General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat was the main theme of movie called Taken?

What was the main theme of movie called Taken? in General Discussion

    I think it was the value of virginity. How? If you look closely you will see.

    So Kim and the other bitch was taken, right. Kim was virgin and so she had value, she could be sold to some unique customer for a high price. The other bitch, unlike Kim, she wasn't a virgin and she died on a bed, drugged and raped by some albanian gang member.

    There will be women in your society who says virginity isn't a legit factor while choosing someone to get married. Avoid them at all costs guys. Even though they lost their virginity to a teenager named Jimmy or smth while they're on high school, they will expect you to show the same respect you show to a pure lady. Tell them to eat shit, boys.

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        i actually watched it a while ago, and its undoubtfully one of the worst movies ive ever seen

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          yeah but you've seen the main idea right? because i think it was very obvious.


            virgins live
            bitches die



                i actually missread the title, nvm
                taken is okay



                    shit movie. overrated for weird reasons. shit concept


                      Just like you


                        r e k t


                          So OP, do you have any value or are you a bitch??

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                            I have value bro


                              If only times were like the ancient peruvian times, when virgins who weren't royalty were actually frowned upon because people thought there must be something wrong with a woman if nobody wanted to get her laid.

                              saving private RTZ

                                Whoever things virginity is a thing is a dumbass. OP you are delusional and thats why you probably never got laid in your life and problably never will get laid.

                                Virginity is a society thing, there is nothing biological besides the hymen, which can be broken even by simply going for a walk/jogging.

                                Also, those girls/guys who believe in virgin until marriage, i don't even, they are lost

                                saving private RTZ

                                  Also the movie is a typical action movie, don't try to think outside of the box and see any symbolism behind it, because there isn't


                                    someone is mad

                                    saving private RTZ

                                      lel not mad just stating facts. I'm just saying that virginity is a moral/society thing, no biological evidence


                                        you are not stating facts, you are only speaking from your ass. which one do you think have more tendency to cheat her husband in a marriage: the woman who didn't involve in any sexual intercourse before her marriage or the woman who got laid with every possible dick out there before her marriage

                                        saving private RTZ

                                          Oh so you actually believe in virgin until marriage? Did your religious parents forbid you from masturbation also lmao?

                                          Who do you think is the happiest? The girl who has some expierience and has amazing sex? Or the one who cries on the bad because she is too nervous and tight, and probably bleeding as well?

                                          Who do oyu think is the happiest? The girl who explored her sexuality and finally found a guy that not only its she love and all, but he also satisfies her pleasures? Or the one who has no idea about anything, and will probably get **** in her urethra(KAPPA HERE, ITS PHYSICALLY IMPOSSBLE, but you get my point)

                                          I'm just saying that, sex is a normal thing. It's probably the most human thing on this planet. I can already say that you are a virgin/never loved someone the way you speak. .If you really think cheating has anything to do with virginity, again, you are desilutional/ultra religious person(basically same thing)

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                                            there is no way to describe the corruptness of your mind, i mean this literally.

                                            so according to you the girl who fucks with pretty much every dude she meets is someone who "explore her sexuality", "gaining experience", probably even "inspiration to younger generation", hell, even "an icon"; but the woman who keeps herself pure for the man she is going to marry is someone who "cries in bed", "nervous all the time" "never loved anyone"?

                                            i repeat, there is no way to describe the corruptness of your mind.


                                              i mean dont get me wrong (or do get me wrong lmao i dont give a flying fuck) but im a 21 years old male and i cant imagine marrying a girl who has fucked many dudes before me. how fucking low is that? please explain that to me, why would any decent man gets married with a woman like that?

                                              saving private RTZ

                                                Are you a virgin at 21?
                                                I can't describe the coruptness of your parents. I seriously sorry for you.

                                                Again, sex is a normal thing. And i never said anything about having sex with 100 different people, i said having sex 100 times is definetely better than 0

                                                saving private RTZ

                                                  If you say things like that to girls RL i can totally see why you are a virgin at 21 tho.

                                                  Do you hate on gays/don't masturbate as well? I heard those are common forbidden things in ultra religious families

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                                                  D the Superior
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                                                      is this a fedora thread


                                                        So what is a fapper's role here? Do we have we like a chinese product value? Or what?


