General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat are the main things that separate a 2k player from a 3k player?

What are the main things that separate a 2k player from a 3k player? in General Discussion

    I worked myself up to 2.1k from 1.5k and then I stopped playing Ranked for awhile. But I also noticed some of my skill fading in games.
    My map awareness is really low right now, gotta improve that again.

    Anyway, what are some of the main skills I can improve on in a quest to 3k? Lately i've been working on hero versatility and counter picking.
    Any tips for someone who's only played for like 7 months?

    Thank you much in advance, hopefully I improve more today.


      only difference is 2k players don't farm very well at all though 3k players are not much of an improvement and also make bad decisions based on how the game is going, diving when they are ahead for example.

      plz do

        3ks are probably a little bit better in everything like mechanics, reaction and knowledge. sometimes i stack w my low mmr friends and i see often that huge mistakes are made in positioning and map awareness. hence, they end up feeding.

        "Any tips for someone who's only played for like 7 months?"
        dont listen to those people, rofl.


          1000 mmr points


            1000 MMR points is big deal at any level. It is the equivalent of a 40 game win streak. At any point ask yourself "could I win the next 40 games in a row"... and that is what is means to be 1000 MMR points better than you are now.

            There are other less dramatic ways to get there. You could win 70% of the next 100 games. Anyway you get the idea.

            A 3k player can easily outlasthit, and out juke a 2k player. A 3k player will make the correct choice to fight or not fight a lot faster than a 2k player. A 3k player will click to cast a spell or use an item while the 2k player is still trying to decide what to do, or maybe before the 2k player would even begin to think about it.

            But the main difference from 2k to 3k is:

            A 3k player will make much more efficient use of their time. While a 3k player still has a lot of room to improve, they are going to make some efficient moves sometimes. A 2k player wastes a huge amount of time standing around deciding things. A 2k player wastes precious seconds in fights walking around in circles instead of attacking and casting.

            plz do

              i forgot to mention that item choices are beyond bad in 2-3k.

              saving private RTZ

                I am glad relentless still has his ideas aka "the only difference between a 2k and a 6k its how fast they think"


                  If you want to climb MMR fast... learn to farm. It's the best advice you'll get on this forum.


                    O N E T H O U S A N D M A T C H M A K I N G P O I N T S

                    King of Low Prio

                      3k players farm too much and lose games by not fighting.


                        Picks matter the most. Work on getting competent at 2-3 heroes for each role, that means yes you are going to have to learn how to play support. Picking whatever your team is lacking while the enemy side consists of 3 carries and 2 mid heroes will make your games much easier and having a well balanced team is the fastest way to climb. This is assuming you are around the mechanical skill level of your opponents. Also never flame or criticise your teammates. The difference between anything below 5k and 5k is a positive attitude and the dedication to win, even in the midst of peruvians and angry children.

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                        the realm's delight

                          1000 mmr points

                          the realm's delight

                            fuck im late


                              Tbh no real difference between low 3k and high/mid 2k.

                              People in low 3k have trouble getting out of 2k, people from 2k having problem getting back to 3k.

                              Difference between 2.1k and 2.8-3k is mostly based in mechanics and reaction time. That also results in less dying and in a bit better decicion making, but this last 2 things you should take with a grain of salt.

                              I said it like 1000 times, but I'll do it again.

                              Everything below 3.8k is just another game, they are not playing Dota 2 at all.

                              After you hit 3.8k, game starts to looks similuar to Dota 2, but in order to play Dota 2, you need to get at least 4.3k MMR.

                              What separates high 3ks from low/mid 4ks is also mentallity and attidude. While shitloads of 4ks aswell flame, they do not give up that easily compared to high 3k players.

                              Basically, I don't want to insult you, but you can barely call yourselff a 2k player.

                              I managed to get 4k several times. But, does it make me a solid and legit 4k player? No.

                              Amount of games in each bracket is what makes you 2k, 3k, 4k or 5k player.

                              In order to see if you're ready for 2k, you need to keep playing, you need larger sample size.

                              There's clear difference between someone with 1000 ranked games in 2k, and someone who just got to 2k and stoped playing ranked.

                              While both may be bad, and while new 2k player might even have advantage over expirianced 2k, in order to prove anything, new 2k needs to prove he's actually 2k.

                              Now I've played 5 or 6 games in 1.5k-1.6k MMR bracket, and I noticed that people aren't that bad and I can see why some people have hard-time getting out of that MMR.

                              Ofc, I had no problems winning that games, and I lost 0 games there, but I really doubt that high 1k is much different to low 2k.

                              So just keep playing and improving, you have long and serious road if you want to see 3000 mmr.

                              And don't get me wrong, 3k sucks, it's not like it gets better in 3k. It's just starting point to get at normal games(4.3k and above).

                              saving private RTZ

                                ^how can you tell where games really start to look similar to Dota 2, considering the fact that you yourself haven't played at that 4.3k milestone you set consistently.

