General Discussion

General Discussionhvnt played last 2 patches wat to pick ?

hvnt played last 2 patches wat to pick ? in General Discussion

    k so ive been playing other shit lately (last 4 or so months) and im not aware whats good or not

    clearly not gonna let random shitkids to stomp me so need suggestions of meta op heroes

    preferably for jungle/mid/carry (cuz supportign is for scrubs)

    the realm's delight

      not invoker


        jungle lycan
        mid invoker ta zeus
        carry morph jugg

        the realm's delight

          do u get new item on lycan


            i dotn play lycan but i heard from ppl its good
            hard camps are ur greatest enemy early levels anw


              anything u want.


                Anything except Axe, Invoker gives u +2k mmr if u know how to play INvoker so theres that too.

                Miku Plays

                  Jungle lc


                    what about the new hero is it any good ?

                    also what build on invoker

                    the realm's delight

                      whatever the fuck just make sure u invoke alacrity at lvl 2

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                        you can go either qw or qe w/e u prefer, but just get alacrity asap.


                          w33 does this build but he plays fire invoker mainly
                          i guess if u go wq its phase urn (drums) orchird or something


                            @tyrannical gladiator
                            you dont go jungle with lycan because his laning past a few levels is actually pretty strong. Only time you really go to jungle early is to dodge safelane, then you pick up that talon for easy farm in jungle, otherwise its wasted.
                            Setting you back 500 gold from necro lvl 1 is actually a big deal now as it is truely amazing on lycan now

                            @water pokemon trainer
                            Lycan is actually very strong now and the meta suits him veeery nicely

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                            the realm's delight

                              actually u get ur shit on the lane then leave and let supports get levels
                              my question was if u get talon if u go woods at lvl 1


                                yea i know hes good
                                cud u elaborate on why u think the meta suits him tho


                                  meta is...

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                                    Natures Prophet
                                    Midas, Aghs, Octarine and run treants into buildings until you win. You'll always win eventually. (no lookerino at my matcherinos)

                                    Lt. Dan is Back.

                                      I play against noobs in pubs and ranked (2.5k), this is what i use
                                      jungle --> np, easy to play and his treants are stronger than ever, lycan is also a very good choice but jungling is hard, try to learn from pro games.
                                      carry --> ember, void (but i would say am is better for some reason)
                                      mid -- > fuck mid ( just kidding i go ember too)