Living a balanced dota life may be one of the key factors for a successful MMR climb. But I dunno, how about you guys? Ever been pissed of so bad that you wanted to throw your pc and how many mouse's have you slammed onto your desk? So far I broke 3 mouse's already and 5 keyboards and 1 monitor. Share your rage :)


      i broke my soul

      Livin' Real Good

        I will never want to break my stuff, cause then i'll just regret it, then rage even more when I can't play later cause I decided to break my peripherals. No idea how people even get that idea.

        It's actually been quite a long time since I truly raged on a video game and punched a wall, might of been Street Fighter IV.

        I'm not gonna lie like everyone else and say " I think it's just a game, you shouldn't be getting mad." Cause this game definitely gets me mad at times, not very often though, it's just not good for your health to be mad on this game every day, or even every week, but once a month? Yeah happens.

        As long as YOU (it's not the games fault, it's your fault) are not bringing your rage from inside the game, to the outside world, or allowing it affect your own life or personal health, it's all good. The feeling of anger happens to everyone, no matter what you do, even in something that's " just a video game. "

        I mean, should I not get mad when someone breaks my car window? Cause it's just a car right? You're the one that gives things value, how much value? That's up to you, same applies to Dota.
        But even with that analogy, the phrase " it's just a video game " still makes the most sense, I guess i'm approaching it from a very abstract open view.

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          the idea of getting mad and breaking smthng has never come to my mind before

          < blank >

            Not even to break the fun of 9 players in your next ranked match?


              You need to listen to Game of Thrones Soundtracks on Spotify while playing DotA to stop yourself from breaking things.


                I have smashed some tomatoes but that was because i was fucking up my middle-school and dota just made me rage more.

                Paid actor

                  i can get angry at the game, but most of the time the rage is directed to myself (tryin to improve T_T)...and i dont think i get mad enough to even start thinking of breaking stuff >.>, i thought ppl sayin things like breakin keyboards and monitors were joking :O


                    if u think about breaking stuff go see a doctor

                    Dire Wolf

                      dota fucks with my sleep and makes me cranky in the mornings but I'd probably be a cranky ahole either way it's just my nature


                        I pretty much rage when the picking phase started especially the team instapick a carry first pick and a captain who doesn't communicate and stuff. I'm pretty much anxious or angry when we play in the mind thinking " shit we lost" by 5th mins.

                        I wonder if this game worth my life to throw LMAO.


                          i broke my penis after furiously masturbating to deadweight's gameplay

                          Pale Mannie

                            i broke a mousepad i had my entire life
                            the 3 in the numberblock
                            partially the w
                            broke my keyboard underdesk but repaired it barely with duct tape
                            the legs on the keyboard

                            all that in 1 game i forgot to mute the enemy team

                            else my life is balanced like OSfrog


                              its true i started playing dota since 5.84 patch dota 1... warcraft and until now i'm still learning... yeah those were the days... but yeah i do get irritated with hero picks who picks invoker 1st pick then feeds, or picks alche who doesnt know how to lane in mid or jungle... yeah pisses me off....

                              King of Low Prio

                                I'd rather a shit player first picks invoker for my team than having to even vs a sub par invoker

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