                                Also, with the 3.8k i can disagree, I'm right there and it barely feels any different than lets say 3.4-3.5k

                                Bad Intentions

                                  The higher u go, the higher reaction time pips have :]

                                  Bad Intentions

                                    The higher u go, the higher reaction time pips have :]

                                    King of Low Prio

                                      Bad is now relentless

                                      Swap Commend (Il Separatio)

                                        I am 2k BibleThump


                                          2K is just a a bunch of people who calibrated high. but they are more like 1k


                                            Blitz says "the biggest thing 2k players can do to get to 4k is last hit better". High mmr players don't miss easy last hits, they get 90% of the last hits they are able to. Better farm means better items means further ahead of the other players. It's easy to be better at last hitting, but its boring to practice. Just like most things in life, do the simple small things better than everyone else and your results will end up better than everyone else.


                                              Christmas Doto, I did play a lot of games in 4.2k+ Doto. My highest MMR was 4.2k, and I saw how does it feel to play there.

                                              I even played with friends, where avg. MMR was 4.3k+.

                                              Keep playing man, as I said, sample size matters.

                                              You have barely 30 games in VHS. Then again, as I mentioned, I never said 3.8k is good, I just said difference between 3.4k and 3.8k exists.

                                              Like after 3850+, games are better.

                                              I also have this smurf:

                                              Where I started to play just out of curiosity, to see where I'm gonna end up.

                                              My first game was placed into HS, and sec. one was in VHS already, however, judging by game-quality it was bottom of VHS.

                                              I lost a lot of games, but I kinda won aswell few games with nice HD/KDA/TD/GPM/XPM/etc, and slowly, after 15 or so games, system placed me to play with people way above my skill level.

                                              So I got matched with 4.5k and above in normal mm, and I just played my first 2 party-ranked games on my smurf with my friend.

                                              Turns out first game was in 3.9k, while sec. was in 4k, with me beign highest MMR(TBD), and enemy had 4.1k party/4.7k solo WR.

                                              I assume I'lm about 4.1/4.2k for my party-ranked atm on my smurf.


                                                0-5k mmrs are bad

                                                including me


                                                  2k people are good at a small variety of heroes and have specific ability and item builds on them.. so they can be easily countered.... and they also aren't the best lasthitters and make a lot of mistakes in fights...
                                                  3k's are great at a bigger group of heroes.. do less mistakes.. and farm much more effiently... i'm at 4k and moved up from 3.3k.... prefer normal over ranked... cz even 4k got noobs and MANY MANY FLAMERS!


                                                    i like how u used 4.3k as "real dota" shred.

                                                    because in order to be a dota 2 player you have to have autism.


                                                      I guess...


                                                        Dont go vlads on meepo Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! im sure i told you man


                                                          You might have at one point.
                                                          Then again, I don't go the usual Hex-E blade combo that everyone else goes.


                                                            I know a few 2k players and some feel like they have more game knowledge and care more about wining then 3k's but 2k's cant execute shit properly. You can tell them 10 times to do sth and they tend to fuck it up 9 times, while 3k's maybe fuck it up "only" 6-8 times. Still both are so slow at reactions and have pretty much 0 game intelligence and decision making.

                                                            I feel 3k's are a lot faster with reactions, while still slow as a snail and tend to fuck up less things. Also most 2k's have potato positioning and get picked off constantly. They're all shit tho, i feel 5k bracket is a bit better, even 4k's are fuckin garbage shit.


                                                              uh random map awareness tip that i feel works for me: adjust the riskiness/aggressiveness of your farming/movements together with your team. if one of ur teammate is farming dangerously then farm in another dangerous spot, if your team is pushing aggressively then try to do the same on another tower instead of jungling (context of carry). pubs arent usually coordinated to do multiple ganks around the map.

                                                              also if a people who just revived suddenly appears close to a tower to farm creeps etc u know hes used his tp so you can try to abuse that fact

                                                              + super easy improvement is to buy your items asap (like you should have already planned out your item tree as the pick phase progresses) so that you can walk out asap and scout out the offlaner ward, carries really dont understand the importance of this i feel even in 5k, ive almost always been able to plant wards that block the camp (which should never be possible without boots/tp)

                                                              Ce commentaire a été édité

                                                                Map awareness dota_minimap_hero_size 1000

                                                                Dire Wolf

                                                                  2k players are shit farmers and have very poor map awareness. I know having played with a bunch of them in party. You can play a support, get them lane free farm and they'll spend the mid game sitting around not doing anything, they won't tp into a dive on a tower for ez kills or rotate efficiently through jungle either. It's pretty bad.

                                                                  They screw up lane mechanics too but so do I and most 3k players a lot. Most 3k players do know how to farm though if given space (many farm too much, don't push advantages when they should).


