General Discussion

General DiscussionCan someone explain why Broodmother has just 42% winrate?

Can someone explain why Broodmother has just 42% winrate? in General Discussion
mr lizard

    Broodmother has one of the worst winrates in the game, considering that it is one of the strongest offlaners of the game. It is very hard to kill and stuff, welp.

    Totentanz to The King: M ...

      Just a tip, about %90 of the players are below 4k MMR.


        Can someone tell me why ember has a 46% (iirc) winrate?

        He is one of the best carries/mids in the game. It's very hard to kill and stuff, welp.

        The answer is difficulty. If the hero is hard to play/volatile/easy to kill if not utilized correctly/etc. then the OVERALL winrate goes down.

        For example ember... He has practically no HP, just about ANY core can murder his face off if you make a misplay. But a good ember player never gets caught so his lack of HP doesn't matter. Ember doesn't have a very good escape mechanic either.... in the sense that you need to be either very quick, or plan ahead (escape remnants)...

        Lets imagine a 2k ember player. He gets ganked and venomous galed. A 4k player would already have remnanted to safety. A 5k player wouldn't get caught out in the first place (and if he did, he has a remnant)... But a 2k player just gets galed, tried to run with his 100ms remnant, and still dies.

        Riguma Borusu

          ebola spirit shares the fate

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              even if you are a good Brood (and when I mean good I mean above 2k Brood player) in 2k, people have no idea how to play with a Brood on their team. I had more success in 3k with Brood than I did in 2k.


                the most powerful last pick in the game i believe

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                    because they play her wrong


                      It's because of Bogi BrokeBack

                      Dire Wolf

                        cus most broods don't know what they are doing, myself included, so it essentially turns your team into 5v4 while you sit in a lane. If you don't take towers super fast enemy team starts winning every 5on4 teamfight and getting too strong.


                          Cause people dont go Bogi's no spider build :))


                            It is actually very easy to kill Brood. And she's been out long enough for people to know how to counter her. Namely, buying sentries for the lane, and also dust on supports to gank. She is probably the weakest hero pre-6 without the safety of her webs. Pop a dust and it's like she's squishier than CM.


                              Also even if you do well as brood, you have to end the game with your team, which nobody does in pubs so that's why it's almost always an auto-loss.

                              Miku Plays

                                They pick brood and feed spiderlings to legion. And holy shit bogi brood raped my legion.