General Discussion

General DiscussionBest position 5 supports of 6.86

Best position 5 supports of 6.86 in General Discussion

    Who ?


      Still and forever CM


        Lich is still imba.


          Omni still owns pubs


            Rubick or even Pugna may be the thing, since 6.86 is all about spell casters (I foresee Zeus in every second match).


              Oracle is still not half bad

              waku waku



                  Aa ofc


                    Oracle? If only she wasn't broken, like, BROKEN. First skill doesn't purge shit, third skill doesn't dispell shit. Ulti is useless.


                      Rubick ? His null field can be useful against zeus who is back and i think venge,aa,cm,dazzle is good (im normal skill)

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                        Yeah, it looks like Valve tries to buff all heroes to the level of Omniknight, but somehow fails. =)


                          the answer is :

                          your mom is so fat


                            not really the strongest but i was just playing abba with an aghs and it's so ridiculous


                              CM, Lina, Rubick, Lion, Bounty. just in my case.


                                In my opinion, Rubick, Lina, Enchantress, Necro, & Lion are position 4 as they can develop in to semi-core with little item upgrades and they all possess killing nukes.

                                + These heroes may help position 5 in buying wards but starting mid-late, they would be in Greater need to buy their items for transformation in to semi-core as Position 4.

                                Reliable position 5 for 6.86, in my opinion are: Dazzle, Ancient Apparition, Crystal Maiden, Omni-knight, Abaddon, Pugna, & Ogre Magi while case could be made for Jakiro to some extent if not as an offlane.

                                Top 3 in my opinion: Dazzle, Ancient Apparition, & Omni if enemy team has 3 melee otherwise Crystal Maiden.


                                  P.S.: If Winter Wyvern did not receive ultimate nerf then it would had remained the greatest position 5 in 6.86 as well.

                                  Don't get me wrong; the hero is still good utility due to other spells but not as strong as she used to be.

                                  Riguma Borusu

                                    .ARES, CM is actually a pretty shitty pos 5, in fact, she's best played as a greedy little fuck because she can wreck teamfights if she gets some farm early. With an early blink/bkb/glimmer/whatever, her damage output can be just insane, and support Lion aghs blink does not compare in terms of damage output.


                                    I try to play geedy as fuck if I'm playing CM, because it will pay off most times.


                                      @fuck my life -- It actually depends on how you want to play Cm and which abilities you're opting to scale.

                                      If I'm playing Maiden, I max her Freeze and Aura first (regardless of whether if my team has many spell-casters or not because aura regeneration for Maiden herself is greater and insane), I never take ultimate at 6, my first item is urn of Shadows after tranquil then it goes force staff / glimmer /or Eul depending on game-play and enemy.

                                      It also depends on how you play her in battles: I stand as far and as back as Dazzle would stand behind your team. My style is to hit Nova and scare the enemy and / or freeze enemy if that is advancing toward my carry. If my carry can fight, I would freeze + urn combo.

                                      I take ultimates at lvl11 & lvl12 or lvl10 & lvl11 not at lvl6 as that's usually around when your team needs your ultimate and you yourself would have force staff or glimmer to do maximum damage by that time.

                                      I wouldn't go for Sceptre on Maiden unless it's going to mega-creeps. I would either buy Shiva or Scythe as luxury finale item.

                                      Really, it depends on how you utilise heroes, Dota is a beautiful game which can go any way you want it to. Lion is good at one-shotting enemy with blink & sceptre. Later on, if your position 5 is handling wards & other support tasks, your Lion as 4 can even begin to think about buying Octarine if you have Sceptre already. That 9 seconds CD on Finger with AoE is too irresistible.

                                      Normally, games won't last that long and they don't when you play Ranked or lobby matches with your team but it's all about perspectives. I prefer my Maiden this way. Doesn't mean everyone has to follow it. Neither would I underestimate the damage that your Maiden can do to enemy team :)


                                        As the person who prefer playing support, i feel like Disruptor is really good. He doesn't need too much farm because his spell can be very effective if you know how to use it, especially glimpse. And also, it feels really rewarding when you can land a good glimpse / kinetic field / static storm on the enemy so your team can finish them up.


