General Discussion

General DiscussionWhy can't we see Gold Difference?

Why can't we see Gold Difference? in General Discussion

    It would be really nice, if we were able to see the gold difference throughout the game.


      1) It is not supposed to work that way. Two competing teams in whatever sports or games do not simply get the knowledge of the other team's resources, in this case, the gold. By knowing how much gold difference there is between two teams, one can derive: the other team is farming, potential ganks incoming, their awareness (therefore avoiding) of ganks, and possibility of completing big items. Wards can then be sold at 9999 gold and no one bats an eye because so much information are provided from these values.

      2) Exposing it during the game does more harm than good in pubs. That would be one more reason to give up when the team sees a big gold swing after a fight when they did well for 30 minutes (typical comeback scenario), thus become demotivated.


        it would be really nice if we were able to see enemies anywhere on the minimap and fog of war wouldn't exist
        man that would be awesome, i wouldn't even have to buy wards and i wouldn't die to a gank ever!


          it would be nice if arin found a gf he would love


            i also wish unicrons and dragons existed 4Head

            < blank >

              It'd be nice if I can skip my military service in 2018


                how old r u? i thought u r older than 16, or is ur duty just delayed due to studies?

                < blank >

                  Everybody can delay/customize it but when you are like 23 and still didn't went there, the military police will come for you
                  For your first question, still 18

                  saving private RTZ

                    What country? Russia? Do you still do military service? 2016? 4Head.

                    Seriously now i guess it sucks


                      fucking 4Head

                      < blank >

                        Russia? No, Switzerland

                        saving private RTZ

                          Really? I thought it was a communist thingy, i know that at least koreans and chinese force their young boys to do military service. I linked it with communist as my country used to do that as well when it was under communist dictatorship

                          Totentanz to The King: M ...

                            Every thread is starting to look like a reddit thread with all these stupid ideas thrown around.