General Discussion

General DiscussionjoinDota league Season 9 - 24 hours to go

joinDota league Season 9 - 24 hours to go in General Discussion
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      ill participate with ~5k av team of dogshit retards including aFeect, Allison and Gartor. The fifth guy does not post on dbuff ever.

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      lm ao


        lm ao

          I'd rekt you all with my signature Treant Protector on 500 ping


            Guys standin.Hanter here.


              SEA player here. Can play any role
              can draft and command
              i fit in 5k bracket

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              Bobbyx Qrwa Mac

                1v1 me wyvern ty


                  Add your mmr range and region . I'll make a list on the original post later

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                  lm ao

                    standin.hot_sauz is ready prepare your anus professional shitstains


                      i want to join dota


                        u guys can make ur own team, i suppose


                          standin.hot_salza ready to play with standin.hot_sauz


                            its me Ven,
                            im still looking for a team


                              I need players in the high 3k - low 4K range .
                              Might have two already.

                              2kers show yourselves. It's your chance for glory

                              Miku Plays

                                ^ i play for lols cause of high ping ,want ?


                                  Ofc bring the lag. People pause in Jdl

                                  Ce commentaire a été édité

                                    I fit in 0MMR bracket.


                                      those ones who alrdy registered, what group are u in?


                                        I am 3051 therefore i am eliminated..sad life


                                          ^just lose 3 games in a row and u gonna be fine


                                            I haven't calibrated. But, get normal skill average matches with 3.1k people.

                                            I used to play DotA between ti1 - ti4 period. Then I took a break and just got back after 1.5 years with this new account as I had given my previous account to a very special friend. I was 3.6k on that; had calibrated at 2.4k on that one.

                                            Standin.Ares | Position 4 & 5, can play any support / Region Asia.

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                                            PINOY DOTO

                                              Isnt it ideal for teams' lineups to all be in the same region for optimal ping?

                                              Anyway, I play positions 3-5, region SEA. Probably cant cobble together enough willing and able SEA people on this eurocentric elitist forum but on the offchance that there are, count me in.


                                                Middle eastern
                                                New acc my hidden mmr seems to be like 3k or more bc i was the highest mmr (tbd) on an avg 3k party mmr


                                                  Normally playing as carry but when in party i go pos4 sup too less pos5 but possible. Also pos3 heroes like np too


                                                    Teams / free agents added to the OP . I'll add remove at request.

                                                    JDL is full of Reddit teams that must be destroyed.


                                                      Is the region important for the ping? Cause my ping is good in eu and russia but not dubai even though I'm Iranian.

                                                      PINOY DOTO

                                                        Depends on the player's ping playing out of the respective servers the competition will use.

                                                        Found that info on this page:


                                                        It's at the bottom of the page.


                                                          @Milnor, So how do you intend to use stand.ins? Think, you could already make a team with those free-agents given all of them fall in to SEA region?


                                                            I totally wanna be a stand-in cause im not as availabe as i should be in this month bc of mid term exams but after that im good to go




                                                                you dont need to have a lot of time for JDL cz u literally play 1 game per week
                                                                and the time is arranegd between plaeyrs themselves


                                                                  Oh well shit then take me dear team kek


                                                                    Since I made this thread I might have a team set for me. You guys from SEA should form up. Anyone else who wants to get one in time should post. Still 10 days left


                                                                      Why aren't there any eu or us or even russian players?
                                                                      My ping is best on eu then russia and then us after that Dubai and others

                                                                      Ce commentaire a été édité
                                                                      PINOY DOTO

                                                                        Count me out, i shall look elsewhere.

                                                                        The deadline for signups is coming soon, and i'd rather not be stacking with those other SEA individuals who have fewer games than even myself, and dont even play regularly, let alone be bothered to coordinate any arrangements for team practices.

                                                                        Good luck finding like-minded Euros, OP.


                                                                          One week left but the dotabuff dream looks ded


                                                                            we were moved from starter to div5 w/o even playing, kek


                                                                              if u want to actually play there, u need to spend some effort and organize ppl who commented here by talking to all of them tet-a-tet


                                                                                ^tet-a-tet naked


                                                                                  with webcam
                                                                                  and post proof later


                                                                                    ^ REKT


                                                                                      You can make div 3 next season ifyou win your div5 group and the div 3/4 playoffs. Thats how I did it xd

                                                                                      yung griphook

                                                                                        Ill fit into the 2k brack, US East / US West


                                                                                          5k SEA here LF team

                                                                                          Ce commentaire a été édité

                                                                                            hope so. thanks for ur advice, again.

                                                                                            bum farto

                                                                                              Tripple I am back on the 3rd have you already setup a team with Chi long guy or nah. I will be looking to get in on this on my return


                                                                                                nobody will play with me but
                                                                                                i'm up


                                                                                                  Nah, we got 2 separate teams, Im playing with Allison, aFeect, n1kolya and Gartor.
                                                                                                  I thought u r playing with clq/kumbo/ragezeus.


                                                                                                    anyone wanna team up? lets make it happen


                                                                                                      I have created a User channel in game call 'DB-JDL'
                                                                                                      I have no idea how these chat channels work or if u can even see it but try and add each other in there and see if this helps organise things.