General Discussion

General DiscussionRanked game, close fight, tense but when your teammates just wants to...

Ranked game, close fight, tense but when your teammates just wants to gives up or cracking under pressure, what do you do? in General Discussion
Bad Intentions

    Doto is a team game. Players share a common goal to have fun and also try to win a game. But when there are times that some of your teammates cant handle the pressure of a tight tense game, what do you usually do? please share your exp.

    the realm's delight

      sell my items buy wards and make a swastika out of them


        Tell them good players always give up


          Calm them down, tell them to stop arguing because it has no benefits.
          Point out what you have, what you can do, lead them. (as simple as, let's def highground / wait for their aegist to expire etc.)

          Give hope, believe, give compliments (a simple "well done" is awesome).

          Tell flamers to s*hut up and focus on the game. Tell people that flame the flamer to s*hut up and let the flamer play.
          It's mostly about this, if people argue, and spend their focus on trash talking, you're probably not turning the game around.


            I buy rapier and try to 1v9

            Von Darkmoor

              Do like my carries usually do buy boots and then MKB and de Evert teamfight :) :) :)

              King of Low Prio

                Flame em harder

                Paid actor

                  Mute all chat. Actually i keep it muted 90% of the time, so i might not know if they r gettin salty or anything like it. Honestly it is way better, u have way better focus and u r not distracted by wierd comments or gettin worked up by a flame that some1 might throw at u.

                  About the question on what can u do? Not much i think appart from doin ur best and focusin on ur game.


                    ^ U mute people when u should try to motivate them to stay focused on the win ? No wonder that u are stuck in mmr.

                    Actually u can win some games just by leadership, mainly in that situations when the game is very even and u have to try hard even more. Actually the most difficult is getting people listen to you, what u can achieve by making smart decision throughout the game. And surely u cant do it while keeping people muted.

                    Paid actor


                      What does im stuck in mmr means man? every1 goes to a certain mmr and then either improves or stay there. Ive tried to talk to ppl, tried to communicate, i just dont want other ppl to be impacted by my words, im more focused on improving my own gameplay. I dont discard ur opinion, ur words have some truth in it but i belive its a matter of priorities, and i prioritize my self-improvment more than the teamgame, im a kind of solo guy, when i play in stacks tho that changes ofc but i wouldnt bother in solo mmr. Might sound wrong in many lvls but thats how it is for me.



                        There's almost no point in DotA that isn't about team play. Having a solo mentality like that even in solo queue means you will never improve. You cannot easily kill people 1v1 in higher MMRs, you have to coordinate ganks with your teammates and without learning how to communicate with people, you will be nothing.


                          in solo queue? just tell them nicely we can still win. that's about it.

                          anything more and he will think ur a shitty tryhard.

                          if you just want to have party games though, just find better people to queue with. i had some good friends in the last year, managed ~65% win rate with them over like 300 games.

                          (Almost 80% last month! waow!)

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                          Paid actor

                            yea i understand the whole concept of teamwork and things like that, the problem is that ppl wont rly listen to what u say, and what ive had the most trouble with is the euforia that they have after winning hard the early game, they just think that they can rosh and go for hg in 15-20mins with no pushing or slow siegein heroes against some wombo combo teamfight team. And thats how ive lost ALOT of game in this patch, coz since they dont listen to me i have to follow them or else they will start to be toxic as hell, they wanna push hg nomatter what so if i go with them its autolose the moment that they defend hg with 2-3 casualties from our side.

                            And at that point they get that most desired comeback gold and whats worse is that the morale of our team gets shattered they start doin wierd shit like gettin picked off or just writting instead of playin. So ive had some success with mute all chat, and watch my game, that way despite our big advantage and them throwin alot of it i was able to hold the game for a bit longer....i followed ur advice and communicated with them just to lose exactly like before...heres the proof


                            Voker got rekt hard mid....all the lanes actually got rekt...bara got euphoric charing in 5 for a lich kill...bounty builded dagon 5 coz he thought he was a boss...and in all this despite me tellin them that this game was so ez to lose they kept doin whatever they wanted....sven took rosh and wanted hg at all costs with no pick off...he had mask of madness for more than 40mins with no bkb >.<...

                            i mean u see whats happening complaining about my team, thats what i hate the most about dota community. Despite wtf they did, this game was on me, no matter how good or bad they were the only thing that i needed to change was me not them but me, they will still be the same with or without me. Thats why i mute all chat thats why i try to focus on my own game that way i wont me affected by thier bad decision makin or by flamin or anything like that, that eats every dota game from the inside to the point that 1 team ends up askin for reports on each other every singel fucking game.


                              Whenever in doubt, R[A]T.


                              By the way I recall a match where my team can't do dogshit, that I knew if I went to fight with them, the game is automatically lost. So I just went rat when the enemy team spent their time killing my team. When they were too late to go back I got their ancient already. Good thing is my team still knew how to force them to fight and not tp out.


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