General Discussion

General DiscussionDS Push, DS Support, or DS Utility?

DS Push, DS Support, or DS Utility? in General Discussion

    I've picked up Dark Seer as my next project. I have played him as each of these 3 things, and have pretty much won games with ease...
    But up in the real world, how is Dark Seer played best?

    Riguma Borusu

      Offlane mek builder is built mostly @ competitive.


        how do u psuh with DS, and whats the difference between utility and support if we are talknig about DS?

        Welt aus Eis

          offlaner, has good laning stage thanks to ion shell spam + surge, good teamfight impact with blink vacuum wall


            anyways u usually go soul arcanes mek blink greaves shivas hex


              Yeah, I have played him as an offlaner every game. My best games have been when I cut their creeps and just sucked up gold with ion shell. Ofc in my bracket, the opponents just sit there and stare at me take last hits, and their tower from them.

              Support = rushing GG boots for me
              Utility = rushing the Force Staff, Blink, then Agh's and Refreshor for team fights.
              Push = Force Staff, Blink, BoT
              Sure, he can't provide the tower damage that other good pushers can, but he can push a lane to the tower faster than any other "supprt" I know.

              Standard build = take soul ring recipe to lane, farm it up, get a wand, then farm up the boots and mek.
              That is how most of my games have gone.

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              Dire Wolf

                hmm he does all those roles regardless. In pubs those a position 3 ds is amazing. Get the mek/ggs, but also get aghs, refresher/shivas/hex/ac/necro3, stuff that lets you actually put a hurt on enemy carries. He works really well when you have a carry mid, a hard carry safe and then two other supports to do the warding.

                Riguma Borusu

                  When you have an axe dark seer offlane, what position do they play? This is immensely fun to play against melees, sadly axe is a dead hero.

                  Totentanz to The King: M ...

                    How does "push" build not include Mek? What kind of logic is that? Also Dark Seer does all three of those things, that's the point of the hero.

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                      try to focus him on utility because that's where he excels best.
                      tanky high base damage high int gain decent movement speed
                      his 1st is to initiate teamfights and reposition enemy heroes
                      his 2nd is to secure early game due to the fact that it is a good DoT skill it can be used in early teamfights which will deal good amount of damage based on positioning
                      his 3rd is pretty much self explanatory
                      his ulti also is one of the OP ults in dota 2. 140% damage ? imagine a farmed carry walks on your wall . it does makes the teamfight 6v5 and having the advantage of 40%
                      basically a good DS relies on good positioning so try to not rush to cast down your skills on a teamfight as it requires good timing


                        My best game with DS was with a Warlock. Basically self explanatory.
                        When we wanted to push the high ground, I would bait them a lil' bit, then blink in hard, ult, and vacuum, then Warlock comes and ults.
                        DS ult is amazing, but is only really good against glass-cannon carries, like sniper, and sometimes LC. but with aghs and refreshor, i do admit its one of the most amazing things to watch. Heroes dying to illusions with higher damage than them.

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