General Discussion

General DiscussionSeriously

Seriously in General Discussion

    Anyone else having trouble getting a gf? This shit is killing me. I REALLY DON'T EVEN LOOK LIKE SHIT!


      Is your MMR high enough to qualify? I hear that's how it's done.

      King of Low Prio

        find a grill who plays dota, easy life


          ... MMR is lacking ... Back to topic though...


            Don't be an asshole and be a nice person.

            I'm tsundere as fuck but I can pick up girls like a boss if I try


              I am nice... :/


                Then your in the same boat as me.

                All the girls want a douche bag lowlife guy and a rich guy they can mooch off of.

                Either way ur fucked


                  I see, sorry for taking it out here with you guys.. It's just.. I'm fucking 27 already :/ fml


                    I've heard this shit on repeat for over an hour already


                      this shit is kinda easy.. the thing is what are u looking for? a gf for bangs and an open relationship? or a gf that u will spend time with and see things a bit more serious? choose one of the above and just look at the right places.. it may sound weird but all women are the same inside...
                      depends on your character too dont bet only on ur appearance. chicks want to be urself, beeing fun to hang out with, creative and smart.
                      sometimes if u looking for |"a new gf " she may dont come.. these things come by themselves. if u have a facebook things are easier
                      u know facebook is a huge advantage to keep up with ur friends or meet new people.. also social life! i ve met unlimited chicks from my friends
                      and im a really social person in my irl and dota life too exdeeee:)
                      dont worry about it it will eventually come just be urself and dont pretend!

                      fyyq chickmaster himself

                      signing out


                        If you're being legit, here's my legit response.

                        Girls are not some kind of seperate life-form that somehow acts and thinks differently to men do, so don't think that way.

                        If you aren't able to find a gf it could be a lot of things like just plain luck, or perhaps there's something undesirable about you that you don't realise you have / do.

                        What "Neko Gamer Soul" said about girls and what they want is complete bullshit. Sure there will be some girls who are looking for a sugar daddy but they are a small group of people, not "all the girls" like he claims.

                        It's these kinds of ideas and values that people hold that makes them undesirable to women.

                        P.S.: If you're the kind of person that says "she's probably on her period" when a woman gets angry, don't ever expect women to be interested in you.

                        the gamer

                 This helped me a lot. just do what it says #lotsofgfsnot


                            It's not about how you look like, esp. since you're already above 23-25 years.

                            You need to think outside of the box, and you need to be creative.

                            Sexo Meister

                              Grab some asian chicks dude (if ur into them kek)

                              You white people can just wave your dick and asian chicks would come licking it up.

                              But if ur trying to get a serious relationship u gotta start losing that beard, y look like a douche.


                                ^ Honestly, people like you who make statements that imply women are animals that can be baited with a succulent juicy 'white person dick' are cancer.


                                  girls don't like guys who get low prio alot


                                    @ Gold Bird

                                    The girls at WY would like to have a word with you. And also a large chunk of your wallet.

                                    Just take it easy. The right one will come eventually. I'm 20, and I don't have a care in the world.

                                    Sexo Meister

                                      @gold bird

                                      Kek im just trying to tell him that asian has a lower standards when it comes to dating white guys,trust me i have been chasing yellow chicks and they just ran to a poor af white dude just cus he is "white"

                                      And yes i am cancer, no cure yet so cant stop me dude :))


                                        Don't worry Muda, Jojo will come around and kill you and your petty stand too.


                                          girls are easy.... if i ever saw them. im in a similiar boat i guess. i don't wanna sound like a bullshitter, but i've had no problems with girls. in highschool i pretty much got whoever i wanted, in the 1 year i was at university i met a few girls, and they came after me...... but then i got a real world job (i am a manager at a railway company) and railway companies tend to have about 1 young girl for every 1000 guys (no joke).. so finding someone at work is impossible, besides since its 1/1000 ratio, even if i did find someone, you'd be the talk of the company and you don't want that. and since i spend 95% of my spare time playing fucking video games, i don't go and meet people.

                                          but anyway, long story short, im sure if you went and met girls you'd be fine, but like me, i don't go outside anymore.

                                          i had a girlfriend for about a year recently, i mean, sex and companionship is nice and stuff, but porn and good male friends is pretty much the same.

                                          dont worry about it.

                                          also i still remember how shit you are at drow kappa

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                                          Sexo Meister

                                            @neko gamer soul

                                            No more bad leg this time!


                                              Yeah yeah sure.

                                              How is your original body doing?

                                              Livin' Real Good

                                                I get girls so easily, but I remember I time when I didn't, sigh* Never going back to those days, I will continue to be a female magnet for the rest of my life. :L

                                                My Asian girl is back from school for the holidays, so I haven't been lonely at all lately, but for the past 5 months when she was in Australia, definitely lonely on nights. Welp*

                                                This is the first year of my life i've ever felt lonely, maybe it's cause I became a shut in low life, yeah, that's exactly why. At least i'm raising my MMR. Kappa


                                                  go outside more often and u will get one. stay behind pc all day stay virgin all life

                                                  Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                    Don't hesitate to ask. At worst they will say no. Girls are also a lot more lonely than they look. Everyone sees a girl and says to themselves she probably already has a boyfriend and no one asks her out but she actually doesn't have one. And then, one guy, just because of his self-confidence asks and gets the girl. Don't know why I'm giving advice though, I never had a gf so.

