General Discussion

General Discussionany can predict my MMR ?

any can predict my MMR ? in General Discussion

    guys need help to any one predict my MMR
    i play one game on solo MMR calibrating and his MMR other team 2650
    can predic my MMR ?
    i won this game very easy last game see my account in dotabuff

    inner corpse
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        9k holy shit next TI champion is here boys


          Below 3.5k mmr, probably around flat/low 3k or high 2k.

          NULL Bit

            tnQ but why my MMR low but my KDA is ~5?


              KDA is not the only factor. Everything matters. Hero Damage is IMO the most important to get higher brackets. Get tinker, go 30:0 and see what happens.

              Also u dont have a positive Win Rate. My buddy who can only play Lich and Warlock has like 500 games and 56% Win Rate and dont know even how to play. So if u are worse than him , then u should just delete dota.

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              NULL Bit

                tnQ for offer :D

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                NULL Bit

                  you means if me pay with best KDA and win ration 10 game as new account me skill brack is very high ?!


                    no... it means git gud. At English lessons also.

                    NULL Bit

                      you should help to be better


                        You need high winrate, high kda and high hero dmg to get calibrated higher.

                        NULL Bit

                          you get offer to rise my MMR plz?


                            @LeDeeN, 1750

                            NULL Bit

                              how my MMR 1750 ?