General Discussion


MORPHLING PLS EXPLAIN in General Discussion
Boundless Strike in Gaben...

    i need to know how to play this hero.....pls explain

    is he meant to be a right clicker?....when do you toggle agi/str like in what situations what is the perfect balance.....when do you use his his ulti just an escape mechanism?

    im having a really hard time with his toggle agi/str...i have no idea how to do that stuff and when to do it.....replays are giving me inconclusive information...i only get the agi for damage and armor and str for hp bit which is obvious but when do we do what?

    why is linkens core on him?



      Go to 6.82 then ask these questions


        He is a support
        When you morph str you have a 4,25 stun on a 10 second cooldown at 900 range
        Build aghs to abuse hybrid illusions
        Eul's is for mana reasons and providing control and purge
        Blink, force, etc
        Tranquils or Arcanes is good for boots


          boots aquila roh treads pers linkens eblade manta
          linkens so u have sustain to constant use wave to farm, keeps u elusive, also gives u 30 dmg so not as bad for dmg as compared to other heroes


            He is not a support. he is a situational carry who has good mid and late game provided he gets enough farm. he is a decent mid as well as he has a good escape mechanism and decent right click early gam, though he is very bad at gank usually because of his low movement speed.


              As you can see, when a morph player has low hp, they tend to use strength morph. Of course the strength moprhed from Agi give you more health and thus help increase your survivability.
              But the E skill is much more powerful than that, this is the math behind it: Assume you started with *40 Agi*, then morphed in 5 seconds with lvl 1 skill E, after the change, you lost 10 Agi and gained 10 Str, right? But the power of skill E is your Agi lost GRADUALLY, so in average, your Agi was 35, NOT 30. Thats mean you EFFECTIVELY lost 5 Agi but gain 10 Strength. It is also true with lv2,3,4 of skill E. In general, you only effectively lost Agi equal to half the amount of Str gain.


                circlet wraith band recipe brach tango salve/fearie fire, either. In more contested lane go salve.

                finish ur wraith band in sideshop, stick if its useful in ur lane. Get treads then finish aquila. Buy wand and perseverance.
                buy Linkens
                buy Ethereal blade
                buy BKB if it's requires for you to fight, if not you go skadi into manta
                then butterfly

                Congrats you're probably the strongest hero in dota2.

                When you're farmed and your team has vision going into a fight. Morph str so you can get a max stun duration stun, then morph AGI as you're hitting the stunned hero.

                Big difference between a good Morph and a really good Morph is how you use morph. The hero is hard, but just play him. He's extremely fun. Good luck.

                Go watch Sylar and Illidans replays. Learning carry heros is so easy by just watching replays and copy what they do. Unlike supporting.

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