                                                    Miku Plays

                                                      i dont have one either im not even financially stable



                                                        he's probably right.

                                                        im pretty sure an average looking girl is more likely to have a BF than a good looking one, because the good looking one is less approachable by most men.

                                                        u gotta GO FOR GOLD MAN.

                                                        5k gf or bust.


                                                          Don't be an asshole and be a nice person.

                                                          That's why you get friendzoned and won't get a gf.

                                                          the realm's delight

                                                            ye man im thirsty but the only way i make a gf rn is at a gym cause thats the only reason im getting out of my house. and those girls are out of my league so idk


                                                              Gonna give you some real man advice seeing as I have gone through this a million times since I was young.

                                                              "Friendzone" is actually a good place to be, most people stay at home expecting girls to come to their house to date them. You actually need girls as friends who have connections and then randomly one day you'll run into a girl that does it for you. I have never had any issues finding a date or a girlfriend cause I primarily am friends with women as I find them more interesting.

                                                              Don't be a D-bag, girls don't actually like that. They like confidence in a man and people confuse that with being an asshole towards them. Just be calm, cool, and composed around women don't try and act like anything just behave as you would around anyone else as they will actually like and respect that.

                                                              Never lie, if things work out for you it will hurt you down the line. Don't play into the little love game just be yourself. Stop stressing about it, there is someone out there for everyone and it sounds dumb but it will happen.

                                                              Remember if you don't act or ask you will never know, swallow your ego and act.


                                                                "Don't hesitate to ask. At worst they will say no"

                                                                Best tip so far.

                                                                It sounds vanilla but you miss 100% shots you don't take.



                                                                  LIL KASALANAN

                                                                    ^ What mokujin said, just ask.

                                                                    In the event she says no; shrug it then find another one.

                                                                    27 is such a yolo age, good luck!


                                                                      Guess I'll yolo, get mad, talk my lungs out and lead shit around as I play mirana irl too then...


                                                                        "Don't hesitate to ask. At worst they will say no"
                                                                        you know this is the best advice, and also be urself ma8.
                                                                        and try to find a girl that will have smilar interests like u, cuz best friend/gf is good shit


                                                                          at 27 il probably have 7 kids or something and be half broke, kappa


                                                                            The plan was to be married, with kids, an education and with a permanent job at 25. No shit I went yolo when I turned 24 and threw everything I had by then to shit :p

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                                                                            the realm's delight

                                                                              commited relationships

                                                                              Ce commentaire a été édité
                                                                              Mr. Furryhentai

                                                                                ur a virgin fahgits


                                                                                  A woman's mission in life is to make her best friend jealous. Find a girl, find her best friend, make her think your a pretty cool guy somehow then you can use your prediction cos it's in the bag.

                                                                                  Ce commentaire a été édité

                                                                                    ^ Find girl, find her best friend, rape both... wait... misread...

                                                                                    Ce commentaire a été édité

                                                                                      you make it sound like you're trying to tick a box. just getting a 'girlfriend' is a really bad idea. it'll be fun at first then tedious after six months.

                                                                                      do stuff you like to do and get out and meet people, you'll find someone with mutual feelings without a doubt.

                                                                                      if you just want to get laid, well, that is a bit different and you need to figure out what you can offer :)

                                                                                      or move to asia, that guy was right, they love white guys :p i used to feel like a rockstar in wanchai on sundays :D

                                                                                      chin up and stay out of lp.


                                                                                        I am 27, and just got engaged to my current gf. You can't try and plan the future that's just dumb, you'll frustrate yourself when things don't happen according to plan and you'll push some great people aside trying to get your life perfect.


                                                                                          Don't worry, you will meet someone one day.


                                                                                            Having a gf is like playing low priority.

                                                                                            Win Yo Fagot

                                                                                              each time i try to pick up a girl they tell me i dont like those guys that only like to fuck and go away
                                                                                              once a girl told me my face looks like those boys who u never see him again if u sleep with him
                                                                                              i dont know why they think that
                                                                                              i think i have a super attractive face and body
                                                                                              1.82 cm height cute stubble muscular body big rough hands im just not rich i guess thats the problem :| anyway fuck u bitches i dont need u but im sry for u bitches you dont want me now but u end up marry a man who makes u puke

                                                                                              Ce commentaire a été édité
                                                                                              lm ao



                                                                                                  ur gf will just stop u from getting vital mmr
                                                                                                  DONT DO IT


                                                                                                    "till death do us part"?


                                                                                                      Xan XD

                                                                                                      acc buyers in my team


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