                                                          Excuse me but i can't seem to see the connection between me choosing not to fuck a woman until marriage and the level of corruptness of my parents, could you be more specific on that one?

                                                          Also, i had plenty of opportunity to have intercourse with the opposite gender but i didn't involve in it. Hell, the least i could do is to pay for a hooker to do the job but im not doing it, am i? So why then? Answer is simple, i just cant go that low. I see it as a disrespectful thing for the person im going to share the rest of my life with.

                                                          waku waku

                                                            dude do you know the number 1 tenet of one of the most famous religions on the planet?
                                                            it is that you need to be forgiving. and if you can't forgive someone for such a petty thing as fucking someone else before you got to know each other you are a very bad person. now, if they'd have done it after you got together it would be another matter...

                                                            lm ao

                                                              fuck how could i miss this thread

                                                              lm ao

                                                                5 hours guys gosh im pretty sure id love to fuck a virgin more than a ho who got laid by men i dont even want to be


                                                                  i wish there was more virgin girls, idk why but now it seems fuckin normal for a girl to lose her virginity at 14y

                                                                  @Christmas Doto i wanna see urself when u have a daughter and she's like hey daddy i just got fucked by a random dude cuz i wanted to lose my virginity ^^ hope i didnt do anything bad since u said its nothing anyway

                                                                  just to clarify im only talking bout underaged girls who think its normal or even an obligation in our current society to lose their virginity at 13-14 yo to be a "cool kid" which in my opinion is totally fucked up but mb im out of topic, just came back from the gym, brain lacks sugar

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                                                                  saving private RTZ

                                                                    ^ wowowo you are going way to far. I never said anything about underaged sex, especially 14yrs.

                                                                    I just don't understand people like tractor. Actually I understand them because its not their fault, they've been raised with the idea that sex=sin.
                                                                    Which is plain stupid.

                                                                    As i said multiple times. Sex is the most human thing. If you done sex multiple times it does not mean you are a wh***. You are a wh*** if you cheat.

                                                                    @Tractor. On what the fuck sake do you base the statement that girls who lose their virginity before marriage will probably cheat? This simply sounds ignorrant.
                                                                    I will say it one more time. Virginity does not exist. It is a society thing.

                                                                    Also about the parents thingy, i did not mean to insult them, but people who try so hard to make out of sex a sin(which again, is not, its the strongest boundary between a man and a human) are usually close-minded people. If we were back in 1000 BC i would say ok, but these days most of these people were raised to think that sex is shameful.


                                                                      ^ This sounds much better than
                                                                      "Are you a virgin at 21?
                                                                      I can't describe the coruptness of your parents. I seriously sorry for you."

                                                                      Sex is completely normal, but you know that not everyone has the same libido, don't you?

                                                                      saving private RTZ

                                                                        ^ well he started first by saying how my mind is corrupt because i would marry a girl who is not virgin. Look up in comments.
                                                                        i never meant to insult his parents tho.

                                                                        Low libido okay, but that doesn't mean someone with a high one is a wh***


                                                                          2D>3D, ez


                                                                            holy crap this thread is so shiet

                                                                            D the Superior
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                                                                                Tractor. you belong in another century. and i don't mean the future.

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                                                                                    "Nobody gives a fuck lol."

                                                                                    Wait a there a double meaning here? xD




                                                                                        Guy wants to be first, girl wants to be last. =)

                                                                                        King of Low Prio

                                                                                          This thread amuses me


                                                                                            Christmas Doto are you a 30 year old woman full of holes who is looking for a man to take you? because you act like one

                                                                                            saving private RTZ

                                                                                              Nah i'm a 19 year old guy in the 21st century who does not lives his life limited by a book

                                                                                              lm ao

                                                                                                its kinda appalling to realize that sex has been made for recreation but yeah, its a human thing but if i was a girl and i had a choice id think about it well of giving it away and to whom cause virginity is something alraedy established n the minds of the members of society, my point is mainly, f I were to do something sexy and memorable its common sense not to get laid by that ugly convenience store clerk next door just because he said some sexy things about me while i ws out buying napkins


                                                                                                  If someone offered you a can of coke that had never been opened and a can of coke that had 19 penises stuck inside it beforehand, which one would you chose?



                                                                                                      ^Lol a friend of mine always used that argument. This thread reminded me of it :P


                                                                                                        Sex for enjoyment is also a dolphin thing, don't be speciecists you guys.

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