General Discussion

General Discussioni'm losing motivation to play dotes

i'm losing motivation to play dotes in General Discussion

    what to do

    lm ao

      give me your pc


        take a break, then comeback

        waku waku

          play something else


            ye same shit


              stop playing dotes


                yeah I feel the same. Been playing dota since beta, but recently I've been playing less. I think it's due to certain hero changes, map changes and the fact that a lot of friends have moved to cs:go. It's not as fun when I can't play 5-man anymore.

                I still love dota, but I play tons of other games as well and I think its more fun that way. These days I enjoy watching dota more then playing it, just because its fun to watch skilled players play whatevers popular at the time, with all the crazy effects from arcanas, immortal items and so on ^^


                  feelsbadman same, i think its because of the patches and the way pro dota has become (ive not been watching any pro dota for the past months, also i think majors fucking suck)

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                      gimme your items.

                      Jk,just take a break


                        masturbate hard


                          learn how to draw arin

                          Milei Presidente

                            good time to leave doto


                              Too many retards in dota this patch so dont play.


                                yeah i used to draw, not anymore. i might give it a try again

                                playing wc3 sounds pretty good though, though i have it pirated. i used to play via tunngle but i sucked tremendously in 1v1 and i wasn't even able to finish campaign on hard difficulty


                                  i don't know what's wrong. maybe it's because the game changed or because of me, i just used to enjoy dota much more. i feel like there's something wrong with dota unlike it was like year/two ago but i can't think of what could it be

                                  < blank >

                                    <---- This mofo is missing

                                    play for fan

                                      dota is like drug bro
                                      when u do drug for first time it feels good when u do it for a year it still feels good but suddenly it just stop being enjoyable but heh doesn't matter cuz u cant quit anyway u cant quit doto with or without motivation

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                                      play for fan

                                        just keep calm and random last pick

                                        Ce commentaire a été édité

                                          i actually thought a bit about the topic, and wanna share my personal experience with you.

                                          since i started playing computer games about 10 years ago, i basically played three games (welp, id say 2, cz wc3 and dota are substitutes for me). I played only one at any given point of time, but after a period of 1.5-2 years i usually got bored and switched to another one, and this cycle repeated over and over again.

                                          find some other competitive game that is just as time consuming as dota and try to paly it. the only one that currently comes to my mind is CS, but thats not the only option for sure.

                                          Boundless Strike in Gaben...

                                            here's an does some football or b ball sound?

                                            and by football i mean the real one not that rugby shit


                                              ive been playing dota for like 3-4 years and im not bored at fucking all, just a gay patch imo


                                                I just got into dota 2 weeks ago so I'm loving it, still have lots to learn :D

                                                Boundless Strike in Gaben...

                                                  shut the f**k up 'I love you Vanessa' and go be a dumb b*tch somewhere else you sad piece of weasel dump

                                         learned another thing about this game


                                                    mind your profanities kid


                                                      get the compendium, it made me want to play more

                                                      Boundless Strike in Gaben...

                                                        yes the compendium because valve cares about your monies

                                                        and you vanessa lover you really do have a lot to learn

                                                        play for fan

                                                          ^ valve loves my money ?
                                                          i fuckin knew it i thought doto is free because of charity
                                                          thanks for letting me know what a devil they are they just care about money fuck'em

                                                          Ce commentaire a été édité

                                                            Just start up a smurf, play your first game in limited heroes and do bad. Then start queuing SEA server and pick riki so you can observe. It is hilarious how bad they are.

                                                            It's actually how I got my 'how 100 mmr players fight necrophos' video -

                                                            Trust me it's very therapeutic. You will laugh out loud.

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                                                                I think playing another game helps a lot. Whenever I play a few days of CSGO, I get a rly big urge to play Dota afterwards

                                                                Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                                                                  dota really suck nowadays. Split pushing is King now. Not only wil you be pushed out of base with NP but with CK & PL split push. And the bd protection sucks. NP can easily overcome bd protection now that the armor level is shit. Thank god dota 2 and LoL listened to shit games like heroes of the storm.


                                                                    as people here have said if you don't have motivation then don't force yourself to play it

                                                                    you reckon this is a short term feeling (like maybe you've been losing more often) or a systematic problem with how you approach the game (change of priorities, ded game etc). all things for you to consider

                                                                    Miku Plays

                                                                      start smurfing and play like that guy who says gg every minute

                                                                      D the Superior
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                                                                          me too... maybe this is how it's supposed to be..


                                                                            Because u are too good in this game, i see all your match in VHS.


                                                                              I have same feelings, I spend my weekends ignoring masses of homework, opening and closing games, doing nothing. I used to do nothing productive but now literally nothing. I don't think I've even played a game of dota in the past two days and I always end up feeding or something. I open tf2, go on a server, get 10 kills and just get bored. Try csgo, I'll die four times to some awper then leave. Switch back to dota and never find match (I have anxiety to play solo because I only play with 1k friends so I feed when I solo with 4ks). Then I go try tf2 trading of course that never goes anywhere. End up looking through shitty forums and reddit and before I know it the weekend is over and it's five days of touture to get another two days of uselessness. I dont even know what im doing w/ my life right now tbh.


                                                                                ^ i think you should pursue other interests. gaming shouldn't be the only thing that brings you satisfaction


                                                                                  ^Ah to be young and have homework. Don't worry soon you'll be working 9-5 5 days a week and spending 2 days doing nothing will be the best feeling you can have.

                                                                                  Pale Mannie

                                                                                    I go to gym or buy games on sale