General Discussion

General DiscussionSpectre build

Spectre build in General Discussion

    What kind of spectre build is better?
    for different enemy?


      pms tango

      stoutshield tango tango into quelling blade

      ^Pick either start items, depending on lane.

      phaseboots magic stick urns drums manta diffiusual. In which order you finish phaseboots/buy stick/urns depends on game. Know your feeling

      Manta diffisual is a stronger build than radiance. Radiance build makes you useless until you get it, while the other build actually gives your team an advantage every time you have ulti.

      I recall Matrice saying ~1 year ago: Diffusual build wins all game radiance does, while radiance doesn't win all games dififsual does.
      Can't say he was left. He was right and Badman has proven that already.

      Edit: Some people prefer skipping drums and going straight manta after urns. Wether this is good or not might be up to playstyle and preference.

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        Opps sorry, may I know what is pms?


          watch this guys replays if you wanna learn Spectre.


            Poor Mans shield m8


              10/10 for the meme ^
              Matrice confirmed oracle

              On a related note, always try to capitalize your haunt by using replicate on different enenmy, thats what separates badman and other spect players


                Do radiance octarine is good ?
                i watched a game be4 spectre with radiance octarine manta.. it's tank a lot
                I will try diffusal , manta in the next game


                  pms/phase/urn/drums into radiance or manta/diffusals is the meta now. afterwards you usually get manta (if you didnt get it earlier), heart, butterfly, daedalus, or ac.
                  octarine is pretty bad imo.

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                      u can go either qb->pms->urn->treads->radiance->manta->late game items


                      qb->pms->urn->treads->diffusal->manta-late game items

                      depends on game. both work but rad build is risky obv

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                        shield + tango tango > pms + quel blade > phase + urn + bracer > drums + manta > situational
                        diffusal/heart/butterfly/radiance etc


                          i will try these build 1by1


                            There are many early game builds you can go for depending on your style or the enemy heroes for example...

                            1st build: PMS, phase boots, magic stick, aquila
                            2nd: PMS, phase boots, urn, drums.
                            3rd: Vanguard, power treads (its more oriented to farming so you can jungle very efficient and get good radiance timing)
                            4th: I actually tried to get the hood of defiance few games, mostly when there is like a zeus + other big magic damage nukers, then I rather get the extra magic resistance over a vanguard, its pretty umch the same price and give a lot of regen aswell, I have been flamed a lot the 3 games that I actually went for a hood but I felt alright with it, after the buff on both the hood and the dispersion they sinergize pretty good, as you will return 22% of the 325 barrier block without taking any damage as well as the passive magic resistance, however its not the best item for her obviously it can be really good sometimes.

                            After your early game items its all about the radiance, if you can get it before 25 minutes you should go for it, if you cant just go for diffusal or blademail if you're getting rekt as they can help you get few kills to make you comeback.

                            I used to go PT+vanguard (or optional hood) because i didnt feel confident with the hero and i just wanted to be able to tread switch for mana problems, to tank early and farm that radiance easier, but after some games I realized going phase boots and urn, or aquila, wand, drums is just so much better for fighting early, problem with this build is if you fuck up the early teamfights because then you wont be able to farm jungle efficiently and your radiance will be very late but then you can go for diffusal or whatever.. But imo not going for radiance after first little items will cost you the game unless your team can defend the highground really well.


                              Getting Manta or Diff blade as your first big item is only really good if your team needs you to fight right away, in which case you would have been better off getting another carry. Radiance will give you far less early fight potential then those items but will let you farm far faster.

                              For boots either power treads or phase boots is okay. I'm not going to specifically say one is better then the other since its kinda down to each person's playstyle.

                              After boots you should usually get some sort of early game item before your Radiance/Manta/Diffusal. The two common builds are 1) urn + Drums and 2) Vanguard. Urn+Drums has an easier buildup and is better at fighting and chasing but the vanguard lets you jungle without weakening your fighting potential too much. Also you should get a PMS if youre going the urn+drums build. Some people like to rush radiance after boots. I wouldn't recommend that since it leaves you very vulnerable and pretty much useless.

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                                  ^ so you don't get radiance?

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                                      i assume phase boots are the way to go?




