General Discussion

General Discussion4k Player looking for 5k + party for matchmaking

4k Player looking for 5k + party for matchmaking in General Discussion

    I want to play against people that are better than me to improve at the game (US EAST). If anyone above mid 4k (ideally 5k) would be willing to team up with me a couple of times a week to play a few games, hit me up! My profile is available. I'm nice, I think.

    Holy Roman Empire

      Just like you would'nt do it for 3ks 5ks wont do it for you.


        i can on eu tho, u can add me

        Ce commentaire a été édité
        Синячий патруль

          3k player looking for 8 k+ party

          Low Expectations

            Nice smurf bro 47% winrate ranked EleGiggle

            King of Low Prio

              2k smurf......




                  2k player looking for 8k party here, don't bother if you are a fucking 7.9k shitstain


                    Thank you


                      Actual 6k replies while 4k elitists checking out stats wpwp