General Discussion

General DiscussionWW3 soon?

WW3 soon? in General Discussion


    the realm's delight

      i live for vaikiss posts


        best posts

        waku waku

          le techies face

          Pale Mannie

            i iz terorist


              everyone is terrorist


                Most people dont need or want another damn war. We as people should just remove some idiots in charge who wants to use war for their own profit, and that's it. Or send those few individuals on front lines so they can end eachother, no one needs them anyway :)

                Dire Wolf

                  Relentless you can take the tin foil off now. Obama is indirectly supporting Isis yes. And us foreign policy makes no sense but what motive does he have to side with terrorists? It's not malicious it's ignorant hubris. Obama is obsessed with his legacy that's why he crammed through a bad Iran treaty and withdrew troops from Iraq leaving a power vacuum and hanging the good Iraqis out to dry. And it's also why he is siding against Putin, he hates the guy personally cus Putin has balls and stands up to him and doesn't kiss his ass like hollande and the un do. Obama is just very selfish and egotistical and doesn't understand the long game. He underestimated Isis and Iran cus he thinks they aren't really threats to American security. In his mind the biggest threat to him is the tea party it's ridiculous but it's not a massive conspiracy.

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                    lm ao



                        WW2 helped USA to became #1 economy. Europe and USSR were in ruins in 1945, while USA wasn't part of conflict basically. Today USA slowly loses its' lead, so they just need another war in Europe to ensure leading role for another century.

                        lm ao

                          Basically most muslims are medieval dickbags while most westerners have such an appalling popular culture


                            didnt read any of ur shit so im just gonna say the facts

                            -oil is gonna dissapear in 50 years max, thats a fact
                            -our world turns around it
                            -there are no alternative energy to make up for it
                            -if we dont have it the economy+ importation / exportation will stop
                            -planes, cars, agriculture, medecine, plastic, and everything that comes from petrochemicals will stop, production will also stop.

                            Whats happening today are just the consequences of those facts, the heads of nations know all of this obviously, so they try to get the maximum they can before theres no more oil so they are the ones with the little of power left in the world.
                            From now its gonna snowball real fast, the tensions will evolve between nations to the point where other nations will panic whenever one nation try to make a move and that will result into a world war.

                            This war is a political one, hope there will be enough ppl to realise that and maybe we can avoid the worst.

                            Conclusion : can't wait for the fuckin walking dead irl. idk bout u but im gonna be one of the survivors, i got the skills i need thanks to dota.

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                            Miku Plays

                              ^ everyone wants them zombies


                                you dont say

                                the realm's delight

                                  im a survivor too



                                    Obama, along with the UK and Saudi Arabia has trained, as well as funded al qaeda off shoot rebel groups (aka ISIS, ISIL etc.) in Syria in an effort to topple the Syrian government, Assad. The very same president that the US supported and helped get into power back in 2011. It would seem however that he was just a puppet that played his part for the big forces of the UN, and he has been the 'mask' of why the UN have been carrying out bomb strikes in Syria. They are not there to help the Syrian people, they are there to claim power from Assad in an effort to have full control over the countries natural resources, primarily oil, so that fuel prices will drop globally and the big players can financially reap the benefits.

                                    4 years on wards and other big countries like France and Russia have also found excuses to involve themselves in a war that they had nothing to do with in the first place. One really needs to question the motives of the larger countries at play here. If they wanted, the UN could destroy the entire of the rebel forces in Syria with the wave of a hand, by cutting funding from Saudi Arabia, the primary source of wealth for these rebel groups. They wouldn't do that however as it would disrupt their goal, and would fail their mission of toppling Assad.

                                    You need to question where these rebel groups are getting their advanced weaponry from, and who is training them to use it. Their are plenty of videos showing these groups using SAM turrets to shoot down UN/USSR aircraft. These are weapons with NATO origin.

                                    The West have essentially created a monster they are struggling to control, or will struggle with for long after their primary goal is achieved. In all of the 2000 + air strikes carried out by various countries, what have they really achieved? Groups like ISIS have more followers than ever, and are operating in various different countries.

                                    Theres so much to say, but tbh, this is a very complicated war and I dont think its going to end any time soon.

                                    lm ao

                                      bump kek


                                        hows this shit still alive



                                          D the Superior
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                                              kappa akbar


                                                me+nova+alison on the survivors team, who else


                                                  we them kool kids


                                                    sorry no 4k allowed in the survivors team :/

                                                    Dire Wolf

                                                      Dominus I agree with everything you said, but what Relentless is saying is that Obama is a secret muslim who wants to destroy the US and support terrorists. I can't get on board with that, it's borderline lunacy. Does the US support isis and other terror groups? Indirectly through funding yes, it's same way we gave missiles to Sadaam then invaded him earlier. The thing is exactly like you said, the monster is getting to big to control and it's going to blow up in the west's faces.

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                                                          Id pick global Team for ww3