General Discussion

General DiscussionHow is wr a hero?

How is wr a hero? in General Discussion

    she can kill any six-slotted carry in her 4s bullshit stun duration
    how retarded is this?
    i think i'll start picking this shit hero so i don't have to play against her


      Lotus orb = ez win


        well it's a 4500g item and it's really hard to predict when she initiates and her target, and i'm admitting that you can actually counter shackle/focus fire her

        only decent counter i can think is tinker


          get a linkens or bkb and stop crying like a little bitch

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          Riguma Borusu

            Well but it goes the other way too. If caught offguard (like she catches those 6 slotted carries), she just dies. She's squish and if you're smart enough to build MKBs she dies in a few hits, normally you'll only see her get some tankyness from aghs and that's it.

            Welt aus Eis

              even with lotus if theres no target/tree behind her it will just ministun her, linkens is better

              the realm's delight

                question is how is slardar a hero


                  question is how is gaben not a hero

                  the realm's delight

                    gods have no place among mortals

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                    lm ao

                      She is a hero sadly /thread

                      lm ao

                        Yes the butcher slays everyone


                          >It goes the other way too. If caught offguard (like she catches those 6 slotted carries), she just dies.
                          every hero dies if out of position and gets jumped, this doesn't justify that every skill of her is fucking broken

                          Riguma Borusu

                            I really wonder why she has a sub 50% global winrate then, though. Shackle has a retarded fucking tree search cone range, powershot is not that much of a skillshot really since it has a pretty fat radius, and the projectile is fast, using windrun is mostly nobrainer and so is focus fire.

                            Like, if it is THAT easy to win with that hero, if it's so good, why can't people utilize that? I mean I understand people saying es is broken because he has a really high winrate in 5k+ pubs, where people know what they're doing, but wr? Wr has either ~50% or less than 50% wr in all MMR ranges. Obviously some players can play the w33ranger really well, some players really dominate games with the hero, but this still doesn't warrant her a winrate above 50% gloibally, nor in any particular range.

                            Why aren't people saying Omni's OP? He has the highest global and per-range winrate in the game. Whether you're a 1.5k scrub or a 6k veteran pub player, omni's going to warrant anywhere between 58% and 62% winrate.

                            inb4 "competitive": none of you play any higher level competitive games, this is about pubs, and obviously many things seem to work in pubs, and windranger is actually not even remotely one of the best ones.

                            Basically, you can say something about a particular hero, but hard data is against it.

                            Ce commentaire a été édité

                              i don't know why her winrate is low, this is a good point, however I agree that omni is really strong (my highest winrate hero) and balancing the game around pubs and competitive is not easy
                              imo a simple nerf on shackle like ensnare instead of stun and she's fine, maybe purgable E too

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                                  Riguma Borusu

                                    Kitrak, why shadowblade instead of blink? Isn't blink+shackle harder to counter? Still, I've seen people playing shadowblade wr, even at my level. It's fucking painful to watch her go around the map basically killing everyone.


                                      shadow blade wr dumpstered me hard in the last ember game. Basically you can't show in a lane or you're dead
                                      but however i think you need aghs first

                                      Welt aus Eis

                                        sb is legit i just dont understand why sb -> aghs instead of aghs -> sb

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                                            Welt aus Eis

                                              both games i played today were 4.7k average lmao
                                              one of them was me + another 5.3k with three 4.2ks it was a fucking nightmare

                                              We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!