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General DiscussionNeed some tips for calibration phase

Need some tips for calibration phase in General Discussion
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    I am almost lvl 50 trophy and then I would be able to play ranked.Recently I am trying to pick my best heroes to stomp and win games.Still I
    am in HS.Also I need to mention that people in my team has solo ranked MMRs near 3.6k~4k recently.So maybe I am close there too ?

    Can I calibrate near 4k now? Or should I play more unranked games to get VHS first?

    P.S: Feel free to give me your productive criticize about my games,not to mention sometimes I get horrible teammates :( .
    Tnx for your time :)

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    plz do

      just forget mmr and play for fun with friends dude

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        I had enough fun on normal games XD


          If your win rate is around %50 (which it is), you are probably being put in the right skill brackets. You can assume your calibrated MMR would be close to those you play with.

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          plz do

            ok, since u ask like a toddler, who wouldnt stop pokin the dragon until the dragon wakes.
            normal games have different mmr than ranked games. so the people in ur team might be lower/higher skill in normal games.
            ur probably around 3,2-3,5k hidden mmr. 3,7k mmr and ur in vhs - hence, u have to do better and stomp some games. ur ranked cali games are worth a lot. so u better perform well in them.
            mb u play some more normals first in order to have a higher start to calibrate. mb stop playin slark - 40% wr is not promising.

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              I am not a toddler :D Just been away from Dota for some time,so I ask everything before I start doing it.
              About the Slark.Its no better to blame your teammates but the low wr is because my teammates,could be true about any other heroes.
              I play Slark a lot (and recently) just because its one my best heroes I can play.


                if u can win most of the games 1 v 5 in normal matchmaking then u good to go

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                  @Coventry Boy
                  And if I can climb to the moon XD

                  [Team23] Ventder

                    I'd keep playing in normal until reaching vh skill bcs you can tryhard while others just chill and inflate your hiddem mmr for when you calibrate. Also normal is more fun :D

                    Mid or tiny airlines?

                      You should play your 10 tbd games soon, trust me. If you wait until you get VHS that would fuck up. What if you will calibrate around 3.5k-4k and your gaming skill is just for 3k or below. That would fuck up your MMR. I checked your profile, and you are actually good at Riki, but only in Riki. You can't just pick Riki all the time if you are in 4k already.

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                        @Are you a Pro?
                        Its called snowballing and NO ! I can play a lot of heroes but not when your team fails a lot.So basically I am dominating games early by snowball heroes.

                        Bad Intentions

                          Yo OP, the real question here..

                          Is your Body and Soul ready for Doto Ranked MMR games?


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                            @Bad Intentions
                            If the force be with me :p

                            Dune, the Desert Planet

                              Git gud son. You are ruining games for other people with your smurfing.

                              SO LOYAL I DESERVE 2 GIRL...
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                                  May I also know what MMR i might get with my account? kinda getting the hang of the game but i played dota 1 before and stopped playing for years then started playing dota 2 recently. i am expecting low party mmr though since i've played with some 2k LAN mates(i play on computer shops). i just wonder what mmr i would get for solo. thank you.


                                    If u play ONLY snowball heroes, u will find yourself useless in many situations. Riki is generally useless on ranked games cos people mostly get sentries from min 1, and carry dusts. Same goes for Slark + u will face doom/silencer every game.


                                      brother don't play ranked yet. u are still in HS bracket. your mmr would be too low becoz of that it woulb be <4k. u can climb to higher bracket. i'll give u advice what to do. next time you play, u play anti mage.. *if you think ur teamate is too noisy mute them*. thn focus on farming not hero kill, make sure u buy C.Blade in ur 1st item 4 faster farming. after ur fury divide ur focus on farm and tower dmg(1 of factors to be in VHS called TD) ur last priority is the hero dmg or kill. even if u lose tht game tht would bring u closest to the vhs. next game u pick spec. what u nid to do is focus building urn, u get charges everytime u see a chance, like using ulti evrytime u see an enemy hero dying in ur teamate hands. and every charge in ur urn use it in ur hurt teamate even if thy got <400hp hurt. dont hesitate to empty ur urn becoz hero heal is 1 again in the 'recipe' to be a VHS player. if u are winning build manta and do some dmg to towers, hit towers if there is a chance. just spam am and spec sure VHS.


                                        wrath[.] ur party mmr will be close to your solo mmr. if u expect low pt mmr thn expect low in solo too. but u can still do sumthing if u haven't calibrate yet. 1st check ur matches if u are in normal/high/Vh skill. if u are in normal u will have <3.1, high is <3.7, vh 3.7> if u r in normal try to climb in high skill atleast. What u nid to do is invest dmg/heal in these things (Tower TD, Hero heal HH, last priority is Hero dmg HD) last priority is hero dmg becoz of zeus ulti abuse, valve has lessen or omit the factor in computing mmr by hero dmg coz of tht. Do this steps and u will end up in high mmr and u will thank this guide.

                                        SO LOYAL I DESERVE 2 GIRL...

                                          ^ Some assumptions on brackets are off


                                          You can que with 4.5k(usual)~5.9k (highest I've seen, but I think he bought his account) on solo but when you que (along with a VHS smurf aswell ) for first time party que you get sent to random brackets. Or idk... :v

                                          1st Party Que HS Bracket

                                          Got sent to high skill twice, one on first game and one on 1st time party que.

                                          Also I noticed my other account gets to play with 3.8~4.3k whenever I stomp a game, if I lose a game against these guys the next game I que would be 5k~5.2k. All of which have games like everyone picks cores and the highest mmr (within their team) plays support whilst having 2-3 smurfs on his team... Weird

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                                            People like you who keep spamming "u suck,get gud,don't ruin my game,I am crying,bla bla" is the reason why games are ruined not me my friend.

                                            Feed me or you

                                              I actually CAN ADAPT with games by playing other heroes.As I said,it is near impossible to win if team fails.About the rikki,its not what it seems.I play ganker/roamer rikki to dominate the game and help carries and mids.What I am trying to do is basically rotating and ganking to keep the team fast forward for the end.

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                                                That has been suggested many times.Ok I try this though I know my team fails :D


                                                  and try to have a positive mind too. :) happy gaming