General Discussion

General DiscussionPlayed 7 rank matches got 4 abandoned team mates back to back 4 match...

Played 7 rank matches got 4 abandoned team mates back to back 4 matches in a row in General Discussion
Nikosh Adhar

    Don't believe? Watch my last 5 matches detail. or see for yourself in snaps:

    here are the links of images:
    MMR is for smurfers only people. Don't play it if you can't smurf.

    Bad Intentions

      Damn mannn, did you step on a black cat or sumthing? dats some bad luck right there. Try to go out and get some positive vibes first man :]


        the fact that u fed in all 7 of those ranked games might have something to do with u losing...

        Livin' Real Good

          That is absolutely horrible, sorry for the games. XD I'd rage so hard.


            Add bogi to know of his adventures

            Nikosh Adhar


              all 4 of the abandoned matches, 2 of them because of poor network they had. and another 2 is intentional. They had problems and they don't care about their 150 hours account. So they decided to afk in base and do their things. If the match is 4 vs 5. You have to defend towers and you will end up feeding couple of times. If you have problems go check those abandoned games match reply and you will understand why dota 2 is the game of smurfers.

              Nikosh Adhar

                another abandon today.. 6 min abandon team mate... watch for yourself...


                  I play mostly only unranked but i also get lots of disconnects. It's annoying as hell


                    When you've got 7k hours played on this game, along with some 3.5k games and you're still in normal skill, that is generally when you should realise that you are the problem, and not the random strangers in your games.
                    When you actually have people purposely abandoning a game, just so they don't have to be stuck with you for the rest of the game, you've got to just wonder how bad you must have played. You played horrible as hell in ALL the recent ranked losses you had. Even the ones where no one abandoned.

                    If you think smurfers cost you games, then you're deluded.
                    There are more chances for a smurf to be in your enemy's team, than there is for them to show up in yours.
                    Try focusing on yourself and work on getting better instead.

                    Nikosh Adhar

                      If I really want to go that way. I can be on very high skill very easily with new account. But I earned to be where I am. If I play with new account. I only play the heroes I don't know to play and I get high skill matches. So If I really want to get very high skill. I just need to use my best heroes. Just like you did. 100 wins in very high skill. Smurfing is no skill. You loss mmr and you get to low level and you start smurf again? That's disaster.

                      Just take a look at this profile. I play heroes like IO and Lone druids to learn them.. And It's High Skill?????

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                      The Dark Magus

                        2 k gaming problems :) but sry for u bro...