General Discussion

General DiscussionIs this guys's Void build the best build

Is this guys's Void build the best build in General Discussion

    Goes treads, vanguard, aquila, then the bloody naga/alchemist radiance, manta, octarine core build. Every single game. Sometimes works in a magic wand or gets a mjollnir or bkb or blademail if the game goes on longer. Most games he is getting his radiance around 20-22 minutes into the game - and that's on top of treads/vanguard/aquila since he is usually racking up 75-80cs at 10 minutes and 140-150 by 20.

    Has a 43-8 winrate on Void this patch.

    Is it that this guy has found the best build, or is just that apparently 6k players don't know to aggressively dual lane and shut down a carry like they do every single time whenever I want to pick a carry in 3k?

    Miku Plays

      Idk, some random tried to do the same build and he got shrekt


        IMO, i don't think that that's the build for void, it's just that the synergy between radiance, manta and octarine is really good.


          Its Waga's build, he did it first on stream, he's done it on his smurf and main 6k and 7k


            octarine + blademail is a free spectre dispersion ability.

            combined with radiance miss chance.

            time walk damage negation

            you have a hero that never ever dies and keeps pumping out bashes, medium physical dps, pseudo aoe silence, constant magic dot, etc. etc. etc.

            it seems pretty good to me. he turns into a teamfight machine to make enormous space for his team during fights.


              No doubt those items have synergy with void's ability.......nevertheless, treads/vanguard/ROA/radiance by 20-22 mins = very good farm rate for void, shown by his high cs as well...

              I think the more pertinent question is how do you optimize your farm in order to obtain those items. On top of that, I think you have to be prepared to be flamed by your team for not going MOM maelstorm.


                Mom maelstrom isn't in the meta anymore. Only dogshits will flame.


                  "octarine + blademail is a free spectre dispersion ability."


                    "For a low price of just 8,100 gold pieces"

                    Dire Wolf

                      idk if that's the greatest build ever, but pretty sure I could win with any build if I could manage 80 cs by 10 mins. Seriously how the fuck does a void get that much cs? You usually haven't even left lane at 10 mins, I believe that's literally getting every lane cs.

                      You get 20 waves by min 10, cus they spawn at 0 and then every 30 seconds but last wave hasn't reached you yet. For first 15 mins there are 4 creeps per wave, so exactly 80. Then you should have gotten two siege creeps in there as well.

                      So this guy is insanely good at cs in lane or farming jungle somehow on void or against retards you never deny.

                      But yeah, mask of madness and maelstrom suck now. Void simply won't outfarm anyone, even with the better mana cost on blink, and he doesn't do enough dmg to kill people in chrono, is too squishy. I'd say go for tanky items, maybe not vanguard, but like a s&y, bkb, dominator, aghs, maybe even skadi, and just be unkillable and team fight around your ult.

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                        rush aquila treads to spam 1st spell.
                        get vg to be tanky and frontline.
                        radiance for same reasons.
                        rest is situational.
                        seems ok and looks like hes winning in solo games ( against levkan,silvos, bulldong).
                        i might try it soon


                          this build is so trash please don't do it
                          why can't you build him like an agi carry? blink sny dominator skadi manta or some shit


                            i don't think i give a shit what i build on void in solo q

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                              Dire Wolf

                                I think he needs to be built as a front line fighter, not a farming carry anymore, that's all.


                                  He's frontliner for sure, so you should build him tankier then before. You to survive through the shit they throw on you and then backtrack it.

                                  Riguma Borusu

                                    It seems the hero's actually tons of fun to play now, I might wanna try the new void out, I never liked the hero because he was an one trick pony. I still think you want to fit a moon shard into his build somewhere if there's one enemy in particular you need to lock, that shit just results in permabash.

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                                    registered flex offender

                                      He's still capable of being a farming carry though

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                                        Welt aus Eis

                                          ^ it worked and he won


                                            is dk good now?


                                              dk has always been fairly decent

                                              ЗА КАЗ МOДАН
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                                                  I tried this for some matches (80%+ win rate) and every game people at 2k-3k flame me "noob void wtf items" :/


                                                    Yeah I tried it last night and got flamed for being a 'naga'.

                                                    Milei Presidente

                                                      Don't do it please noobs


                                                        then enemy team picks aa >EleGiggle


                                                          I'm still very interested, do you think this build is worth it (ignoring people yelling at you) or it's worst than the classic void build used by the majority?

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                                                              but he is going safe

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                                                                Welt aus Eis

                                                                  usually i see 6ks+ going treads vlads dagger aghs or somehting liek that