General Discussion

General DiscussionLow priority 3.0!

Low priority 3.0! in General Discussion

    Back into lp after getting 13 reports from 6 matches who wants to play some soon.

    < blank >

      Stay there, I send bad guys to you and you punish them, ok?


        LMFAO 10/10 dude alright good idea.


          lp is such a fuckinh joke why does it exists, im a weekly member of it


            I got monthly subscription in lp.

            Bad Intentions

              Ahh, system working as intended. Good job valve :]


                Ranked MM 1,475

                In 1475 matches you didn't even climb 1 single bit holy fuck lfaomfao

                Ring Ding Ting Mother ******

                  Lp wins remaining 1
                  got dc'ed

                  4 wins remaining.
                  I deleted my dota and week after i downloaded it again lmao
                  cant run away from dota


                    X DDDD

                    Zorthax Dorn

                      If you received that many reports I'm guessing you probably deserved them.


                        i lost 8 games where i throwed/fed/flamed and it says i got <3 reports, good shit


                          yes normal skill boy i deserved them you are correct.

                          Bad Intentions

                            Yeaa floating around 4k ever since and that's fine man :]

                            But keep us posted on your LPQ adventures, let us know if it rehabilitates you :]

                            Ce commentaire a été édité

                              lpq is the worst invetion ever. Now especially that you have to win it.


                                It's a place you flamers/feeders/ruiners can have fun and lose together and not get punished for it. No kappa :)

                                Ce commentaire a été édité

                                  kil­l yourself
                                  there's a different kind of report for flamers which gives mute. but you lil cucks still vote for them to get to lp. you're the worst kind of people


                                    Enjoy it and be less delusional next time 322.Delusional Boy :D