General Discussion

General DiscussionTidehunter aghs, worth it?

Tidehunter aghs, worth it? in General Discussion

    Well just tried it once after the update, does tidehunter aghs worth? If it is worth, is it worth to buy aghs first before refresher or aghs after refresher? for me, i think it is worth it since it increase the influence of a tidehunter to a war, and aoe damage so good.


      havent seen it ingame cause i havent played new patch but i guess agha on tide will be useless.

      Sexo Meister

        Its useless

        Like tusk's kick


          Looks like shit


            ^shitposting israel

            Pom Pom 🍕

              It's not as much good for the aoe damage as soaking the enemy in -armour. If you're doing some sort of aura/minus armour strat with tide as your frontline tank (or have a death prophet/core witch doctor that want some aoe -armour) then it might be okay, but most of the time it'll be a very late luxury after greaves, blink, refresher and octarine (and how often will you get this fat as a tide?). Shiva and lotus are probably better as well.


                Sure, if alchemist wants to give it to you.


                  Tide 60min aghs he can't grush it i guess after he got blink/force mek Opt.BKB Gboots shivas , refresher is a must have >aghs if gush is like ravage 1800Aoe i go for that 1


                    It's pretty damn good. I'd get it anytime you have enough of a manapool to sustain spamming gush, like after arcane refresher.

                    You need to try it out in demo mode to see exactly how amazing it is. Stops a push dead. Imagine powershot if instead of a skinny arrow it shot a Mack truck


                      ^it cots a lot. you need blink ref arcs. and then you could consider getting it over shiva perhaps.

                      now, if your tide has a refresher, the pushing team should be more worrying about that shit, rather than him spamming arrows on acid.


                        4200 for that thing? NO

                        Riguma Borusu

                          It can also be used to put blinks on CD from day vision range, so it's kinda nice.


                            If it didn't reduce it's CD I would put aghs in trash without even thinking. But CD reduction would make me think, for very few seconds, though.

                            7Mad About You

                              Tidehunter's aghs = Blastoise's hydropump


                                it is weird af and ratehr useless, Id say.
                                ive seen it only once though.


                                  Even tho I have not tried it yet I'm pretty sure it's garbage. I'm sad that one of my favorite hero is still useless :( I had a better idea for his aghs, OSfrog pls...


                                    It's totally legit for Overthrow

                                    Riguma Borusu

                                      TBH I wish his aghs reduced his ult's cooldown by half, then it'd be legit. I mean, if void's aghs can do that, why shouldn't tide's?

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                                        "TBH I wish his aghs reduced his ult's cooldown by half, then it'd be legit. I mean, if void's aghs can do that, why shouldn't tide's?"
                                        To be fair, void can fuck up his ult to a pretty severe point, tide can't.

                                        Riguma Borusu

                                          ^Yes, but tide can't kill everyone with his ult, well, not directly at least. Also void is way more likely to farm up that 4200 item than tide.

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