General Discussion

General DiscussionI will raise a ticket - MATCHMAKING DOES NOT WORK

I will raise a ticket - MATCHMAKING DOES NOT WORK in General Discussion

    Match: 2102541911

    Ok, on my account I have a decent at 3k+ games played, winrate overall 53,24% (it was even higher in the past) with a MMR like almost 4.5 k solo and 5k party, also my MMR for normal games I tend to think it is ok.

    Now, leaving aside the rest of fuckind idiots I am in the same team every game, I even stopped to play ranked, several times, how I can be in the same team with this one?

    I mean I totally disagree to be put in the same team with smurfs every game ( this is so unfair for me, because they don't give a shit about winning they just make a new account), but let's say it s some logic in that. At some point in the beginning where inceretitude is high, they have few matches with good win rate and kda, it has a logic. But pls explain how with this guy... 40 games 30% winrate? HOWWWWWWWWW VALVE HOWWWWWW?

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          It happens that that smurf is same level of skill as you, so what's the problem? Even if he doesn't belong there, next time you'll get matched with better people and enemy team will get those over-rated smurfs.


            Man it has 31% win rate how we can be same level skill?? He lose like everything. And I was like for example rated 131 with Shadow Fiend on Dotabuff, 121 with BS, I was diamond I am lower but still.....this guy should be in 0.5k mmr bracket


              according to very simple logic, if you are actually better than them, you win most of your games and climb untill you reach a point where your winrate becomes 50%. if it doesnt happen, it means u r just as bad as them.


                Man I don t want to be rude...I am like 53% from 3k games. That is a lot. I was talkig about the system. My account does not have any incertitude and I am still in the same game with a monkey.