General Discussion

General Discussiontell me whats good and whats wrong from my previous game and what sho...

tell me whats good and whats wrong from my previous game and what should i do to fix it, i want to know in General Discussion
Concrete Angel

    i really need to know it from the other player's pov ty

    < blank >

      You can't fix your last game 4Head

      Concrete Angel

        lol i mean for my next game kappa


          U make forcestaff should domi & sf always has high cs and urs don't..


            i assume he went force staff at the end of the game to push enemies into fountain.

            put points into raze over necromastery i.e. at level 5 and 7 rather than 6 and 8. the extra damage from razes are better than 7 extra max souls for killing the enemy mid, and for farming.

            if you want a safe build go SNY and dominator rather than shadow blade first item. SF's weakness early on is his low survivability, not his lack of damage, which is why mek was popular on him in the past. if you can force the enemy to use extra spells on you and not your teammate, and you live long enough to get your ulti off and death ulti, your team can still win the fight from ur ulti damage reduction and slow.

            shadow blade is good for getting kills but if you spend 2 mins getting a kill and not farming then you're going to fall behind in farm and lose the game because of it. lower skilled players tend to have this problem. they lack the map awareness to predict where the enemy will be and focus too much on looking for kills rather than being ahead in items as a carry heroes, and end up underfarmed, and then get outcarried by the enemy carry who's just been right clicking creeps for 30 minutes straight

            Paid actor

              ^in all honesty, whenever i see u as last poster in a thread that i want to express my opinion, it seems that u keep doin that for me. U have some pretty solid game knowledge man and im not tellin this only from this post. cheers.

              Concrete Angel

                yass im buying that force staff to push them, tbh i cant get enough farm bcs my teammates wont report missing, i got ganked by slardar like 3 times and i buy wards myself


                  dont depend on miss report. see whos missing on minimap, and take care of urself.