General Discussion

General Discussionwhy would you flame your only one support ?

why would you flame your only one support ? in General Discussion

    Completely zoned out 2 offlaners for jugg to free farm, got him 2 early game kills, been buying and placing wards etc... him and others start flaming me so i just started feeding and afking

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    Totentanz to The King: M ...

      Nice blog m8.


        lesson of the day, dont flame your supports


          wow your lesson comes from 1 ~3.5k mmr game nice dude.


            So you broke? Dota is not for the weak minded.

            the realm's delight

              complaining about teammates is so 2012


                it was so funny everyone just started playing like shit and loosing, LC couldn't handle it anymore and rage quit, i even managed to body block QoP that got her killed lmao you should have seen her rage

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                  Cool story buddy.


                    thx if u want coaching lmk


                      I dont think I want to get coached by a 3k player.


                        ill coach your Magnus, looks like you rly suck with him

                        cheap prices lmk


                          When 3k players try to be funny xD


                            not a joke its a fact


                              I love it when 3k's argue with me, you're so adorable aww :x xD


                                love i when 4k scrub gets rekt by 3k player <3


                                  3k smurf xD


                                    ur dick is smurf


                                      When 3ks ran out of comeback options so they try to make a funny joke xD


                                        when 4k scrub needs to get a glass of water and take dog for a walk to calm down


                                          I'm perfectly calm lol, I just find it hilarious how you think you're better than me, I'm better than u in any aspect of the game lol, I'm 4.8k and you're ~3k on a smurf, if you don't get very high skill on your second/third game on your smurf then there's really no point in smurfing.
                                          You should just stop thinking that you're good because your results show otherwise. You have a hard time staying in high skill bracket that already shows something. It's better for you if you stop talking, I don't want to go hard on you xD.


                                            woah wall of text tl;dr

                                            obviously raging hard



                                              There we go, I just destroyed you and your post perfectly proved it, you started trolling because you have no clue what to say in response. Thanks for admitting that I won, I'm outta here though you're a time waste lol.

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                                                more wall of text, also tl;dr

                                                rekt x2


                                                  being a support is not a sacrifice you make for others and it doesnt guarantee you a right to play like shit


                                                    ^ Actually it is. Supports usually give up their farm priority depending on how hard they are to the carries who scale better with items. And since they fall off the later the game becomes, supports tend to become less influential in the fights, hence they sacrifice their ability to carry the game for the other players in the team to do it with some advantage, e.g.: farm priority, items peak earlier compared to a full 5 carry team.

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                                                        its not a sacrifice, its the optimal farm distriburtion. it doesnt give one reasons to be a whiny son of a bitch, though.

                                                        waku waku

                                                          maybe they started seriously flaming you BECAUSE you started feeding and afking?


                                                            Either u play horrible or u flamed them first on the first place.
                                                            But whatever, u always right isnt it


                                                              Lol Very High Skill shut the fuck up you aren't even a dedicated support player to talk shit. You probably started raging and scream that if you picked jugger you could've farmed harder than him.

                                                              Ferdinand I

                                                                @Very High Skill, you are not even very high skill rofl, you are not even close to very high skill, learn where is your place very low skill noob



                                                                  yeah, optimal... so optimal that the moment you touch an enemy creep they spam X on you when you are the only support

                                                                  10 min boots
                                                                  wards are all your responsibility
                                                                  sentries are all your responsibility
                                                                  ganks are all your responsibility
                                                                  seeing your stacks untouched
                                                                  seeing your stacks stolen
                                                                  wait, did you even have time to stack shit
                                                                  maybe not because your carries are busy dying


                                                                    just deal with it or mute them the vast majority of dota players have serious attitude problems anyway


                                                                      @ Mushi

                                                                      Come on 1v1 solo mid Techies with me


                                                                        "so i just started feeding and afking"

                                                                        Just mute them and keep playing? Repaying toxic attitudes with a toxic attitude won't get you anywhere in life. Stop acting like a cry baby


                                                                          Where is Mekarazium when you need him!


                                                                            @W A O W ok no bombs just autoattack KappaPride


                                                                              @very high skill...please dont make the view of 3k support players like me go down even worse than we already. I want you to understand that in games that go wrong, it is part of human nature to look for a scapegoat and a support is usually the best and eziest one to blame due to the huge availability of potential reasonings to pick from including: not enough wards, not dewarding, not ganking, etc. Its part of the dota community and believe me even solo supports in 4K above will sometimes experience such games. So i suggest u stfu, calmly accept that this is part of being a support in dota which I doubt u are seeing as the only frequently played support on your profile is lich with a measly 4 games so i doubt u have much to say to defend your position and plays as a support.

                                                                              sincerely yours,
                                                                              Salty Man

                                                                              SO LOYAL I DESERVE 2 GIRL...

                                                                                I no care, I luv it


                                                                                  You can be influential and scale late game as a support you just need to build the right items for your bracket. If you are truly better than your opponents, you will get early game kills and should build into dagon or right click items. If you can actually rely on your teammates, then just build normal support things.


                                                                                    If you suddenly start to feed on purpose, you're a piece of shit, doesn't matter the reason.

                                                                                    That said, being support is hard, don't shit on your supports, if you do, you're shit.

                                                                                    Simple stuff people.