General Discussion

General DiscussionPast expiration date milk

Past expiration date milk in General Discussion

    So I've got this 2 days out of date milk over here and I'm too lazy to boil it to see if it's alright or not. Should i go for it?




        just save it for when you need to skip sch


          depends on the milk, really
          like if you bought it and it had like 3 months to drink it, 2 extra days won't do shit with it
          try to smell to it, if you won't smell anything weird then it will be probably fine


            If i survived imma be a trihard
            Forgive me gaben and everyone i annoyed. Forgive me allies when i rage quited. Forgive me when i fed. Forgive me sperms when i spent you on anime
            And finally forgive me twitch because of my lack of kps

            the realm's delight

              how do u let milk expire i drink like 1l / day i always run out of it so fast


                Well im alive so wp me

                lm ao

                  We bought bread 2 days ago and it expires on the very next day, on that day we purchase it tastes good (Gardenia) the next day its shit


                    If it tastes normal then it's fine to drink. It's as simple as that


                      lol i dont know what kind of milk do u have there.. e.g if a milk is produced on 11/3 it should be expired by like 25/3 but u can still drink it even 5 days later with no problems


                        Get rid of it and buy new one.


                          lel none of u guys will ever have the joy of eating the bread we eat.
                          If u wanna see it search this on Google ackbar:
                          نون بربری
                          Ps. Not arab 👳

                          smol brain

                            Problem isn't the milk it's you.


                              Milk is shit

                              Mr. Furryhentai

                                OP is an fahgit

                                King of Low Prio

                                  Man the fuk up


                                    trust me when you got milk waay past the expiration date you will see how it tastes, it tastes like fucking shit and makes u throw up instantly, just try anyway


                                      Just smell it. If it has a tinge of sour smell pour it out.

                                      [SD] Freyja the Cat

                                        ya smell it, you have up to 2 weeks after experation depending on when you first opened it


                                          lol a actually drank it twice today. First when i opened this topic and 2nd half an hour ago

                                          Dire Wolf

                                            Those dates are when stores have to legally take them off the shelf, they are not the exact date your product becomes inedible. Usually most of those dates are best buy dates, dates after which the taste is altered enough that some people would request a refund from the manufacturer, hence the date to cover their asses but a huge majority of food tastes fine well after those dates.

                                            Milk usually does not though. The truth is smell it and taste a tiny bit and you'll know right away if it's sour or not. It's almost always a day after the expiration date, somehow those bastard's just know spot on with milk when it sours. But stuff like cheese? That shit is often good months past date, just look for mold, cut it off even, taste usually never affected. Bread? Many times doesn't make it to expiration before getting moldy or hard. Chips, cereal, canned stuff? Often tastes great months after the best by date as long as it's not opened yet. Opened chips go stale fast.


                                              Spent sperm on anime, seriously? I could (barely) understand if it was h*ntai, but normal anime....

                                              It's unimaginable someone f*p to Misaka at normal series (not doujin sh*t), what kind of pervertness did you have? xD

                                              D the Superior
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                                                  wtf did i just read on DB forums


                                                    Read at the 5th post, lol. And no, I wouldn't like to know what you fap to, thanks

                                                    I ate expired cake yesterday, and now I regret it

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                                                    Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                      Two days is nothing for milk really. At worst you'll get a dierrhia.


                                                        Well actually this wasnt a 6 months expiration date it was a 1 week time but i didnt even get diarrhea so im feelin great and I'm actually gonna drink it again today


                                                          what are you talking about you little dipshit
                                                          you have guy drinking milk in your profile picture :horse:
                                                          alright that is a little risky now
                                                          you should drink it asap after opening
                                                          i hope you kept it in fridge at least

                                                          D the Superior
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