General Discussion

General DiscussionHelp out a fuckboi anyone

Help out a fuckboi anyone in General Discussion
lm ao

    Can someone pls with a free weekend off spectate and maybe analyze this match for me?

    I think I played poorly in this game as Windrunner, honestly as the last pick I dont think Windrunner was the optimal counter against PA/BB/Pudge/Omni, if you think there was something better I couldve picked tell me who cause I have no idea we would need diffusal blade so extensively even with a PL (who mismanaged diffusal charges much to evryones chagrin; rush diff blade 2 recipe ftw)

    I tried to get myself a fast Aghanims which I then completed at min 15-16 but I think I had such shit early game presence; if you could watch through my perspective can you please tell me how I should I have rotated? Or acted anyway? Of course given the circumstances and the topography, pls be fair to me I'm trying hard to learn from mistakes

    Abyway shit happens, Radiant gets huge gold advantage for almost all of the duration of the game, PA gets an MKB by min 26, BB is so hard to take down even with a Slardar, but the fact that my team was able to stall the game for at least 30 more minutes meant we couldve won the whole thing. But sadly, we werent able to anyway. As you can see on the small window where we had the gold advantage to the Dire faction (minute 44) what could I have done to win the game?

    If you are so straight up retarded just to tell me that my items suck for a 50 minute game, pls fuck off with your glance-judgment tendencies, this game is beyond item builds cause as you can see from the replay, I bought back 3 times (I think) for every buyback, I contributed something to keep our base up so what you see on my player tab is what youll get anyway

    Unlike other people that have come up here to ask for advice I am completely aware of what I am and the things I can or cannot pull off. I also know that theres so much to Dota than just awesome plays or shows of mechanical skills, I'm trying to understand how heroes and items and circumstances interact with each other in a game and thats about what I'm asking for


      game long as fuck niG_Ga

      lm ao

        u cen icnreas plei spid by doubl LennyFace

        lm ao

          ok brb in 12 hours im gonna snooze

          lm ao


            wtf no lifers do something for people at least for once fgts


              My fuckboy needs a Storm coach?

              lm ao

                i can habe a storm coich


                  i can help you if you wanna play morph carry or venge support.
                  for that enter dota 2>look up my profile > press recent games> pick a game that u need(morph/venge) > press download replay > press watch replay > enjoy +2k mmr

                  inner corpse

                    maybe Relentless can help you, 2 years ago he used 2 put tons of his time in stuff like that

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                      I was about to analyse it but then I read Windrunner instead of Windranger so I changed my mind.

                      (Ha-ha!) *points at you*


                        Rotation wise, I think you:
                        1) Failed to bring a tp with you so you can help in reacting to ganks, when the enemy ES helps wrecking your safelane, then your offlane. At one point you could clearly see the enemy trio is behind your top tier 1 tower, and your allies hugging the tower, if you read the minimap. You could have reacted by tping to tier 1/2 tower. Although it was a Pudge illusion with ES and BB, you didn't even care to look at the top tower.
                        2) Could have helped with bottom lane. You can either read the lane, or the chatbox to tell if they are getting stomped. Slark and Slardar both are melee which tends to get rekt by Omni's Purification. Even with Crush and Pounce, they only managed to get Omniknight when he was out of position.
                        3) Should have conserved mana for ganks. All your mana were used on using powershot on creeps and push the tower when Pudge was ganking. You did well at 6th minute killing ES, but should have built your momentum on that. Get a smoke from fountain since you are doing bottle crow, or ask your supports to buy you one.

                        Picking wise, you should have picked something else. Sure WR mid is nice with powershot as a nuke, but offers no more. They did not have much of disables either. OD, QOP, heck I can even say Techies because they got all melee team, if their last pick was shit enough to pick Zeus who can't do jack shit when it comes to hitting the mines himself, or another melee. However Techies is not good ganker himself as he needs the team to hold the enemy for him, but the nukes are no joke.

                        Your early presence perhaps shattered the creeps' dreams of getting their hands on the ancient. In other words, you thought you were playing SF. SF is another alternative (I don't mean better) considering his Requiem and Raze not just physical damage. You farmed so much that you had a very good lead in the net worth table, at the cost of your other lanes.

                        Your buyback on 26th minute was not an effective one in contrast to what you described. Should have checked whether your teammates have buybacks, were they willing to spend it, can you fight them for the second time. They got Pudge, BB, Omni so they relies on their sustenance that they can stand so much shit your team throws at them.

                        Your second buyback...... Good call, they dived like a bunch of Neymar. I meant dolphins.

                        If you watch your own replay, you can notice that those teamfights that ended in favor of your team were actually consequences of pick offs. Those pick offs like BB, Omni getting to your ancients alone for no apparent reason. Even in 5v5, when the fight gets partitioned, they actually got their sustenance jeopardized since they are not doing well when it comes to manfight, because your heroes either kite them, or have a better chance at winning smaller scaled fights. PL only got to live so long before Pudge's Rot reveals his hero. Rubick didn't do jack shit as usual. But since you asked for constructive criticism, focusing on you will do, not your team.

                        lm ao

                          Hey Mushi!

                          Nice analysis youve got there! I added you for more questions :)

                          lm ao

                            Although I still wanna know if with the small window of greater net worth we couldve won the game

                            I tried my best to kite enemy cores while on bkb, as i have barely any damage on them

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                              lm ao

                                damn im not confident enough to play voker
                                dp, ok it didnt cross my mind but isnt she about as greedy as wind as well?
                                od, how do u fucking play this guy 6.86

                                this is what i get for playing girl heroes exclusively fml

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                                  lm ao

                                    $10 for an hour of coaching is literally killing yourself
                                    y do ppl take up dat shit

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                                    lm ao

                                      how to u build the new od anyway

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                                        lm ao

                                          aight got it


                                            Most likely not, unless your team learns what a tp is. That defense of the bottom lane was awful to say the least. It could not have been a successful initiation considering Omniknight was not the one focused down. After the GA, the only thing you can do is run away which you did, but PL did not, and Slardar was meant to die there. Your team could have defended from the inside while waiting your Slark to respawn, because that would make a 5v3, or at worst 5v5.

                                            Also you do not lack the capability to go high ground considering they now have positional advantage only to make them harder to kill. Your team was not the highest damage dealer, but they had too many things to deal area damage which not only render your PL useless, but also make your squish heroes more likely to die without healing effects.