General Discussion

General Discussion Faceless Void - Rework Idea

Faceless Void - Rework Idea in General Discussion

    IMO his W sucks dick and totally works against the idea of the hero. They've kinda changed him into more a team fighter with his Q change but his W has no synergy.

    My idea...

    Change his W so that instead of a move slow after cast and a CD delay... It instead does a move slow after cast and causes a 55%/70%/85%/100% cast point/animation delay.

    So basically it will take twice as long to cast a spell when you are time dilated.


    Ce sujet a été édité

      hero's in the trash can now. theres no hope for him

      Pale Mannie

        Revert all changes


          Mr lizzard doesn't revert ever. Only different changes.

          This new W would synergize with his bash too because it would be easier to cancel some spells with dilation.

          Imagine a MoM/MKB void vs. A time dilated spirit breaker... rofl

          Ce commentaire a été édité

            He does revert changes, Terrorblade is the best example.


              Well rarely in any case.

              Pom Pom 🍕

                Some heroes don't have a cast time on any of their abilities (or like 0.01s), so it would be better in seconds than % (like 0.4s max or something). I like the idea though.

                Hello Darkness, My Old Fr...

                  He's not a lizzard. He's an amphibian :)


                    @ Pomi - That's true, perhaps a minimum static increase like +0.4s and then a "whatever is greater"

                    So an ability with a cast point of 0.01s that is doubled to 0.02s would compare that with a +0.4s increase (0.41s total) and choose the 0.41s one.

                    But an ability with a 0.5s animation, would double to 1.0s and compare that to the static increase (0.5s+0.4s = 0.9s) and choose the 1.0s one.

                    We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!