General Discussion

General DiscussionPlay Ranked Match

Play Ranked Match in General Discussion

    Can someone tell me how the hell I can't still play Ranked Match? My total matches is 132 already, I see smurf accounts here in Dotabuff that they have less than hundred matches yet they can play Ranked Match already SOLO / Party. While I can't still play Ranked Match? What the hell is actually happening right now? o.O

    Bad Intentions

      It will take time my friend, it will take time :]


        But how come some of the players with smurf account can play Solo Ranked Match already with less than 100 matches? Weird. I think Gabe have anger issues on me lel.


          126 Matches level 30 trophy while other less than hundred matches that can play Ranked Match already, weird.

          Ce commentaire a été édité

            U can play only party ranked before 50 lvl Trophy. Maybe u just look but dont see the real problem.


              Any account that didn't already achieve level 13 in the Source 1 (pre-Reborn) client needs level 50 on his Experience Trophy.
              If you have level 30 that pretty much explains it. The smurf accounts you mentioned are probably old enough to disregard that rule.


                My 3rd smurf account was only level 11 in source 1 but when it switched to reborn I can play Ranked Match already on it. As far as I remember this account have 60 matches already and its already like level 8 in source 1 but when I opened it in Reborn it switched to level 1.


                  And the morale of the story is: Don't fucking smurf.


                    ^ give this man a medal