General Discussion

General Discussion this people wont get good or dont wanna be good ?

this people wont get good or dont wanna be good ? in General Discussion
play for fan

    every day i see some people played over 1000 games as a hero but they are still too low i was playing at 3500 mmr today and i just saw someone who have 600 win as invoker so i just told myself how the fuck this guy have 600 win as invoker and hes still 3500
    invoker in this patch is free mmr so how someone with 600 win as voker cant even manage to get to +3700 (very high skill)
    it even get worst when u play on 2k acc some times u see players with over 3000 games played but still 2k !!!!!! its actually usual to see someone played over 2k match but still 2k
    is there some kind of limit for some people to get better at dota ?

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      they probably think they are good and/or dont know how to watch replays or something
      im certain any person can get 3k within a week just from copying what a high mmr player does in the first 10 mins and copying the exact item and skillbuiilds.


        Wanna know why that invoker is bad?

        He buys euls every game AKA he plays exort, buys euls and can only use 3 spells to do the ''euls combo'' after he done the euls combo he is basically complete useless and turns into a useless rightclick because he doesn't know any other spells, anyone that plays invoker like that should just kill himself.

        acc buyers in my team

          guess w33haa needs to commit sudoku


            i have more mmr than hours in dota, so i shouldn't kill myself


              i know a guy with 7k games played and 3k mmr


                I have 2k hours and 1k MMR cos I calibrated as soon as I could and never played ranked since lmao
                All my solo are high or vhs so I guess im about 3.7k


                  i got 1600 matches and still 1k