                                          @Minerva: Oh, yes. Forgot about Disruptor. He's really good as no. 5 and he also encourages your team to go with wombo-combo + he is a nightmare for Anti-Mage and Queen of Pain.

                                          The Tree®

                                            Disruptor, so much easier trapping teams with the extra range from aether lens.


                                              "Oracle? If only she wasn't broken, like, BROKEN. First skill doesn't purge shit, third skill doesn't dispell shit. Ulti is useless."

                                              First skill purges everything a diffusal can (e.g. Hex, Ember flame guard, silences etc)
                                              Third skill isn't supposed to dispel anything
                                              Ulti protecting vs legion and long single stun durations is pretty useful. And it has massive range. Sadly, not as broken as before though

                                              Also Bane is a pretty good support for this batch I feel

                                              Lich has always been good all around

                                              Chen feels great this patch

                                              And yep Disruptor. Love that hero

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                                              Riguma Borusu

                                                .ARES - I almost always take the ult at lvl 6, the reasoning is that at that level, people can't yet burst me down that easily, so if I wait for them to use their stuns in a gank attempt, they can all die because they didn't anticipate my ult and they can't easily kill me unless it's something like shadow fiend etc. I get frostbite and aura so I can keep people in place for the longest time, I think Nova is good but not that good before you have the fights going, and you usually want to have mana for two frostbites instead of frostbite or nova, if you're chasing.

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                                                  Rubick and ancient apparition work well for me. I feel bad for wyvern

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                                                      ^ Played 1 Treant game. He feels good. Need a few more to decide.

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                                                          disruptor, dazzle, lich if you offlane duo. same as last patch. i can't recommend wd as a 5, hes my most played support and he is just way too strong with ags/glimmer/aether lens.

                                                          KOBE BRYANT #24

                                                            i just picked a support, my team random enigma, and pick wd offlane, i just buy courier, nobody buys wards , so i buy wards too. After 15 min supporting team start flame me . ( carry told me i am noob, i suck, i cant help i was playing with AA carry was Troll, against lina and sladar ) And then my team start say for me where is my items ) ?? You totally noob, you lose this game, and now i say NO FOR SUPPORT


                                                              Not sure, Oracle is strong that's for sure. Rhasta, Lich, Venge are also very very strong.


                                                                Disruptor, Lich, Venge, Dazzle, Rubick are one of the tops this patch


                                                                  How about Ogre Magi ? Just played that hero for the first time and it's quite good. He's (or they're ?) pretty tanky already which is good considering fragility is one of the biggest problem every support hero has. Then again, this is NS match so i'm not really sure.

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                                                                  7Mad About You

                                                                    Omni is fucking OP.

                                                                    The last my 10 games with/against Omni, Omni's team always win

                                                                    King of Low Prio

                                                                      ^ you realize you can build diffusal on any hero right?


                                                                        I think CM always has and always will be a top pick for Supports in any role / position. I don't think that'll ever change.

                                                                        I also played a lot of Disruptor recently and I always felt useful regardless of my items so I'd say Disruptor is definitely a top pick for position 5. I might even go as far as to say he's a contender for best pick in position 5, due to the fact that he really doesn't require any items to fulfill his role completely.

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                                                                          TREANT IS THE BEST HERO IN DOTA 2


                                                                            CM for me, stomp low level ranked match soo hard (11 match, 10-1 so far). She is the best laning partner for any hero. Lock, slow, mana regen, you name it. Not to mention insane ult (or at least being disable bait so your carry can do anything more free)

                                                                            Then again, it's SEA normal skill when no one supp, so any supp are great help

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                                                                              Abaddon, new meta


                                                                                The same ones that will be the best pos 5 supports every single patch. The ones with skills that are inherently amazing. Grave, Swap, hex, cold embrace, glimpse, etc...

                                                                                7Mad About You

                                                                                  Riki can play good support



                                                                                    no.. oracle's purge does not work the same way diffusal does, for example, you cant target a repelled unit but if the aoe from oracles purge hits a repelled unit then it gets dispelled

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