General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat role would be nice for an aggressive player?

What role would be nice for an aggressive player? in General Discussion

    I love to play a carry role but i notice i tend to be careless sometimes. I love to fight and gank. Should i go offlane instead? Please help me guys. What heroes would be great for me as well. Tnx again.

    Pale Mannie

      Position 2 is great for that

      Pale Mannie

        Or 3


          it's more about heroes u play, u can go early gaming gangs withs tuskar, night stalker etc. Maybe u need carry heroes that tend to fight like gyro, spectre or mid heroes like puck, pudge, qop...


            "i tend to be careless" not great for a offlaner. unless your mechanical skills is on par with iceiceice. if you want constant fight be a 4 once you got mek or drums fights never stop


              Thanks for the information guys. I really appreciate it. Imo i need to practice a lot. Hopefully be a decent player soon.


                Pos 4 also great for agressive playing style, you can pick NS/Tusk/Chen/Venge


                  SF, Slark, NS, Tusk, Venge, Jugg, Storm, Pudge, Earth Shaker, QoP, Lina, Earth Spirit..

                  Mostly you'll fit in pos 2 or 3. I think... Or sometimes even 1.


                    Thanks guys.i will try playing those heroes.practice with bots first.i havent tried those heroes on an actual hero pool sucks atm.haha thanks again.

                    plz do

                      huskar is like the most aggressive hero i can think of on almost any position. just watch out for physical damage dealers.

                      Totentanz to The King: M ...

                        1 is totally fine, it just depends on what heroes you play. You can't just play AM or Medusa and go fighting.

                        inner corpse

                          agressive jungler, roaming support, veng, ogre etc. I am not a fan of roaming from offlane as it removes pressure/lane presence from support/both supports on enemy team, and let them roam map freely and stack woods (its a problem esp. if u have picks without mobility on midlane etc)

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                            1- Pick bounty hunter
                            2- orb of venom
                            3- gank and kill courier with bottle
                            4- gg

                            King of Low Prio

                              If you want to yolo pick BH


                                and buy tranquil, soulring, dagon


                                King of Low Prio

                                  Errr dey

                                  yung griphook

                                    i think offlaner is the more fight oriented way to go.

                                    If you think about heros like Tusk or Slardar, clock or whatever, they like to fight

                                    mr lizard

                                      why do some people build green boots on bh?

                                      King of Low Prio

                                        less downtime at fountain which means more lane pressure and gank opportunities

                                        King of Low Prio

                                          but I would not get tranq unless you plan on getting soul ring too. If you dont want to get soul ring buy mana boot and if you dont want either keep them brown until you go for BoTs

                                          Синячий патруль

                                            obviously only mid