                                          Pms> stick> queling blade>tango>phase boots>urn>magic stick>yasha>manta/bkb/diffusal. start ganking when u have URN. and dont ever press ULTI until u have URN.. this is what BADMAN build. and ive tried it really works a lot. plus i manage to make divine rapier with these kind of build. ;D
                                          can check my matches


                                            go see my profile too..after 3 match i got very high skill using spectre...


                                              LoL , how you did this bro

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                                                  I see many top spectre players not buulding radiance ever... anyone knows the reason? Cuz im erally starting to love the hero and i always get radiance because I feel its the best item you can get on her, but if pros dont get it there should be a good explanation.
                                                  can someone tell me?

                                                  saving private RTZ

                                                    ^^ look up, dd explained it


                                                      Rad gives you flash farm ability and lets you play catch up, but usually it's not worth it if your team's really behind.


                                                        Radiance is worth it in 2 case:
                                                        shit load of important dagger to cancel (like facing es + sand king)

                                                        you (AND ONLY YOU) is behind in gold in your team.

                                                        In both case it's bad as afirst item. And if you are behind in terms of gold, you have to go manta first anyway, so it's pretty effective to farm with radiance and catchup.

                                                        Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                          Haunt generally cancels Blinks anyway, even without Radiance.


                                                            but kitrak doesnt badman go urn? i've seen him going urn many times

                                                            saving private RTZ

                                                              I think he meant going only URN is bad.

                                                              The badman build is urn+ drums

                                                              play for fan

                                                                radiance is shit as first item dont be classic spec going urn manta difusal highly recommended but latter in the game its a very good item
                                                                dont be smart ass skadi is shit over heart
                                                                you need heart to regenerate health to push and u dont need slow because you have diff blade and spectral dagger so skadi is just +25 agil
                                                                if u look at badman loss games u can see he mosly lose against casters like invoker - od
                                                                in all of his loss games there is an invoker or od so be aware of them

                                                                important note : heart is core item so u should get it right when u felt you deal enough damage or if u get tanky and survive more u can deal enough damage so dont be greedy like those who go diffusal manta then butterfly dont be an idiot u need that heart

                                                                drum is great item tho

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                                                                Dire Wolf

                                                                  Do you need heart if you vanguard though?


                                                                    who the fuck buys vanguard on Spectre in 20 fucking 16?

                                                                    If you do have Vanguard, you change heart with Vanguard once you feel you require heart.

                                                                    Dire Wolf

                                                                      a lot of people, i still do, though I might try drums out.


                                                                        I thought pms/phase/urn/oov/optional ROA --> Radiance --> Heart --> Manta had been the go-to build for quite some time since start of 6.80+? This is a global ganker build with the aim of letting Spectre come online quickly. The most important thing is to time your haunt so that you effectively avoid the first round of nukes during teamfight. Thereafter, you stick in to your prey with dagger/oov/urn/desolate and whack them with impunity. Alternatively, liaise with your team to identify ganking target and haunt to help with the gank. Regen with urn and repeat whenever your ult is off cooldown. You should always try to net a kill/assist whenever your ult is off cooldown. Otherwise, your farming will be quite pathetic. Urn and oov are the most important items here. OOV+dagger allows you to stick on your target. Urn give you all the regen you need in the world.

                                                                        Radiance is still very much game-breaking on spectre if you get it in a reasonable timeframe. I do not think anyone would disagree with that. The only question is how do you achieve that. Consequently, the alternative build Phase/Drum/Diffusal/Manta --> Heart --> Deadalus comes into play as well. This allow you to maintain the same relatively power level versus pms/phase/urn/ROA/oov --> Radiance --> Heart because you don't need to save for that 3,800 gold.

                                                                        Other unorthodox items include midas/blademail/S&Y/refresher/satanic/basher. Midas when you are doing extremely well. Blademail when your teammates are shit always leaving you behind + you are always tanking + you are always the number 1 target. S&Y if there are little to no stuns in the enemy teams. Refresher as the number 8 item in ultra late game. Satanic and basher if you need to man-fight in ultra-late game where everyone is 6-slotted.

                                                                        Special mention to vanguard as well. This item had been buffed. I think it is not a bad idea to go stout/phase/urn/oov -- > Vanguard --> Radiance. Vanguard give you much more margin for error and allowed you to farm the jungle more easily. You can also go rambo a bit in the early game.