General Discussion

General DiscussionAM against LC

AM against LC in General Discussion

    any ideas on how to win AM against LC?

    Miku Plays

      farm faster lol

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        MID OR ALL MID

          no matter u try if LC have bm and bkb u done noob


            Am linkens gg wp ez

            Riguma Borusu

              This entirely depends on what stage you and LC are at. If you're at the stage where you have a basher and LC is piss poor with +20 bonus damage, you're doing fine. If you're at a stage where you're actually tanky and can survive the encounter, you're doing fine. If however LC gets half your farm and has like +100 bonus damage, you might get rekt. LC needs to be really behind not to be able to kill you, and if she goes blink shadowblade build it means less dps and defensive capabilities than going something like ac/deso but at the same time that means you aren't really safe anywhere even if you try not to show that much.

              The matchup can go both ways, LC is pretty much going to rape you until you get like 4-5 slotted even with inferior farm and not that much bonus damage, but the LC's game becomes much harder when you acquire abyssal/heart, so if I see antimage is getting dangerous I get abyssal myself so I can punch his skull in before I actually decide to kill him in the duel.

              When antimage has only battlefury and you have blink blademail he's literally dead and there's no way around for him aside from playing waaaaaaaaaaaaay safe and not showing yourself on map pretty much ever, and having the whole side of the map warded.

              Linkens is really good against LC, but I've started building an early basher to counter it once I get abyssal, the item is good for duels anyway, if you're not going the blademail build especially. You also have to prioritize some items if you're getting rekt by an LC, against a blademail you should get heart, against basher/deso/ac you get a butterfly and basher yourself, etc.

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              nekopunchhh dadadadadadada

                Bm duel profit

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