General Discussion

General DiscussionLet's share insights about Zeus

Let's share insights about Zeus in General Discussion

    6.86 had been out for quite some times, so is zeus legit?

    Item-wise, I think it is pretty straight forward to go Soul ring/Bottle --> Arcane --> Dissemble Arcane into Aether lens --> Rebuild Arcane --> Veil of discord. Throw in an optional eul/force staff/dagger for escape/re-positioning

    This is a very well-rounded build that give you decent armor/magic resistance/hp regen/mp regen/team-fight presence. Most people advocate octarine after those. However, I still feel that bloodstone is still much more useful than octarine. Linken/BKB is good against pesky orchid/silence as well.

    Laning wise, I think he is still quite under-whelming as mid as he is not really a ganker/tempo controller. He is also very susceptible to mid-ganks too. Offlane seems to suit him well since he can farm decently with arc lightning. Nevertheless, once the death-balling starts, you immediately becomes a powerhouse with your constant spell-spamming from safe range via aether lens. However, this is still not entirely non-counterable.

    So is he in the same league as 6.84 Leshrac or SS? Or he is finally considered as balanced? Is there any other better playstyles for him?

    Pale Mannie

      He is balanced