General Discussion

General DiscussionGIVE TIPS

GIVE TIPS in General Discussion

    i know u all would be fucking me up for this post. but please, whoever of pros here. give me some tips on how to improve myself. What should i do with team. What should not to do at team. i really want to be a good player. been play for 1 year for now and creating this new account. When to war and when not to war. what should i aim for the game. what should i focus. Hope all of u could give me a good tips.


      u can't get everything u nid to know here but i can help u a little. 1st i want to know about what do you mean on "good player" do you nid to be like miracle if og? or puppey of secret? every player has a different meaning on that. 2nd about your questions.. u nid to fight when u know u will win, forcing a fight with a farm advantage is good thing to do. don't fight if the enemies are in high ground or behind tower w/o sight. it would be suicide. don't fight if it's night and u got lower vision compare to the enemy(depends on situation). What should u aim.. aim to have a fun game, thn aim to have friends, aim to win. What should u focus.. every hero has different thing to focus. You nid to know 1st ur role for u to know what to focus. Exmple Carry-antimage u nid to focus farm and avoid death. carry-vengful spirit u nid lvls bcoz ur team might prioritize pushing lvling ur passive is a must. carry-jug forcing enemy n early/mid game team fights or called presurrung, ETC. Supports- priority is keeping cores alive


        First you need to make a new account because that one is already destined to hit 2k


          If u ask me how did i become a good player. I am active player,got 3k games played 5k> mmr. But before i was noob too, like everybody. but i kept playing and understand the mechanics of the game. I watched pro games and analyzed it. Read guides, blogs, articles, changelogs. And i learned from these things are these.. before i play i check myself if im fit to play, i don't play if im sick. after i login i fix my settings 1st b4 clicking play. during loading i check every1s profile 4 me to plan wht to do. during picking i clarify wht role thy want or ill tell 1st on wht i want. in game try to be frendly to every1. stay calm. think wht is btter thing to do. dont blame from just 1 mistake. if game goes retard dont go retard too. if the game ends try to see ur mtch stats analyze wht u did right or wrong. u can watch it again if u have time. last stretch between games, it will help.


            Benao sensei gave you tips too ;)


              These are things u nid to know about the game, this might help you. In dota there are 5 positions 1-5. 1carry 2mid 3offlane/semicarry 4semisupport 5support. Don't rush thngs. The most important item in dota is tp. bringing tp separates noobs from pros. You nid to wait 4 the right time always, be in right position, if you end up in off-position ur team might suffer. Blaming doesn't help it makes the situation worse. there are brackets about skill normal/high/vry high skill. 4 u to be very high u nid to invest in dmg or heal in these things (Hero dmg HD, Tower dmg TD, Hero healed HD) it means 4 u to be in vhs bracket u nid to be active and do sh1ts everytime thre is a chance. Last thing.. dont 4get to read guides. Internet is too wide, explore it.