General Discussion

General DiscussionMedusa FTW

Medusa FTW in General Discussion
I Suck at Dota

    Why do people not play medusa more?????

    I Suck at Dota

      She is honestly so tanky and I just dont understand why I do not play with or against many unless i play her


        So basically you won 2 games in a row with medusa in normal skill and you decided to make a thread about this hero how good this is, now I won like 12-14 Pudge games in a row in very high skill bracket but I didn't post a thread about it, I'm not sure where you're getting with this thread.

        Livin' Real Good

          before i feared Medusa, then I learned how to do this.

          I Suck at Dota

            @Pompage- Not sure why youre being hostile ive played I believe 20 games as medusa and lost 5 yes thats not that great i understand I just believe that she could be a much more played hero,

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              I Suck at Dota

                Well yes an antimage i would not pick medusa then. I was just wondering ya know i mean she seems pretty indestructible at times.

                I Suck at Dota

                  I mean i assumed team coordination is needed for any win. And I would argue that medusa can carry alone. And stacks are the least of ones worries when in lane and such.

                  Boundless Strike in Gaben...

                    requires too much farm...if you've watched the 6k games or competitive you'll see how the games are decided within 20 mins and gg within 40 easy

                    only in some cases do games get dragged on for upto an hour...medusa needs those types of games....hence her viability in this meta is not good because heroes that can farm and contribute to the team pretty early on are the ones preferred

                    if you see a medusa in an enemy team just start pushing like really early....something like spectre but spec has early-mid game killing potential and can farm faster

                    there is no space for inefficient heroes in dota right now especially in the higher trench pretty much any hero goes and only spec and a few other carrys can handle a late game medusa

                    the meta of constant farm is long fights and pushing is the new thing or has been for the past couple of patches

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                      I Suck at Dota

                        @Retard Magnet- Well yes I agree with that, and I guess that I why i like medusa because i absolutely hate the current meta and i feel even semi early that her ult can disrupt most of the current meta fights.

                        I Suck at Dota

                          But since it is so easy to farm with her i feel even at a slow start, so long as the game makes it that long, she will inevitably be the most tanky in most instances along with her ult

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                            I Suck at Dota

                              I do not understand your comment sorry

                              Boundless Strike in Gaben...

                                very late game dusa is pretty fucking good....but spec and slark are even better

                                in trench where you can basically get unobstructed farm you can pick her but to answer your question there are alot of things different about trench and higher up and free farm is one of them

                                I Suck at Dota

                                  True... but then why at my level is it not played more?

                                  I Suck at Dota

                                    I guess that is what i normal play why is medusa not played more

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                                      Dire Wolf

                                        She does get raped by early game lineups, but it's not actually as bad as spectre, and everyone adores spectre for some reason. A lot of hard carries get shat on early. Luna, good dmg in lane but very susceptible to ganks as well. I think there's a misconception about medusa's early game, snake is actually extremely strong early, you just have to get it to bounce right and you can zone out any offlaner. And gaze is maybe the best defensive ult in the game so you can just start team fighting at 6.

                                        Regarding farm it's cus most people build her like trash. They rush linkens which means you have shit dmg and farm slowly. Then they rush yet another low dps item in skadi. So great, I now have like 8000 hp with mana shield but do less dmg than a support. Awesome.

                                        Really you need to go a farming item or dmg item to start, skadi second big purchase, then pile on more dmg. Now at 30 mins you'll hit like a real carry and can end games.

                                        Like phase boots, aquila, yasha, sange, then skadi. That's much better than linkens rush. Or boots, aquila, mask of madness, s&y, skadi. Or boots, aquila, maelstrom, s&y, skadi.

                                        Manta's overrated on her. Illusion mana cost too high it negates the extra int on the item. You can get it if you need it for defensive purposes like a super poor man's linkens.