                                                                    As someone who got out of 2k like two months ago or so, the main difference is farming. 3ks still take really shitty fights, but they are better off in those shitty fights because they pushed out lanes or picked up an item first.


                                                                      On 3k maybe they will buy a courier.


                                                                        So my hidden mmr sits somewhere like 2.5k to 3k.
                                                                        I fuck some games up true but i rly play good in sone others.
                                                                        I know shit i just cant do them in game bc i havent played enough dota to have higher reflexes or fast iten checks and animation canceling perfectly on every attack.

                                                                        What i know is it's not bad to be 1k bc even miracle started playin dota at some point then played enough (some ppl have talent + skills like miracle). In sumail's video he said he started dota when he was 7 or 8 if im not wrong so when u see a young boy playing, you should also notice he played dota for more than 6 years to get here.
                                                                        So just improve step by step
                                                                        To improve u should start learning new skills like mirco and good camera rotation around the map
                                                                        Also u might wanna think about item choices more than u did before; whether u just bought from the suggested items list or not, u cam watch ur replays and see one of the most common reasons of u losing is not prioritizing a bkb over your ac or other stuff.
                                                                        Then there's ganking and hoe to do it, when to do it, smoke use, positioning in lane/ fight.
                                                                        Just watch some pro players replays and dont just watch. Pay attention to what he is doing. Like watching heroes movements around the map, checking enemy heroes items, knowing which heroes are a danger to u and back off when they're missing.
                                                                        Pushing and when to do it
                                                                        Cutting waves
                                                                        High ground defend
                                                                        And other stuff u can just search on youtube or other places to get more informed about these stuff


                                                                          at 2k mmr people go 5 carry, don't buy couriers and shit, or this shit "whoever dies first gets courier" lmao.
                                                                          at 3k you will ocasionally see a solo support feeding, and a walking courier for the first 20 minutes of the game.

                                                                          and at 2k mmr people buy vlads and mek on meepo


                                                                            2k players are on their main, 3k players are on their smurf.


                                                                              2k players pick carry 3k pick carry 4k pick carry 5k support GG

                                                                              Immortan Joe

                                                                                i play +- 1 year and i rise from 900 to 2,5k MMR what about that....c)ez....look on PRO players and play like that

                                                                                Win Yo Fagot

                                                                                  omg why people say so much shit about 2k players i love 2k players they are so nice and chill
                                                                                  they always get courier ward supports in every game
                                                                                  look at my old 2k account i just tried to boost my old 2k account with invoker ( so i can practice invoker cuz im not good invo 1 shot 2 hit) and turns out 2k players are so nice guys i love them i love them so much ive rather 2k players so much more over a 3k trash
                                                                                  in 3k every one thinks they are god of dota they may never pick support cour ward trash talk every game flame feed 4 carry every game
                                                                                  always someone wants to go mid and not becuz hes a good mid becuz he think mid wins the game they go mid and suck most of times and if u ask them to go mid when some one picked mid already they are stubborn enough to not let u go mid and ruin the game
                                                                                  check my old account 2k games u cant see pudge in any game while u might think 2k players may love pudge and pick him every game and suck but they never do that they never ruin the game
                                                                                  [3k is nightmare]
                                                                                  3k is dota 2 toilet every one just shitting there
                                                                                  i just stoped paying on my 2k account right after i reached 3k cuz its so shitty to play there im 4600 now i hit 5k about 3month ago but honesty i cant boost a 3k account its a nightmare to play there . there is no way i can win games with 3k teamates

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                                                                                  Win Yo Fagot
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                                                                                    King of Low Prio

                                                                                      All 3k players are not only horrible but they are obnoxious too


                                                                                        u will find the difference if u compare me and alison


                                                                                        [F]unky Panda

                                                                                          Take a specific subject., i.e last hit. Here are average last hit @10min for AM..

                                                                                          <2k ; 31 2k-3k : 38 3k-4k : 48 4k-5k : 53 5k+ : 59

                                                                                          These number alone tells u what separates each bracket..


                                                                                            I get around 50 lh for the first 10 min of game with heroes like jug/am and mostly melee but i fuck up lhing with ranged probably bc of lack of practicing their animations


                                                                                              the reason why such questions are so difficult to answer. because such skills as farming, map awareness, game sense, decision making, item choices all progressively get better as you raise up. difference between every mmr bracket will usually be the same reasons. 4ks farm much better than 3ks. bla bla bla. same shit.

                                                                                              some real advice tho. things like item choice, game sense, decision making is hard to learn. must 2ks and 3ks dont know shit about that. but what is really easy to improve is farming. u improve ur farming by trying to get 50+cs by 10 mins, you can easily go from 2 to 3k

                                                                                              ¤ ϟ Musashi ϟ ¤

                                                                                                2k have communication issues and farming issues.
                                                                                                2.5k great improvements. but still lacking in some issues.

                                                                                                im kinda sad that teammates in 2k dont respond