General Discussion

General DiscussionDodging games

Dodging games in General Discussion

    Let's imagine account on which you will dodge all games you find and play none. How often you can dodge before getting 24h matchmaking ban? Thats very important.




        ^ yeah but does this number resets over time or not? Implying that i dont play games on this account.

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        EZ MID 9k mmr

          Dodging is not cool
          you fool
          beat you with a spool?

          EZ MID 9k mmr

            damn im a fucking lyrical wordsmith i r8 10/10


              Dodging is useful when you team up with someone you don't wish to, i.e.: someone you had bad experience with before. However Reborn loading interface doesn't convenience this "feature" because in the past people would get to see whether any of all the teammates have been ignored by the user. But now you had to click on their profiles one by one.

              If you don't dodge game especially immediately after a bad game where you will team up again, chances are you wouldn't be even playing the game, let alone playing it well because you know he is an idiot, he knows you are an idiot, no one is giving their best.

              Pale Mannie

                Fucking dodgers
                At least 2 games will be dodged before getting 1 real game
                Thats why im playing once a day

                Pale Mannie

                  3 minutes search time each :salty:


                    Man the removal of being able to see who you have muted was the worst shit ever. I used to have a more than 2 people on my team muted = insta dodge rule. Now you could be queuing into a whole team of muted people and you wouldn't know until you start the game.


                      u can right click each profile, if u muted them then there will be an option to unignore etc

                      Dire Wolf

                        how do u even dodge? just dc at load screen?


                          ya, all other methods give the same penalty now