General Discussion

General DiscussionHow do you counter this?

How do you counter this? in General Discussion
Low Expectations

    Alright, so I have not posted on this forum for awhile... Still me and my friend came up with this combo for easy mmr but now its used against us and I dont know how you counter this. Mid invoker/offlane Nyx invoker either goes euls combo (pleb combo) build or Q/E either way he has quite high level in sunstrike.
    When nyx is 6 just kill everyone with Nyx nukes + invoker sunstrike (Hell if your team is up for it go AA/spectre for global) but how do you counter this if its just invoker and nyx? They are bound by literally no cooldowns and even if u trilane nyx he will get lvl 6 before 12 min...

    Dune, the Desert Planet


      Low Expectations

        even if u have sentries in most cases you dont need vendetta hit just the stun/mana burn 1 or 2 rightclicks after nyx gets blink and he can use vendetta hit as last

        Dune, the Desert Planet


          Low Expectations

            ^Lol you can say that for literally everything. Just as always watching for vokers sunstrike movement


              omni repel + buddy system, ursa aghs enrage works when hit by deafening blast, and ganking heroes are generally weak to 5 manning since they're better at picking off lone heroes so idk, so pick lots of early teamfight heroes i guess. also omni's int (both start and gain) is dogshit so nyx's mana burn does less damage, and doesn't burn as much as your mana pool compared to higher int supports since a large amount of it comes from arcanes and soul ring.

              also zeus's passive will trigger carapace before the spell damage which is bullshit. i learned that the hard way when i was trying to carapace his bolt, thought it was me just reacting slow the first few times when it didnt work. nyx vs zeus seems like it can go either way. if nyx gets ahead then nyx can own zeus with mana burn but zeus can also prevent nyx snowballing with true sight i guess.

              i could be totally wrong though, im probably just shit at nyx.

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                  map awareness and truesight is generally the two biggest things vs nyx + global
                  strength heros are fool proof, although aren't needed.
                  Having a lion or something in the shadows can easily ruin a nyx's day with a hex etc that stops him mid combo.
                  any eul carrier, any silence etc. it all really depends on your reaction time. If you find yourself playing said 'support' think to yourself 'if i was a nyx, who would i target next' then sit in positon around them without showing yourself, you can get alot of bait/turn arounds this way.
                  a nyx in the offlane, generally won't get shit vs any competant supports, and nyx doesn't really have any fallback options regarding jungling. so come mid game, that lvl 7 nyx vs your lvl 12+ mid etc suddenly isn't so scary anymore.

                  but basically, 5man with sentries and he won't do shit.

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