General Discussion

General DiscussionHow you build necro

How you build necro in General Discussion

    What item build on necro is best ? For a mid necro or offlane necro vs a weak safe lane. You can buy so much different stuff on necro I wonder what is the best way to build it.


      Treads > mek > agha > blink or dagon > shiva > octarine core

      Or u can go full heal necro with
      Arc boots > urn > mek > agha

      Farming necro
      Phase > HoM > agha > dagon


        I prefer smthng like
        PT => blink => aghs => shivas => octarine => refresher

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          Dire Wolf

            you don't need treads right away, actually every boot is good on necro, but I'd do brown boots, bassy, mek. Then get a point booster. Then decide if you want to finish aghs, if not you can go shivas.

            Tranqs are good on necro cus they are cheapest, best move speed and have armor. Treads good cus of stats, phase good cus of movement, more harass dmg, travels good for pushing, even arcanes can be fine on a team that needs them and allows greaves later.


              treads are good for early sustain if u r playing mid, also worth it thanks to switching treads spam


                phase boots for laning, arcanes if you go supp
                tranquils make very little sense cz u dont need regenration and u r not expected to take a lot of physical damage

                Dire Wolf

                  you arent? I tank on necro all the time, run into the fray, spam Q.


                    just get blade mail, blink and aghs on this hero and you're fine


                      I personally like Arcanes because the GG boots are awesome later and the bigger mana pool is pretty useful early. After arcanes i usually get mek>blink>Ags>Shivas>Octarine>some other random late-game item.
                      Get GG boots whenever i start to run low on slots, usually after ags or shivas. I also occasionally get bottle if I'm mid, the regen is great before you max Sadist. Necro makes a good tank provided he get a kill early on into the fight. Once you build up those sadist stacks he can be almost unkillable.

                      Late game situational items include Refresher, Scythe of Vyse, Eblade (if you went for the dagon build), Radiance (if you really need more push), BKB and Lotus Orb
                      Don't get Heart. its poor value for money on Necrophos.


                        Aghs Refresher for the lulz


                          if i go necro in a dual offlane i go arcanes > mek > blink > greaves > aghs usually. depending on the game i may just go dagon. if im carrying/mid i like to go treads > dagon > blink > aghs usually. sometimes ill get aghs first but i prefer the mobility. later game get shivas/sheepstick/refresher

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