General Discussion

General DiscussionHow 2 OD now

How 2 OD now in General Discussion

    After changing this hero in a really fucking weird way, how are you supposed to play this hero? His ult seems barely worth taking at 6-9 because you don't hit people enough with your Q to make it worth it, unless you max Q, in which case you ignore prison? I've seen people somewhat trend in either ignoring ult or ignoring prison past level 1 and wondered which is likely to do better?
    Is OD better in the safe lane than in mid now because he doesn't win the lane as hard, but has better kill potential with his W?


      I think you have to get atleast one prison. It's 4 seconds which can really fuck with the opponent in the midlane in terms of cs. I haven't played much of him (2 games) since the patch and I've maxed prison both times and it does help win the lane and it gives him a decent nuke to farm waves with. I'm by no means reputable on OD but it's worked for me and felt okay.


        one in q one in w then max e then q then w.


          I think his skillbuild is the same: max W, max E, max Q. But now you need to rush AgS, because multiple 300 damage aoe nukes from prison can do serious damage in teamfights.


            - Multiple prisons damage don't add up, they will take just 300 dmg
            - you need to max 1 and 3 with a value point in 2 and skip ult until 10-11


              Why would you go mid with a farm dependant hard carry?


                for skill build w,e,q,e,q,q,q,e,e,r,w,w,w,ect

                for items tangos,null,treads,shadow blade,Octarine core,dragon lance, then just build moon shards you can disassembled your dragon lance to make bkb if you need to
                I guess you could say I build him a bit like slark but with Octarine core instead of Eye of Skadi


                  don't max q before e, lmao wtf are you doing


                    OD is extremly bad this patch.

                    7Mad About You

                      i feel dull to play this hero


                        I personally like to Max W then E. If you time your Prison right, you can make them miss 2 cs every wave or so, and you should be able to deny 1 more at least. I see OD as a midlane counter to farming heroes such as Alchemist or SF since you can reliably deny them last hits.

                        Maxing W first lets you harass and jungle better then you could before this patch. You need at least 3 points in E before you can reliably use your Orb without running out of mana. You ult doesn't hit as hard as it used to, but you should still skill it at 6 and try hit the entire enemy team at the start of fights, since it gets rid of 40% of their Max mana. It can really cripple some heroes who already have mana problems.

                        For items, i like to go Tangos and Null > Bottle > Treads > Blink Dagger > Atos > Octarine > whatever you like. Blink Dagger is amazing since blink and astral lets you initiate on an enemy from 1800 range, and the 4 second prison usually gives your team time to get into position. Blink can also be used with Astral as an escape, in much the same way that puck does it.

                        Riguma Borusu

                          How to play OD:
                          1) Queue for solo ranked
                          2) Hover over OD
                          3) Get screamed on by teammates
                          4) Pick OD anyway
                          5) Free -25 MMR

                          waku waku

                            am i the only one who thinks he's actually better now?


                              ^ I think hes better. He doesn't counter Int heroes as well in lane as he used to, but hes much better in general. Just hoping they buff his ult next patch. Since you can't steal int with Astral anymore its much more difficult to stack up stolen int and do a ton of damage with your ult. Also kinda killed the old ags refresher build.

                              Otherwise he feels stronger


                                TY for insight, his ugly does seem a bit out of place now that his play style has changed, maybe they'll adapt it to scale a bit better without having to smash heroes a million times with your orbs to have the same effect


                                  Yeah his ult a bit weird at the moment. You want to hit them a bunch to steal int so that you do more damage but you also want to use it at the start of a fight to drain mana. The only way you really get it to do a lot of damage is if you have stacked a ton of int on him with items. It would be nice if they have him a way to permanently steal int from people like silencer does. Maybe rework his ags so that anyone hit by Sanity's eclipse permanently loses a small amount of int?

                                  Sexo Meister

                                    What i did, didnt win games but i kept a good fight.

                                    Get Q on lvl 2, Max W then E, skip ulti till 10~11, rush tread >forcestaff/sb > atos > dragon dick > octarin and spam moonshard

                                    Aghs on od isnt as good as old times cus you only get that bonus 300 damage from ult, which has huge cd and you can get aghs quality damage if you ulti and prison someone when the whole team is sticked together kek

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