General Discussion

General DiscussionSven 6.86 build with SnY HOD and Shadow Blade ?

Sven 6.86 build with SnY HOD and Shadow Blade ? in General Discussion
U wot m8?

    what is this im seeing people use SnY, HoD and SB on sven now ? what have they changed to sven ? i have been away for quite sometime

    Pale Mannie

      SnY is a thing now for Sven thats for sure but the other items? wut?

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          I would go soulring treads mom bkb blink crit then idk maybe ac.. what the fucks shadow blade for. And yeah sny is good

          U wot m8?

            why everyone is leveling cleave now ASAP ? did they buff it or something ?


              Lol they stupido comrade, max cleave pushes too far, go max stun, E and stats, get cleave at lvl 10

              Pom Pom 🍕

                Maxing cleave first has always been common. You put 1-2 points into stun, 1 point in warcry, then save skill points until level 7-8 where you can max out your cleave instantly (still putting a point into ult level 6 obviously) so you can clear the jungle fast.

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                  Livin' Real Good

                    Okay cool, i'ma start making S&Y on Sven, thanks guys. :P


                      holding points is pretty stupid imo

                      you go stun/cry/cry then dump the rest into cleave immediately when you get it, by the time you are level 4 it's probably not worth freezing the wave anymore since the offlane has by this point either left for the jungle or it's a semi-contested lane which probably goes back and forth anyway

                      once you have cleave you can farm the wave + the nearby big camp which makes you get levels and farm a lot faster

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                            sb always the pub alternative to dagger and hod mostly for stacking or using creep to farm lane while you afk jungle. sny stats is doglike


                              Dire Wolf

                                I don't think shadowblade is better than blink unless it's a silver edge game ie against pa or some shit like that

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                                  Dire Wolf

                                    Agree. Armlet is also good but you may find your slots filling too quickly, blink, treads, armlet, s&y, hod, bkb that's no big dmg items and 6 slotted by like 30-35 mins but you will be a beast