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                                        I Suck at Dota

                                          Yes thank you dire wolf...snake can be extremely powerful. And @Mek i think you have a misconception just because I am sub 5k does not mean i do things mindlessly. And yes if built correctly is incredible.

                                          I Suck at Dota

                                            Once I hit lvl six ganking me is kind of pointless because I am not afraid to ult to escape.




                                                Dusa its only viable if you build your team composition around her, i like the hero a lot but shes kinda shit right know.

                                                Pom Pom 🍕

                                                  She has a strong ultimate for 5manning and highgrounding, but since she not only has no damage/attack speed steroid/passive, her split shot also reduces her damage even more. So she needs too many items to actually do any damage compared to other carries. Being really tanky doesn't matter if you do no damage since the enemy will just ignore you until your friends are dead. (DK's a little similar, but he at least has a decent nuke and low cd long duration stun)

                                                  Ce commentaire a été édité
                                                  Boundless Strike in Gaben...

                                                    ^ not to mention dk's right clicks itself in dragon form 3 do a shit ton of damage


                                                      High/Normal skill player direwolf giving advices to normal skill I suck at dota.

                                                      You heard the answers. Dusa is too easy to gank and takes too long to come online. She was viable back in dota 1 (7 Years ago), in a turtling meta.

                                                      To compare her with spectre is plain stuipid. Spectre comes online on lvl 6. She goes drums or urn or vanguard and can participate in fights. Fight starts -> Haunt on low hp hero-> dagger-> hit with desolate (awesome early damage)-> kill-> go farm safely-> repeat.

                                                      Dusa can't do that. With spectre on team the enemy has to be careful in every gank and teamfight attempt. 1-2 Heroes with low hp means a safe kill for spectre. Once you get radiance, you farm fast, you push and you hit like a truck in teamfights.

                                                      Gyro has nearly the same aoe damage output, but is a thread on lvk 1! 8 Hits on every target should be enough in a teamfight. Whats left after that? Enemy cores, that you can take solo on. You farm alot faster, because you have your nukes to do so.

                                                      What offers dusa?

                                                      Yes mystic snake can control you the lane. The problem is not your lane, its heroes visiting your lane and putting their dicks in your ass. Also antimage is a common pick these days. Your manashield becomes useless. The hero is immobile (unlike spectre or antimage), takes too long to come online, has no real splitpush, no gank. The ulti is kinda situational. You amplify phyiscal damage but you weaken magical damage.

                                                      Yes! A full slotted dusa is scary as fuck. She can just stand in the middle of the teamfight, takes no damage and hits everyone with insane dps.

                                                      But you will not get to this point.

                                                      In normal bracket:

                                                      Just go riki or ursa and autowin games.

                                                      Ce commentaire a été édité
                                                      I Suck at Dota

                                                        I would do the whole riki/ursa thing but thats just not fun anymore. I want to actually enjoy and fight for it ya know.


                                                          how can you enjoy a game with medusa more than a game with riki or ursa that require like 300x the apm of medusa

                                                          I Suck at Dota

                                                            How can i enjoy it? becuase even if i dont do so hot hot in the beginning I am going to get my items and show ya you cant beat me. Sorry for noobiness but i dont know wha apm means

                                                            I Suck at Dota

                                                              Jk i understand but i am not sure that is an accurate statement in any way


                                                                Offlane Dusa blink dagger initiation meta will shake the foundations of the game

                                                                I Suck at Dota

                                                                  And i realize in all this I obviously dont have the same amount of play time or skill of you all I am just stating i think she is highly underrated


                                                                    Medusa is fucking broken quote me on that

                                                                    I Suck at Dota

                                                                      And btw i can beat an ursa and riki with medusa so

                                                                      I Suck at Dota

                                                                        @Pubtrain- As in the sense i know broken as as in insanely great?


                                                                          Medusa needs atleast 3 real items to be effective at all. This does work in normal skill cause your enemies are retardet enough to let you farm for like 25-28 mins to reach that status.

