General Discussion

General DiscussionPlease, need genuine advice on how I could have won this game?

Please, need genuine advice on how I could have won this game? in General Discussion

    I think my biggest mistake was the end. I always hear that it's your fault if you lose the match. In this position, i believe especially so. Getting out of the trench tier of 2k is gonna take a while but this match, I had little hope. I thought I could win anyway.

    If anyone is willing, i'd really appreciate any true insight.

    But if there is anything immediate, such as item choices (which I'm bad at) please let me know.

    I'll love you forever for any help here <3


      That game was unwinnable: accept it and move on. Your winrate is 55%, so you should escape trench eventually.

      твоя мамка

        I think itemisation is pretty bad. You dont build right pure click damage as bloodseeker, abyssal blade and skadi rather then daedalus and mkb couldve won you a game.

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          What's wrong with damage items? Why do I need the bash and slow exactly?


            You needed more survivability for that game. You're up against really heavy nukers and damage dealers. You should have prioritized items like skadi, heart or satanic.


              You had a techies that built bloodstone

              The game was just about unwinnable

              Sexo Meister


                The reason you need bash/slow is to keep enemy from either running away or fighting back while having good survivability from both basher and skadi, keeps u alive in teamfights and makes you unkillable in a 1v1 - 1v2

                Sexo Meister

                  Also profpic probably 2 cute thats why u lose kek


                    So can I ask what order what order? I like SnY early on for the extra speed. Then I typically would go Maelstrom to get farm.
                    So like, could i just rush Abby after Maelstrom or skip Mael completely?

                    puni puni butt UWU

                      IF UIR ANIME PICK EMBER


                        So the problem is kinda the item build (not talking about the feeder mates)
                        You shouldve got sny/abyssal/heart/bkb/BoT/ac


                          Ofc mjollnir is good too
                          The build should be after simple early game items
                          Power tread
                          The situational item (i would even go for skadi/satanic if the nuke damage was high)

                          Sexo Meister

                            Maelstorm is good
                            But going basher would be better because bloodcyka goes can gank and farm other heroes within min 10, and basher is more viable then mael, also sny+ seeker's base agi growth is enough attackspeed. Unless ur against illu hero.

                            Oh man

                            That " what order what order?" + that profpic made my brain read it with an adorable loli voice going all cute n shit

                            This is why u need 2 change that pic

                            And yes i have a problem


                              sOmeTiMeS yOu WiN sOmeTiMes yOu lOsE

                              Riguma Borusu

                                The "sometimes you win sometimes you lose" comments don't actually help him. His item build/timing was shit so he lost due to that.


                                  Your team XP gain is kinda imbalanced.

                                  7Mad About You

                                    Look i already have mega creeps in every lane but im lose this one. So you know the game isn't only for individual, but a team game


                                    Riguma Borusu

                                      You lost when you picked Sniper against Spectre, still your fault pretty much. Sniper's terrible against spectre, and that Spectre player had 40k hero damage :)

                                      Don't pick stupid shit next time if you don't want to take the blame. I spam (usually even JUNGLE) LC all the time so I can't complain when the game's lost, but if you think you could not have picked better to start off with it, you're just wrong, you need to pick something that can fight spectre, not a fucking sniper. Also your item build is terrible.

                                      saving private RTZ

                                        ^LC jungle is wrong


                                          To OP,
                                          You lost, because you are a farmer boy, got all kills after your teammates were dead. You didn't do anything for team but farming. 345 LH for what? Could you even beat Luna 1v1?
                                          Look at the history, farmers always loses to the soldiers!

                                          Riguma Borusu

                                            "^LC jungle is wrong"

                                            It is not wrong if you can have 60% wr with it in a certain bracket. It's wrong if it makes you lose more games than you win. Also I can't complain if I lose the game by going jungle, I can recognize that the lanes are weak, it's just that most people don't take advantage of that.


                                              You lost with an Aegis, which tells me you probably weren't involved in the final fight where they took your ancient. Which is probably why you lost. It doesn't matter what you were doing, the important thing is that you didn't have a TP so you couldn't get back in time to save your base. The most important lesson is that it doesn't matter how farmed you are if you're unable to get to the fights that matter. ALWAYS have a TP. What i personally do is: if i run out of slots for TP scrolls i make sure my next item is BOTs. Sure an abyssal blade or Skadi is nice, but if you can't get to the fight you may as well have spent that money on feeding couriers.

                                              As far as your item choices go, Maelstrom is only really needed on Bloodseeker if they have lots if illusion heroes (even then battlefury is probably better). The MKB was okay this game since Luna had evasion. Daedalus is okay since its the best DPS item.

                                              Like lots of people said, Basher is important for Blood for two reasons:
                                              1) It gives you a way to cancel TPs. The general counter to rupture is to just TP out.
                                              2) Bashes stop people hitting you while you have bloodrage on, which means you're less likely to die and more likely to kill them.

                                              Finally, I suggest casting bloodrage on your allies in certain situations. It amplifies all damage they do (even damage from their spells) so casting it on someone like tiny would make his ava-toss combo even more deadly.


                                                Thank you guys much for the insight.
                                                Is Euls at all effective on Bloodcyka? I don't feel he needs the extra movement speed, nor the mana regen once the game starts to get late. I read about it in a guide though.

                                                Can I ask what times Blademail is worth buying?

                                                Oh and one thing I don't understand is why have a basher if I can have MKB with +Attack speed and more bash damage. I guess it doesn't go through BKB though.

                                                Ce commentaire a été édité

                                                  Ok lets put it like this
                                                  Euls no (unless rare places like they have silence u dont have manta money)
                                                  Blademail is actually a very good item bc they cant trade hits and u can attack them and get stronger in that attackback time
                                                  Then there's the reason of getting fast basher
                                                  Basher costs (1600+450+1000) so 3k gold which is 2.5k gold cheaper than mkb
                                                  U gotta stop tp early game as the game goes late and enemy has items he will stay and trade hits
                                                  So just get fast basher
                                                  And. And. U can build an abyssal after that which is crucial later on
                                                  Mkb probably good bc of luna but no excuses of not having the basher
                                                  Bladmail would actually wreck luna and any nuke/damage hero
                                                  And one thing, i used to read builds on sites like dotafire but fuck dat. Just watch pros, ask ppl. U can see the suggested build but dont trust those guides

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                                                    Livin' Real Good


                                                      Ah' I see, another jungle LC brother is here, where's Hatsune Miku, that's another brother. Kappa

                                                      Haven't been playing her that much lately though, jungle LC is only good on dire, hate her on Radiant now, so I just play her offlane when radiant. (which is probably her best position anyways)

                                                      My win rate with her was 60, but in a week, it went down to 56%, ive been losing alot with her lately for some reason. Might start her back up today.

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                                                      Riguma Borusu

                                                        ^Radiant jungle is just as good as dire if you farm hard and medium camp near mid, just use Iron Talon.