General Discussion

General Discussionjust carried my ass to ranked vhs

just carried my ass to ranked vhs in General Discussion

    Finally, after a year i'm 3700 mmr, I started from 1500 so it's been a long journey
    i used to be a normal skill shitstain in both ranked and unranked, party and solo. then, i got vhs in unranked party and solo. I smurfed because my mmr was shit, but people was complaining about my smurf so I decided to climb ranked
    70% winrate in ranked this month

    inb4 nice blog

    i will probably lose next game but who cares


      u wasted ur time smurfing is the way to go.
      congrats tho.


        > Well Played!


          yeah, whatever, I got 4200, climbed to 4300, people said i don't deserve that mmr when i was 3.1k on main
          i will be more satisfied in proving them I can get to my smurf mmr on main with good winrate

          Bad Intentions

            Yo reese, good job man! Definitely start a blog so we can follow you adventures!


              the sarcasm in the post above strikes hard

              plz do
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                plz do

                  congrats, ur a beautiful person
                  ps: vhs is trash. 7k is okish. 8k is decent. arteezy is good.

                  D the Superior
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                    Bad Intentions

                      Yo triple, no mann i meant it! its nice to have these kinda stories mann :O

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                        i already said "inb4 nice blog" so it's okay

                        won another game 8k i'm coming

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                        King of Low Prio

                          We really don't care


                            We really do care. Even Sampson.

                            If he truly didn't care, he would not post. But since your sucess is important to him, he took the time to publicly lie about it.

                            lm ao

                              I care, for a change rofl

                              OP pls marry my daughter I need the dowry money so bad thank you


                                I calibrated as 4.5k in december 2013, and i have 50% ranked mm win rate since then and i feel kinda bad about it. But then i remember there are people struggling 1k, 2k 3k mmr, playing normal skill bracket and all...

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                                  I calibrated at 2.8K when Ranked first came out and stayed there untill august when i decided to take it more seriusly, 4K now, its amazing what taking dota seriusly and knowing how to improve can do


                                    I'l blow job the shit outa you for this congrats


                                      @CtG. Reign of Rain: gj, though for me it was mainly mindset for the last 400 points because I already had decent mechanics, but I used to tilt and go on losing streak very easily
                                      and i stopped doing retarded things like first picking mid or carry

                                      Miku Plays

                                        wait me reese, im 2 games away

                                        Livin' Real Good

                                          Ah' yes, very high skill, those were the days.

                                          I'm 3.5 right now, I went from 3.7 to 3.1 cause of my huge tilt, every game literally starts off 0-7 not even 5 mins in, "but i can't blame team mates" right? Zzzz.


                                            When u go 0:7 u know its your fault. I had 60% WR on VHS. I was playing same shit and even getting better. I dropped from 4.2 to 3.6 since recent patch just by getting toxic people or people instapicking mid or hard carry and getting ez countered. Generally lose since picking stage and it was very frustrating. I bet i was in shadow pool cos yesterday i won 3 games in a row for the first time since 2 weeks.

                                            Yesterday i went totaly crazy offlane meepo. It turned out that together with roaming bh i was 5:1 on 10 minute mark. In the same time our safe lane drow was already 0:8 ! Now if i would pick any typical offlaner i would 100% lose the game. Only because i picked meepo i was able to carry the game almost solo. Pure luck. Fuck this matchmaking.


                                            Since 2 weeks my Team was snowballing literally 2 times. WHOLE REST OF THE GAMES I HAD TO DEF SINCE 5 MINUTE MARK.

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                                              ^ I know your feel
                                              3.3k was the worst shithole i've ever played in. there was a period when I couldn't win no matter what, every game for some reason I will lose even if I played good.
                                              I played a lot of AM because if it all goes to shit at least I can solo carry the game, but having a superior 5 man is the most important thing, so imo the best thing you can do in solo queue is work on team composition, I usually mark safe lane and pick smart
                                              but if you see 2 retards fighting for mid just play support because you will likely get a better team


                                                It's actually 3.3-3.5k.. And I agree. People there are just toxic.. its not that they are "hard" to carry.. their attidude is hard to carry

                                                Dire Wolf

                                                  Idk I don't think people are that toxic here, I think the issue is it's a coin flip depending on picks. Randoms throw games, people pick stupid shit like no disables vs am and storm, just dumb picks. You can be the best carry ever doesn't matter if enemy team is a wr who starts 5-0 mid. It's just really inconsistent.

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                                                    ur all baahd


                                                      Dire WOlf, also that, yeah. Bad pick produce bad attidude and so on.

                                                      Don't get me wrong, I've been in 3.3-3.5k MMR several times, and always managed to get out of it.

                                                      It just takes time if you are tilting a lot, because focus and positive attidude is really important in that part of 3k.

                                                      Once you realise game is not lost until the throne is destroyed, you will win huge amount of games in 3.3-3.5k.

                                                      People just over-extend, get over-confident and throws in that bracket.

                                                      What's important is to be able to sustain preasure during bad moments of the match, and when chance occurs, you need to take the momentum and win the game though it.

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