                                                                          I Suck at Dota

                                                                            That is a fair statement, but even so as long as i have ultimate as youre approaching tier threes there is a good chance we will stop you for quite a while.


                                                                              shes ok i think, she was overlooked last patch cuz pl am were super hot picks, shes does pretty ok against doom and slardar


                                                                                You only need MoM, Drums and MKB to deal a crapton of damage and never die.

                                                                                I Suck at Dota

                                                                                  all things i never usually get but yeah im sure she is hella underrated as i stated


                                                                                    what i meant by apm = in your case, at 2k-3k or whatever mmr (even at 4k) you just stay in lane for 59 minutes, hit creeps.
                                                                                    maybe stack some woods and farm them if you are feeling like a pro today. and that is it that is the whole gameplay of medusa, and after you farm at the very least 3 items you can go and maybe get the enemy carry (like riki) to half hp while he kites you and kills your team.
                                                                                    idk if thats fun. you can't gank with medusa, you can't go a fighting build medusa, she is more 1 dimensional than am.
                                                                                    she might be an ok hero but in no way i perceive it as fun

                                                                                    Ce commentaire a été édité
                                                                                    Dire Wolf

                                                                                      Medusa is actually quite dull to play, riki is much more fun. Medusa just farms the entire game.

                                                                                      But those saying her dmg is so shitty, it's cus people don't build dmg on her. Common build is rush linkens, then go skadi. It's pathetic dmg. Go dmg items and let her naturally tanky mana shield do it's thing. Skadi is still core obviously but no reason you can't get a yasha or maelstrom or mask of madness first.

                                                                                      And AM is not as big a threat as people say, build BKB. Too many medusas again follow cookie cutter builds that need adjustment. Most AM's themselves afk farm for forever and won't pressure medusa early so you will have time to get bkb.

                                                                                      Ce commentaire a été édité
                                                                                      I Suck at Dota

                                                                                        riki is more fun because you destroy people i dont really like that like pick someone that is more than that

                                                                                        I Suck at Dota

                                                                                          and why cant you gank with medusa?

                                                                                          Riguma Borusu

                                                                                            Dire Wolf: In secret vs vg games @nanyang there was one where Secret had WK and VG had PL. Obviously this is a poor matchup for secret, but if you organize your fights around that AND build a fucking bkb you so dreadfully need, and focus PL, it's obviously going to be much easier.


                                                                                              People that diss manta on dusa are so shiet. Those manta illusions clear creeps in a blink of an eye and dumpster the tower incredibly fast. Why would you farm your own jungle for 60 minutes like a 3k dipshit when you're playing one of the best split-pushing pos 1 carries? And it's not like you can ever skip yasha on Dusa, so just buy it and chip towers while farming your 3rd rapier.

                                                                                              Ce commentaire a été édité

                                                                                                > and why cant you gank with medusa?

                                                                                                She's slow and has no control. Yeah, you can solo kill people late with Skadi or Hex, but that's not `ganking' per se.


                                                                                                  If u truly like medusa so much and wish to get rise to 4k
                                                                                                  ignore what ever people say here
                                                                                                  2nd try to make a kill with 4k gold and lv 6(solo kill a 720hp hero with out any help )
                                                                                                  medusa shit at early kill cause have no disable skill like
                                                                                                  slow,stun,and medusa can't run fast ~.~
                                                                                                  but one thing is a poor man shield can make u outstanding in early game and snake let u control the lane
                                                                                                  you medusa ultimate is control the battlefield
                                                                                                  item like sang,Rod of Atos will be great on her at early game if enemy have less disable hero
                                                                                                  if u have face gank a lot at early game u better get a blademail first
                                                                                                  and last try to play her like more than 500++ time




                                                                                                      ^Yeah, I like poor mans shield part.


                                                                                                        Medusa is the most Op hero from 2k-4k. Cuz Noone will ever gank u and games will always last at least 40 min.
                                                                                                        In serious games just dont pick this hero.

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